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'I'm no child bride' - Thai girlfriend, 40, of Brit cave hero Vernon Unsworth dismisses Elon Musk’s ‘paedo’ claims


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11 hours ago, KhunFred said:

Exactly the kind of defamation that ought to result in a big payday for Vern. Elon Musk is another finger-pointer

who needs to mind his own business. I can remember being involved with a 37 year old woman who looked especially young. I frequently got insane accusations from jealous Americans and Brits, accusing me of all manner of sick things.

Thailand has very strict defamation laws. This bloke could benefit from them.

How can he benefit from Thailand's defamation laws? Wait until Musk turns up in Thailand and try to have him arrested? Even if he does turn up, no one is going to arrest him. I'll bank on that.

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15 minutes ago, gamini said:

The guy is old and not good looking and the girl is stunning. He would never find a girl like her in his own country, so one can only wonder what the real relationship is

Well, its quite clear that shes not 12 years old, as suggested by Musk

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1 minute ago, sanemax said:

Well, its quite clear that shes not 12 years old, as suggested by Musk

I thought Elon was alluding to her age when she and Vern met...  Might be something to that allegation.  Anyway, it matters not, legally.  It's all just a bit of drama.

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18 minutes ago, gamini said:

The guy is old and not good looking and the girl is stunning. He would never find a girl like her in his own country, so one can only wonder what the real relationship is

Strangely enough he met her in his own country, she was working in a restaurant. For all we know Vern Unsworth is the Dirk Diggler of the cave diving fraternity! Given that they’ve stuck each other for 12 years we really should be giving Vern the benefit of the doubt ... he’s not Fritzel? 

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Just now, AlexRich said:

Strangely enough he met her in his own country, she was working in a restaurant. For all we know Vern Unsworth is the Dirk Diggler of the cave diving fraternity! Given that they’ve stuck each other for 12 years we really should be giving Vern the benefit of the doubt ... he’s not Fritzel? 

He's not Feitzel and he's not a cave diver. Anything else you can get wrong about him?

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5 minutes ago, Fex Bluse said:

I thought Elon was alluding to her age when she and Vern met...  Might be something to that allegation.  Anyway, it matters not, legally.  It's all just a bit of drama.

They met around ten years ago in the UK , shes 40 now .

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1 minute ago, Spidey said:

He's not Feitzel and he's not a cave diver. Anything else you can get wrong about him?


LOL ... if you could read and comprehend you’d discover that I did not call him Fritzel. And if you did a bit of research on Vern you’d discover he is a cave diver ... there’s a photo on here that I viewed showing Vern in all the gear during the rescue with his girlfriend at his side. 

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My first wife was 5 years younger than me, second wife 10 years younger than me (both English), current wife 20 years younger than me.
Do the maths, my next wife needs to be 40 years younger than me.

Perfectly acceptable over here, but please don’t have anymore after her [emoji51]
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3 hours ago, sanemax said:

They met around ten years ago in the UK , shes 40 now .

Well, if that's true, then allegation is frivolous. Of course, we won't know the truth. She does look 40 or so, in my view. As to when they met, who knows. 


Anyway, none will be relevant in the US, UK or Thailand. 


US- unlikely to ever goto trial 


UK- same as US 


Thailand- the truth of a claim has no bearing on legal outcome in defamation suit. All that matters is that person can prove s/he was defamed. 

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13 hours ago, Bluespunk said:


Ditto, absolutely not fact.

I walked one day into a local restaurant cum bar many years ago, and one of the staff of many years looked shocked like she'd seen a ghost.  I asked if there was something wrong.  She said "I was told you had 2 broken legs and 2 broken arms".  Unaware of this predicament I asked who told her that.  She returned to polishing glasses.  To this day I don't know who or why or how somebody's whispers ended up like that, and I guess I never will know.  I do know the truth though, but nobody bothered to ask me.


I bought a business, and within a couple of weeks the (undisclosed) price was more than double the real price.  Who? nobody knows (or prepared to tell).  They still say I was crazy, but I ask them to show me one place that is doing better?  Again, no answer, they just have a bridge to sell you.


Oh, bored of typing what everyone reading already knows.  It makes me withdraw and not tell anybody the GPS coordinates of my private island where I plan to launch a mega rocket or anything about how I'm going to rule the world, or what the name of my fluffy cat is, or the real story behind M and Q, or miss MoneyPenny, or (doesn't bear thinking about but) Pussy Galore.



Edited by Shiver
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49 minutes ago, Machiavelli said:

The Vern guy is going down. He knows it. He does not want this fracas. He will come out looking very messy at the end.  Why is he not suing? 


It's a good question, and a question that is often asked in such cases.


What would suing involve? Vern's talking to a UK lawyer but would probably have to sue in the States, so that involves working with another legal team. I read somewhere that some firm (ambulance chasers?) offered to work for free? These offers however may not be legitimate, and there may well be caveats and obligations on Vern's part, not to mention that the lion's share of any payout will be extracted at the end. And you can bet that Musk's legal team will be first class.


The bottom line is that Vern may not have the financial resources to go up against a billionaire with a team of lawyers working on his behalf. It might ruin him. So he needs to tread carefully.

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2 hours ago, Spidey said:

My first wife was 5 years younger than me, second wife 10 years younger than me (both English), current wife 20 years younger than me.


Do the maths, my next wife needs to be 40 years younger than me.

Hang in there, I think you can do it. But she'll probably be the last, unless you marry an 18 year old when you're 98... 

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1 minute ago, lamyai3 said:

Maybe the child bride was someone else. Before you take me too seriously though, bear in mind I'm referencing information provided by Musk.


I know ... but my guess is that Musk plucked that from his imagination. He's basically buying into the stereotype that every Thai dwelling male farang is a paedophile, otherwise why would they go there? 

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20 minutes ago, sanemax said:

What do you mean "Vern is going down "?


Only Vern knows his past. It may or may not include details he may wish to keep hidden. A man with Musks' wealth can find out or find someone to claim something improper may have occurred. One only has to look at Trump who has filed thousands of lawsuits because few have the resources to endure against his legal team. Vern will spend the rest of his life in court with unknown rewards. The reward would have to be exceeding large for any attorney to take on a contingency basis. It likely wouldn't be considering Verns age, occupation.

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