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Man caught masturbating in front of Chonburi school girl


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3 hours ago, Henrik Andersen said:

Why not confront the man and call police 

This pedophile belong in prison 

Although this guy is clearly sick, I'm not sure that pedophile is the right terminology. That looks more like a university uniform to me. 

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9 hours ago, webfact said:

Sanook reported that a man was caught masturbating on his pink bike in downtown Chonburi.


He was wearing a full face black helmet.


Sanook reported that the man was probably aroused because the girl's school blouse was wet in the monsoon downpour.

This is a sign of their culture; abusing girls and treating them as objects. 

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5 hours ago, wgdanson said:

Something not quite right here. The girl, who had possibly been caught after some cloud seeding, was walking towards a man on a pink scooter. The man sees the girl and starts to have a J Arthur. How long was the girl in his sight.....10 seconds maybe? And the photo is taken from behind him, across the street. Come on. If it is true, lets see the full video, and the wet blouse please.

A, J. Arthur Rank. My grandfather used to use that expression. Blimey, you must be old.

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12 hours ago, Esso49 said:

Sorry if I have offended you as you have a pink scooter perhaps yourself :wink:


Not offended at all. I am quite happy to wear a pink shirt or drive a pink scooter. You will see many hetero men in Thailand wearing pink t-shirts.

Maybe  you are offended by the colour for reasons that may be deep-rooted.?



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12 hours ago, Esso49 said:

Yes never thought of that aspect about a pink scooter.  Suggests he may be gay perhaps ?

Pink is not associated with being gay in Thailand.   Pink is the color to be worn on Tuesday.  Where I worked, we were encouraged to wear the correct color.   Here's a link to the colors of the day:



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23 hours ago, webfact said:

So a Good Samaritan started filming

Good Samaritan my a$$! .This is just another new generation idiot disconnected from the reality like so many, glued to their smartphones. He probably decided to record the scene only to post on social media just to receive a few "likes".

This character is probably the same class of idiots this ferry captain in the news yesterday. In his case, his ferry leans on one side because of huge waves during a freak storm. And guess what this moron captain does!.. instead of doing something about this dangerous situation the ferry and the passengers are in, he grabs his phone to record the whole thing!

And then posts this on social media!


In the future if the world is run by a newer and worse generation than this kind, the end isn't too far!

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