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Man ‘confesses’ to killing sister and her millionaire Brit husband

Jonathan Fairfield

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6 hours ago, robblok said:

I actually disagree and agree with you *LOL*. 


I for one find the Thais in Pattaya where there are many foreigners a lot less friendly then in my area where there are a lot less foreigners. I would say foreigner concentrations build resentment for sure. You see it in other countries too in Spain there are area's where they don't want any English people anymore as they change the local value's too much. So it can work both ways. I can see your scenario happen too.


I live here among Thais (same style house so no obvious wealth though the house is better maintained then others and never have a problem. Besides one crazy neighbor... but the others are nice. Its not a matter of him being anti foreigner.. its just that he is an ass and other neighbors agree. I can see if you flaunt wealth (no victim blaming here as I am not talking about this case here) in a real poor area it could of course build resentment. 

I wasn't thinking of Bangkok when I made that comment. I was thinking more of sparsely populated rural communities.


Regarding nasty neighbours - one is enough to ruin your life. I had lots of great neighbours, but that one caused nightmares. That one bad one turned everyone else against us. I'm glad I didn't own the place I had to leave.

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kill someone because of... what ever it is, loose face or an other thing...

it is just not a Buddhist way of thinking, so it can absolutely not been accepted as a cultural reality, but a mind disorder. if someone here make you loose face because of strong speaking, just run far from her/him... that is the real culture there, fighter for stupid words are just criminals and stupid there.

So this Thai murder doesn't understand his own culture, he is liek a bad educated dog (or no education dog).

And why he doesn't understand nothing ? Because he is an idiot. There is some...

Thailand is very nice and good country, people are also most of the time very nice and clean.


But for a foreigner, it is almost difficult (or most of the time impossible) to just tell when something is wrong or bad; like poor lazy/amator constructions (not because of cheap... people there prefer to buy nice big pick up), low electricity level construction who are dangerous, trash plastic or what ever down the floor or what ever is definitely bad. If you just follow and speak what the King said (and who is nice), just because you are farang it can quickly become an injury... that is racism. If you just add that you just love the King and tell exactly same than him... people just stop to speak, that make them have thinking more, because it is true. By the time they can change a little bit the concept of "farang".

Many farang (out of trash tourists areas) help a lot families and economy... for free. Most of farang have a high level knowledge for technology. Most of them are very good and respect everybody.

We should be able to learn, what ever human is... we can learn something only if we have humility.


That contradiction between good Buddhist culture, respect of people and big ego (so big that you can see that there is not humility at all) is dramatic. It should not be a problem to have a low level knowledge...  it is a real problem for anyone is not able to see this reality and grow by look and listen ot foreigns appreciations (who are not personal attacks/offense) and positive practices.


Not accept nothing about foreigner (except money...) is definitely a kind of racism comportment and it is a prove of stupidity.

Well... like in other countries, there is some stupid people also... there is some every where around the world.

Some of them can become criminals and kill there own family (husband of your sister is someone of your own family... never forget that...).

A killer is like a dog, a stupid people is like a defaulted human. We can not do nothing for people who are sick or to bad.

RIP, i hope for your next life to be better for all that you done good for everybody.

Hope that good people will explain other bad ones why racism thinking is so bad and what is Buddhist spirit meaning in real life.

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16 hours ago, gerritkaew said:

So sad,

you want to spent your years with your loved ones and get killed by your brother in law??

whats becoming off thailand, its not like 10 or 20 years ago when thing like this not happening...

R.I.P People.

I think there just may be more media attention to such crimes today. In the late sixties a Thai co-worker's nephew killed both his parents because they wouldn't let him borrow the car.

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At 61, happily married, feeding his ducks. Just want he and he wife to enjoy their remaining years, no matter how many. Along comes an idiot, gathers more idiots and ends his and his wife's life. What a sad ending. I sincerely hope the Thai courts send all three, including the younger accomplice, to the gallows or better yet, life in Prison with no change of parole. Of course, that won't happen in the Thai justice system

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17 hours ago, thequietman said:

It's called FACE and it is and continues to be, the downfall of this country.


Lovely country but needs a population transplant.


"Lovely country but needs a population transplant." If you take away the road behaviour, and a general lack of common sense, the majority of Thai people are very helpful, decent and highly non confrontational. Would you like them to be like a lot of the UK people and go about drunk and looking for fights?

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16 hours ago, Enoon said:


The question of how (generally poor) Thai people perceive foreigners wealth (what constitutes "flaunting") and how foreigners (living among those Thai people) perceive their own wealth (and what constitutes flaunting) is well worth a discussion away from the emotive arena that has been set up on this particular thread.


I was told by a Thai person, 8 years ago, that it takes surprisingly little (by forum members oft expressed economic expectations/standards) to be perceived as arrogant and overmighty.




I have lived quite a while with and among lots of Thai people and although the size of land purchased and house the victims built themselves is large.

I would say your normal village Thai is inclined to ''show off'' if they get

half a chance, and comments like'' we must get a new car in a different

color otherwise how will people in the village know its new'' This is just

one example of the way a lot of Thais think, it is a face thing but they do not kill each other, were a Farang is involved it appears to be a different story, and if the family do not get their ''share'' it can turn bad. IMHO.  

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6 hours ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

This is the third Westerner I have met/known that has been assassinated by family members in Thailand. 



There is no one more aggressive than me if done wrong by anyone, but in thirteen years of living here, I have never even got into an argument with any Thai.

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3 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

There is no one more aggressive than me if done wrong by anyone, but in thirteen years of living here, I have never even got into an argument with any Thai.

Same here. All it requires is habitually avoiding them whenever possible or at least severely minimizing any association. Keep it all *transactional*

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Just now, possum1931 said:

There is no one more aggressive than me if done wrong by anyone, but in thirteen years of living here, I have never even got into an argument with any Thai.

Surely some topless farangs have been round to your place demanding to see your ID and telling you to turn down the George Jones' records?

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2 minutes ago, Fex Bluse said:

Same here. All it requires is habitually avoiding them whenever possible or at least severely minimizing any association. Keep it all *transactional*

I understand what you are saying, but I have never tried avoiding them though I would if I smelled trouble. Though I am hardly ever in bars or out after about 11pm.

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5 minutes ago, bannork said:

Surely some topless farangs have been round to your place demanding to see your ID and telling you to turn down the George Jones' records?

There are no farangs living in or near my village/small town anymore, they are either dead or split with their wives and moved away, so I have George Jones all to myself. ????

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So very sad and tragic. I hope the murderer gets life in prison without chance of parole. That looks like a damn deep/large grave and I wouldn't think it was dug by one person...and perhaps not even two if it was to be dug quickly. More like a 'team effort' if you see what I mean. 

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It's like Dumb and Dumber. 


Get told off, and angry because not like.

Plot the murder.

Remembering that this is family. 

Get people to do it.

Then sell the truck straight away and it leads a trail straight to him.


The gene pool was certainly low that day.

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25 minutes ago, Fex Bluse said:

Same here. All it requires is habitually avoiding them whenever possible or at least severely minimizing any association. Keep it all *transactional*


Never a truer word said. Keep everything superficial like icing on a cake, never get involved deeper than that.


The real problem here can be summed up in one word EGOCENTRIC. That is a person who is only able to view the world through their own eyes, without regard for the feelings or desires of others; self-centered. 


Its the reason that some people here prefer the Shan's (Tai Yai) because they aren't generally Egocentric and can understand that others have goals, aspirations, wishes & ideals different from their own. Its one aspect that makes them quite appealing compared with Thais.

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1 hour ago, possum1931 said:


"Lovely country but needs a population transplant." If you take away the road behaviour, and a general lack of common sense, the majority of Thai people are very helpful, decent and highly non confrontational. Would you like them to be like a lot of the UK people and go about drunk and looking for fights?


Would you like them to be like a lot of the UK people and go about drunk and looking for fights?


Objection! No need to say why!

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19 hours ago, moe666 said:

More than likely borrowing money and finally told no. The Brit had the right to spend his money as he saw fit but why flaunt your wealth in a poor country next to poor relatives.

I understood he did a lot to help the local community.  If having a nice house and a decent car is flaunting your wealth then there are thousands of expats doing it, not to mention the hundreds of thousands of Thais.

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