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How to break the routine of drinking every night?


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23 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

My take on any sort of high, or inebriation, is that you do it to escape the sameness of life. But, once you start doing it every day it becomes the new normal, and ceases to be all that interesting. 


Being sober or sober most of the time is a form of discipline. I do it because I just hate being drunk, and the morning after. Plus the health benefits and energy and clarity I get from sobriety. On occasion, a few drinks. 


It is all about priorities. For me, there are few things more boring than drinking a massive amount of beer. But, it is a personal thing. No judgment here. 

That’s pretty much spot on. People drink because they trying to fill the empty ness , some because bad relationship, work or just an empty life .


For me it was really just boredom.


Boring to stay home alone, nothing to do next day in the morning.


i wil also add, I did not enjoy drinking , really did not but it became a habit.


i did not need to drink but had nothing else to do.


i still went to the gym 6 days per week so this was not going to help .


First pup is what made me stop. 


I still go out for drinks but maybe once or twice every fortnight as now I am also lazy to get dressed to go drink , 

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You need an alternative to fill the time gap. Get up early so you are more tired at night.  Have a stack of books and serials to binge watch at night. Take sleeping aids such as anti histamine or melatonin or a small dose of valium. One or two days non drinking a week is great but 9 days to two weeks is great for weight loss and liver repair.

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12 hours ago, dotpoom said:

Antibooze it was known as in my day. It wouldn't quell the desire for alcohol ...but it would certainly make a person think twice, or three or four times before drinking while taking it. If one was to drink while on it....a violent reaction followed...a reaction one would not forget for the rest of his/her life.

The guy I quoted was talking about those dependent on alcohol aka alcoholics.

Nothing can help these guys apart from a complete psychic transformation, brought about by a spiritual awakening.

I took Antabuse and never drank with it, I just stopped taking the drug when I wanted to drink. I guess it would work if forced, but forced 'sobriety' doesn't count. I went to a halfway house and met a man who had just got out of jail, 15 years, for murder. the second night he went out drinking, which showed me the seriousness of alcoholism. I drank for another 10 years too, despite knowing what was wrong and desperately wanting to quit.

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13 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

I think you may have misunderstood me when I wrote. "it's not a nice way to die" in my previous reply at #25


I was referring to dying of alcoholism whereby I watched my brother literally drowning in whiskey, vodka, ouzo, pick your flavour, the findings of him on the floor with blood on his head from passing out when either trying to go to bed or the toilet after drinking heavily all day, the stench of vomit and urine in his carpet throughout the house he lived in alone, the loss of control of his bowel adding to the stench at home and at the hospital, I could go on, but I think you may understand what I am on about when I said "it's not a nice way to die". Watching him in hospital after he came out of his induced coma each time just staring into thin air, not talking, but anxiously waiting to get out so he can get his hands on a bottle of Johnny Red.


He knew he was an alcoholic, he attended AA meetings, he tried his best to get a grip on it, but at the end it got him.


I think what the original poster is saying is that he recognises that he has a problem and is looking for ways to control it and for anyone to say drink to a moderate standard is passing the buck in my opinion, so I won't agree with what you are saying, although I respect your right to put forward your opinion. So don't think I am having a go.


Personally from what I am reading, is he needs to get off the drink gradually and when off it altogether, is to give it a miss for a while and then perhaps when his liver has had a good cleanse, drink two days a week in moderation. 



Ok apologies and condolences. As I have stated taking 3 days off Mon to Wed works for me. I don't think you have to give a pleasure up completely especially when you are retired after a full life of career, family etc.


Often 'I'll stop" fails when "I'll control and cut down" works it's not really the same as smoking where "I'll stop" really is the only strategy.   

Edited by BobBKK
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On 9/17/2018 at 10:27 PM, Rally123 said:

I believe there is medication that makes you feel sick if you drink alcohol. I think it's called 'Topiramate'?

LORDY! LORDY! Don't mess with that topiramate!!! Seriously! Topiramate has screwed up so many lives it ain't even funny. There are so so many side effects when using this stuff...too too many to go into here. But if you are bent on using this drug to curb your drinking...DO YOUR RESEARCH FIRST, I beg you. Too too long to go into here why I know this is so. And don't use topamax either. There is also a drug called ANTIBUSE ( disulfiram ) Not as bad as the other two, but I wouldn't recommend this one either. Best to try to cut back on the booze without using ANY drugs methinks. Plenty of suggestions here. Even go for walks ( maybe boring ) go to a park with the missus, go a to a movie. Go to a bar and drink water or ginger ale. Yeah, laugh, but I did.Try many things if it bothers you that much. Put your mind to it...and you will do it.

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23 hours ago, BritManToo said:

90% of everyone's life is unhappy.

It's the 10% you live for.

(unless you're retarded, they seem happy most of the time)

Matter of opinion methinks. Actually I'm at the stage now where I would rather be out digging around in the garden, playing around in the gym, ( trying to become Mr.. Thailand ) or glomming down a "boofey" with a lady friend....not necessarily in that order. About 90% of the time I am happy. Get a little agitated sometimes when a tuk tuk driver, waitress, waiter, shop owner/keeper and many many of the "others" try to rip me off. But I just let that go over my head. Gotta go with the flow, otherwise I WOULD spend 90%, or more of my life being unhappy.

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28 minutes ago, UPDEHSOI said:

LORDY! LORDY! Don't mess with that topiramate!!! Seriously! Topiramate has screwed up so many lives it ain't even funny. There are so so many side effects when using this stuff...too too many to go into here. But if you are bent on using this drug to curb your drinking...DO YOUR RESEARCH FIRST, I beg you. Too too long to go into here why I know this is so. And don't use topamax either. There is also a drug called ANTIBUSE ( disulfiram ) Not as bad as the other two, but I wouldn't recommend this one either. Best to try to cut back on the booze without using ANY drugs methinks. Plenty of suggestions here. Even go for walks ( maybe boring ) go to a park with the missus, go a to a movie. Go to a bar and drink water or ginger ale. Yeah, laugh, but I did.Try many things if it bothers you that much. Put your mind to it...and you will do it.

Well done to you but personally I wouldn’t recommend anyone go to a bar if they are trying to stop drinking alcohol. There are far better places to drink ginger ale which won’t tempt you. 

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3 hours ago, BobBKK said:

I don't think you have to give a pleasure up completely especially when you are retired after a full life of career, family etc.

That's where many people will disagree with you, especially when you get older after a family life you should take care of your body , exercise and still enjoy life . 

You need good health to carry on and avoid diseases . 





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20 hours ago, vogie said:

Found a link to this drug topiramate, I hope Sheryl is monitoring this topic and would be so kind to give her opinion.


Topiramate, an anti-seizure drug usually prescribed for epileptic patients, is highly effective in helping alcohol-dependent individuals stop drinking. It is a derivative of the naturally occurring sugar monosaccharide D-fructose. Long-term studies show relatively few serious problems related to taking this drug for most people.




Did you read THE WHOLE REPORT yourself? It clearly says, this drug may bring on SUICIDAL THOUGHTS, AGGRESSION, MOOD SWINGS...+++ ( everyone is different )  Is this what you would recommend  to a friend...ANYONE? I have witnessed this. Please, please, don't anyone ever use this drug....for anything!!

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15 minutes ago, Kadilo said:

Well done to you but personally I wouldn’t recommend anyone go to a bar if they are trying to stop drinking alcohol. There are far better places to drink ginger ale which won’t tempt you. 

Yeah, I guess you're right. But...DANG! Ya hit the gym, there's beer in the cooler, upstairs to the swimming pool...beer in the cooler ( usually expensive ) walk down the road for a bowl a noodles and a chat with mama...next table full of beer. Go to the park to lay around and relax...a couple, foursome, sixum, wotnot, plunks a mat down beside ya...out comes a cooler full of beer, sangthip etc. And of course, you being falang, and they being friendly Thai...have a beer. have a drink...have a...Ya can't even go for a pee in Thailand without meeting a guy with his weenie in one hand a bottle of something in the other. Just gotta make up yer mind not to be tempted..which, I suppose can be hard for some people

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13 hours ago, Eaglekott said:

Do not treat one drug with another drug like Topiramate. Try to cut it, if you can not stop in one go, than start with replace every second beer/drink with a bottle of water. If that does not work, mix 50/50 beer/drink and water. Then more and more water. Remember we should drink 2-4 liters of water every day. And when you get thirsty drink water or something else than a beer.


Why don't they have beer with low alcohol percentage in Thailand? Lowest I have seen is Singha Light, at 4.5%? I have never seen 2.8% or 3.5%

Could do like we used to do many many moons ago back home. Drink what we then called a shanty. Buy a beer and a ginger ale or 7 UP at the same time. Then mix them to yer liking. lot of sugar here...but....

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45 minutes ago, UPDEHSOI said:

Did you read THE WHOLE REPORT yourself? It clearly says, this drug may bring on SUICIDAL THOUGHTS, AGGRESSION, MOOD SWINGS...+++ ( everyone is different )  Is this what you would recommend  to a friend...ANYONE? I have witnessed this. Please, please, don't anyone ever use this drug....for anything!!

I can attest to that. I was taking it for epilepsy and constantly thought of suicide, as well as waking up in the middle of the night to violently vomit. I threw it away.

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I actually suffer with physical withdrawal symptoms if I don't have a drink, my hands shake, my nerves are shredded and my concentration goes out the window, what started as a daily get together with friends has escalated into a serious problem, I will however overcome it.

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Set yourself a realistic goal to cut down. While doing that, keep yourself occupied. Find an interest in reading or watching a movie or learning something. Like dance, history, take a degree online or just a hobby. Set a time before which you will not drink and a time after which you will not drink. Only between those hours. Then after a month, ruduce the intake little by little, 1 beer at a time. After 6 months stop one day in the week after a month one less day all the time reducing the intake. When you get to two beers twice a week you will be ok. You can then choose to cut it out altogether if you wish. 

You should never stop suddenly and dont take any drugs with side effects they will affect your labido and give you a reason to drink.    Naltrexone is supposed to be good. There is a TED talk by a woman about it. 


Good luck.

Edited by Sumarianson
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36 minutes ago, Sumarianson said:

Set yourself a realistic goal to cut down. While doing that, keep yourself occupied. Find an interest in reading or watching a movie or learning something. Like dance, history, take a degree online or just a hobby. Set a time before which you will not drink and a time after which you will not drink. Only between those hours. Then after a month, ruduce the intake little by little, 1 beer at a time. After 6 months stop one day in the week after a month one less day all the time reducing the intake. When you get to two beers twice a week you will be ok. You can then choose to cut it out altogether if you wish. 

You should never stop suddenly and dont take any drugs with side effects they will affect your labido and give you a reason to drink.    Naltrexone is supposed to be good. There is a TED talk by a woman about it. 


Good luck.


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10 hours ago, Golden Triangle said:

I actually suffer with physical withdrawal symptoms if I don't have a drink, my hands shake, my nerves are shredded and my concentration goes out the window, what started as a daily get together with friends has escalated into a serious problem, I will however overcome it.


Those will go away after a few days of doing without.


Symptoms do get a lot worse. And unlike quitting opiate addiction that makes you feel like you're going to die, but won't actually kill you... alcohol withdrawal can.


Probably not at the mild shake and bake stage you are at. That's just a few days of going a bit crazy. 


It sometimes helps to think of your level of withdrawal as your body just getting all the poisons out, because it's essentially what's happening.


It's easy to make it stop with a drink or 13 (add more poisons), but that's just temporary. You'll always have to deal with it and start all over again later if you go that way. 


Or deal with it when it's far worse.


Wherever you are as far as syptoms, it doesn't get easier the longer you wait to resolve it. 



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