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Video: Seconds out Round 100! Taxi drivers fighting in the street AGAIN


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4 hours ago, webfact said:

Police have called in the drivers to explain themselves.


What the Hell is Wrong here No one in his Right Mind Calls Crooks,,,,, They Get Arrested and Put in the Watch House Cell and Than get Questioned,,, No Bullshit .

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4 hours ago, KamnanT said:

"Rent-seeking is an individual's or entity's use of company, organizational or individual resources to obtain economic gain without reciprocating any benefits to society through wealth creation."


This economic concept is such a big part of the Thai economy - the ability to profit (or to profit excessively) by placing artificial restrictions on who can and can't sell goods or deliver services in a given market. 


"This is MY corner - you can't sell here."

"Only MY customers can park in the public road in front of MY shop."

"Only MY group can pick up passengers here."


The end result is that everyone, inevitably, pays an inflated price for whatever is on offer.

Don't for get those shopkeeper placing a plastic chair or witches hat claiming public parking for their own property will scratch your car or delate your tires. Better to move along.

Edited by ChiangMaiLightning2143
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