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1 minute ago, arcturaz said:

Thanks, Catman. Well, the kids are great really happy with them, but the lady is a Tr...... as opposed to the Lady and the Tramp ???? Cheers

im sure the kids are great and you love them to bits and i know you cant change the past. get away from her ASAP good luck.

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Personal experience, she will continue to make your life a misery by using the kids as leverage. Was your written agreement  from going through Family Court? Move as far away as possible and although it may seem cruel,  but if possible keep the children's contact with her and the extended family to a minimum.

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I'd agree with the advice above - get everything regarding your separation and your kids as legally watertight as you can (in Thai, written up by a trustworthy lawyer of your choice, not your wife's or her family's), then sever the ties that bind as far as ever you are able, given the children. Move far away and if you need to leave a channel of communication open, let it be by something non-geographical - like email or Line.

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Stop thinking with the little head. What attracted you to her in the first place ???

Think with the big head.


Think of your sanity. Choose a happy life.

Take your kids away from her ..... far away.

Live happily elsewhere. Choose your women wisely.


Your children will thank you for it.

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I,m surprised you put up with this for so long....walk away don,t look back,don,t give her any indication as to your whereabouts as others have said....plenty of decent ladies here to restore your faith...good luck :thumbsup:

Edited by petermik
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in my opinion, you need to put in place a plan that you execute quitely without her knowing anything until you are done.

in other words, you have to leave, prepare a place where you want to move, seek help if necessary from friends.   get your necessary stuff out of there in very discreet way and gradually or in one shot if you plan to get her out and far for a day or longer.

don't share where you have moved with anyone who is common friend to your present wife.

once out, you get into contact with your lawyer to look at custody issue.

for cars and any property, you can start selling or moving what you can.

you behave like nothing is happening.

if you are discreet enough and once out you avoid by any mean meeting her without presence of police or at your lawyer office you will succeed going out safely.

key word is planning and discretion.

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Take everything you can sell and sell it. If you are leaving her a house or whatever then check there are no loans etc she has taken out on it in joint name without you knowing.

Offer a sum of money to separate on good terms and get her to sign a document in a lawyer of your choice saying she will let you look after the kids, see them and that she is not entitled to any more from you financially . If that works then all good and start again , but if not then I suggest giving the kids new phones or ipads and switch the gps location on them to on and download a tracing app like find my ipad etc. That way if she takes the kids and tries to keep them from you then you should be able to find them as the kids will always have the phone or ipad around them .

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Oh solo meo. The webs we weave. See a good lawyer, preferably CBLaw, Bangkok (American/Thai), after advice, haul children and self very far away leaving no trace, no car, no money. Provide hire-a-Nurse for children (do not get involved with Nurse), have lawyer get children's school records. Protect yourself and your children.

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...it seems like you let this go for too long...


,,,cannot understand how or why you have kept the cash flowing for so long...


...essentially financing the enemy....


...take whatever you have in your name...being gracious is not endearing to them...


...they consider it weak and stupid...


...if she has signed the papers...get them notarized (?)...or certified...(how...a lawyer would know)*


*(By the way...would be nice of members shared safe, reliable contacts such as professionals)


...then you should be free to take your children and go...do not hesitate...!!!


... (haven't you recently read how 'family' treats the 'best-intentioned' foreigners...???)

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Go, go quickly with the kids to the furthest place in the kingdom you can afford, get a friend to rent a place using his name and disappear, sell the car (if you can) and buy another one in your name or the name of a friend! Get out of there! Now!

Good advice although I would not buy another car in your name because she WILL know someone who knows a policeman, who will look-up the registered address of the car owner.
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Do not take the kids! Not only is it kidnapping and thus illegal..they are of no value. Just mere sentimental attachments.  Your weakness.  Your Achilles heel. Forget about them. You can always make more. Think like a Jamaican ..or an African American...The kids will be alright...Look after yourself

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1 hour ago, The manic said:

Do not take the kids! Not only is it kidnapping and thus illegal..they are of no value. Just mere sentimental attachments.  Your weakness.  Your Achilles heel. Forget about them. You can always make more. Think like a Jamaican ..or an African American...The kids will be alright...Look after yourself

very strong words that wont be very popular here but i have to say agree 100% with you but i never had the balls to write it. 

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2 hours ago, The manic said:

Do not take the kids! Not only is it kidnapping and thus illegal..they are of no value. Just mere sentimental attachments.  Your weakness.  Your Achilles heel. Forget about them. You can always make more. Think like a Jamaican ..or an African American...The kids will be alright...Look after yourself

If that is where your moral compass is, a good-for-nothing wife who cheats would be a good match.

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28 minutes ago, rixalex said:

If that is where your moral compass is, a good-for-nothing wife who cheats would be a good match.

i agree with manic on the basis his wife is a cxxx and we all know his wife will use the kids as a weapon against him for money and blackmail and anything else she and her family can think of to make this poor mans life a misery for as long as they can.

im sure it would not be easy for any European to leave his kids behind but if push comes to shove i think he should and i would too if i had kids under those circumstances. 

Edited by catman20
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On 9/27/2018 at 7:37 AM, BritManToo said:

Sounds like my former English wife. She was banging someone else all the time she wasn't banging me.

I've not had much luck with finding women who only sleep with one man, and when I did, that man was never me.

you sound much like Rodney Dangerfield.



about OP tho: 

he put on shackles when having kids unfortunately very bad move that now cannot be undone.

unless he want to dissapear like thai style man, but that is not our farang way.


best thing just devote to your kids and P4P..dont make same mistake again.


as for his ex and her playing around. 

The thinking of Thai lady like this one always boil down to this:


- i can play around..because i get money (or something) from the other guy. so this justifys it and she thinks this is always perfectly ok.


-YOU however cannot play around because you will be giving your money (or her money) to some other Thai women.


that is simply how it is. all business and $ to them.

if you think its lust or something or thai lady thats really loving farangs or big willys or whatever


...well ..lol you dont really know this type of woman. best you quit while ahead or go search a better class of lady

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9 hours ago, rixalex said:

If that is where your moral compass is, a good-for-nothing wife who cheats would be a good match.

There is no moral virtue in being abused. Better for his kids that he is an absent father who they never knew than for them to wittness the abuse and exploitation of this pitiful guy.  It takes a special kind of moral courage to do the right thing. 

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2 hours ago, tingtongtourist said:

he put on shackles when having kids unfortunately very bad move that now cannot be undone.

unless he want to dissapear like thai style man, but that is not our farang way.

I know loads of white guys who walked away from their children, happens in 50% of western divorces.

Dumped two myself.

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16 hours ago, BritManToo said:

I know loads of white guys who walked away from their children, happens in 50% of western divorces.

Dumped two myself.

Of course i dont know your story but going from some stories i cant blame you. 

In Thailand its easy. not so much in other countries.

I read on here some time ago, they forced and Australian guy to pay a huge amount off his alimony debt at the airport before they would let him fly out the country.

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