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Thai silence deafening as world condemns Myanmar


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52 minutes ago, Orton Rd said:

I tend to believe this guy rather than the lefty Guardian, UN or other liberal do gooders



Who is this guy?


Yeah, the Burmese are not known for creating fake news as a way of justifing its actions nor are the Russian bots writing for MGBA News! What this one chap says goes. 


Posting news stories from Make Britain Great Again News to justify genocide and crimes against humanity really does show the kind of person you are. 


What's your view on the final solution?

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10 hours ago, webfact said:

Police argued that the FCCT panel discussion “Will Myanmar’s Generals Ever Face Justice for International Crimes?” had to be cancelled since Thailand’s national security and neighbourly relations  were at stake. 


Perhaps the topic of generals facing justice for their abuses was hitting just a little bit too close to home for comfort...


Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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22 minutes ago, Happy enough said:

i thought the east india company had a lot to do with shipping them over from bengal for cheap labour in the 1st place? blame the brits for not clearing up the mess they left behind?? ?

I am British, and am sorry to say you are absolutely correct.  The Brits have a lot to answer for in the past.  Ask the Tamils in Sri Lanka., same problem.  Unfortunately between the 1600 and 1900s the UK set a very bad example ranging from slave trading to to what you outlined. The problem is many other countries in the world looked upon the British example and thought,  well thats a nice of making ourselves rich,  and have used the persecution of its own people to continue to enrich themselves .   Thailand is not excluded either if you read their history from the 1650s onwards.

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1 minute ago, Esso49 said:

I am British, and am sorry to say you are absolutely correct.  The Brits have a lot to answer for in the past.  Ask the Tamils in Sri Lanka., same problem.  Unfortunately between the 1600 and 1900s the UK set a very bad example ranging from slave trading to to what you outlined. The problem is many other countries in the world looked upon the British example and thought,  well thats a nice of making ourselves rich,  and have used the persecution of its own people to continue to enrich themselves .   Thailand is not excluded either if you read their history from the 1650s onwards.

Be sure to steer this thread away from talking about Opium - we don't want to go there ?

Luckily the "winners" get to write the history! 

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7 minutes ago, Esso49 said:

I am British, and am sorry to say you are absolutely correct.  The Brits have a lot to answer for in the past.  Ask the Tamils in Sri Lanka., same problem.  Unfortunately between the 1600 and 1900s the UK set a very bad example ranging from slave trading to to what you outlined. The problem is many other countries in the world looked upon the British example and thought,  well thats a nice of making ourselves rich,  and have used the persecution of its own people to continue to enrich themselves .   Thailand is not excluded either if you read their history from the 1650s onwards.

the thais? the last 4 years should be enough to ascertain that LOL

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I have a totally different view on this sad event

islam is pushed back for the first time.

islam’s constantly expanding 

this time stopped 

genocide definitely not

some bad things happen on both side 

with of coarse the army nailing more coffins

Isis genocide of minorities in the Middle East is far worst

i agree with pushing back religions.

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1 hour ago, Cletus said:

I'd say to the western world (and UN and ONU etc): mind your own business, your supposed superiority in people's rights is bulls**t.

Yeah well, they did define the rights, to which the members signed to: http://www.un.org/en/universal-declaration-human-rights/


Humans as animals don't have any "rights", it's just an agreement between ourselves. The right to die might be an exemption.


EDIT: Here's a kicker for ya:



Article 20.

(1) Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association.


And yes Thailand is part of UN. Sanctions I say, throw the book at the usurpers!

Edited by DrTuner
More ranting
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5 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

I tend to believe this guy rather than the lefty Guardian, UN or other liberal do gooders



True - There are some sects of Islam that do not want to co-exist.  Wahhabism comes to mind.

But the overly broad brush-stroke that " But Muslims Don't Want To" -- False - Not all sects of Islam are like Wahhabis.  Many sects have a history of co-existing with other religions and even their secular neighbors just fine. 

So what he says may be true where he lives, or it could be an over-generalization.  But if he's making that statement for his entire country or all the countries in the world, then it is a gross over-generalization. 

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7 minutes ago, rgraham said:

We should look at the issue for what it is, they do not want muslims.

Or to be more exact, the cultural changes muslims try to enact where ever they settle, such as mosques bawling out prayer calls at unholy hours, sharia law, head scarfs etc. I don't think anybody much minds if they do whatever they do in their own home without trying to force feed it to surroundings.

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14 hours ago, Cadbury said:

Thailand, Cambodia and Myanmar. All birds of a feather when it comes to human rights.

Absolutely true.. all going back down the dictatorship route led by military power!

Even now Aung San Suu Kyi has approved of the reuters journalists jail time !!

My how the puppets has turned on her own people, she is a lost voice in a lost cause, the military hold all the strings even after a vote!!

Just wait for the trouble ahead when it's vote time here.. the smiles will be gone and the gloves will be off !

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2 minutes ago, hotchilli said:

Even now Aung San Suu Kyi has approved of the reuters journalists jail time !!

My how the puppets has turned on her own people, she is a lost voice in a lost cause, the military hold all the strings even after a vote!!

Just wait for the trouble ahead when it's vote time here.. the smiles will be gone and the gloves will be off !

Not surprising if you know her background, she's from military background: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aung_San_Suu_Kyi



Her father, Aung San, founded the modern Burmese army


What I find surprising is that people find it surprising that the previous generation of military rulers can't shed their colors. Same same.

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51 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

Not surprising if you know her background, she's from military background: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aung_San_Suu_Kyi



What I find surprising is that people find it surprising that the previous generation of military rulers can't shed their colors. Same same.

Never underestimate the general ignorance of Western types as it applies to contemporary and historic Asia. 

Everything they know is examined through Eurocentric conditioning........and the ever-present: Why can't they be like us schemes. 


Shouldn't surprise that everyday wannabe Western pundits have little understanding of Asian affairs, yet insist that they know all. 

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24 minutes ago, zzaa09 said:

Never underestimate the general ignorance of Western types as it applies to contemporary and historic Asia. 

Everything they know is examined through Eurocentric conditioning........and the ever-present: Why can't they be like us schemes. 

So what should they be like, then? Bragging to the world about the Thai, Burmese and Cambodian model of governance? Soldiers kicking in doors in the dead of night and working class folks never to be seen again? No bloody thanks.

If that makes me Eurocentric, so be it. At least we don't want that for ourselves or others. 

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