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Grim reports on climate change say act now or be ready for catastrophe


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2 hours ago, Bob12345 said:

CO2 levels are at their highest levels resulting in the best crop yields ever as CO2 is what plants and trees need to grow.

More plant grow (with lower nutrient density btw) leads to more burning, which leads to more co2 and so on. Kind of a vicious cycle.

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1 minute ago, marko kok prong said:

too late already,not that we will all die in 4 years,i think what they are trying to say if we don't do anything within these 4 years then it is unstopable,i think it already is.

Thank you. It took a long time for someone to clarify "4 years".

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18 minutes ago, neeray said:

Thank you. It took a long time for someone to clarify "4 years".

So now I have to re-write my daily beer can consumption AGAIN.

Trouble is now I only re-write it after a few beers and then spend a couple of days trying to decipher what I've written.

Get back to you in a couple of beers sorry 'days.'

Just thought, if Grim had two M's it might be more fitting???

Edited by overherebc
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2 minutes ago, BEngBKK said:

Do not worry.
The planet will survive and regenerate it self durring some 10000 of years, after we are destinct....
The dinosaur died out and the planet survived.....


Humans are not nessasery for the planet to survive...


So...  no global problem.. 

So your love affair is with the planet itself, even if it is devoid of all life forms, that's odd. If that's the case then the planet has a finite lifespan, at some point it will once again become cosmic dust so no, it won't survive.

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Max - 2.0 degree compatible (at least). And when my body permanently reaches ambient I'll be 100% compatible.


Yeah, and I probably don't have four years left either (as a previous replier has already stated).

Edited by MaxYakov
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