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Supporting a "rich" girl with money ??


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After reading this entire thread, "I smell a rat".

This is certainly not love, it is "business" with the lady.

Never once did the OP speak of love, caring or passion.

I need a good business manager. Wonder if she would be interested!


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I do not think you will like honest but it is possible your girl gathered her wealth from previous “ rich foreign boyfriends “


it is thai culture for the “province “ girls as she called them. Most certainly not culture for the rich girls .


No, it does not give her status among rich friends.


100000 per month is hardly support money , more like life of luxury money .



Edited by BestB
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2 hours ago, Damrongsak said:

Sounds like a rich girl from a rich family who wants to be richer than her rich girlfriends from other rich families.  Vanity.  Of course, having 100K/mo in pocket money does come in handy.  I'm glad I have a "province girl" who cares very little about money or prestige.


Ha ha ha ha, good one, I liked the sarcasm in that last sentence. 


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Recently i noticed that investing too much in a woman who ( you think that ) you love, is a bit like gambling.

Not a good habit if you ask me.

But like it or not, it's something that everyone has to try, at least once or twice.

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5 minutes ago, cat handler said:

Chance she are she’s getting 100,000 a month from you, plus more from her German, English, Australian and US boyfriends, with he posting photos of them on each of her different social media accounts 

How can you be so suspicious of the " better half of the world " :whistling:

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maybe she and the OP have money enough that 100k/mth isn't that much to either of them and it's a legit question. I suppose for those who have plenty of money, determining if their significant other is honest or just in it for the money is a bit more complicated. I don't have that problem.....

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7 hours ago, Damrongsak said:

Sounds like a rich girl from a rich family who wants to be richer than her rich girlfriends from other rich families.  Vanity.  Of course, having 100K/mo in pocket money does come in handy.  I'm glad I have a "province girl" who cares very little about money or prestige.


Further I would suspect this is a rich girl who is obsessed with gaining, building high status and continuously talking about her cash etc., numbers all the time.


Seen these types before, I've had several in MBA programs, their only conversation in money and status, usually around early to late twenties. Some of the other students were totally impressed, the others avoided these girls.


Then it will be dinner in expensive restaurants with lots os smartphone photos to show friends. The sad thing is that there will very likely be zero appreciation if fine cuisine, wines, etc.


Next it will be a second and expensive car, to impress her friends, then a house (expensive in a prestige condo or village), it will be shopping trips to Tokyo, Seoul, HK with photos of the boarding passes clearly indicating the class of travel. The purpose is simple, gain status / look important.


This behavior / attitude is obsessive, it will never change, beware.



Edited by scorecard
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24 minutes ago, glennb6 said:

maybe she and the OP have money enough that 100k/mth isn't that much to either of them and it's a legit question. I suppose for those who have plenty of money, determining if their significant other is honest or just in it for the money is a bit more complicated. I don't have that problem.....

I can afford it, the amount of money is actually not the problem. And she has never asked for money before, that started after I sold some stocks and suddenly got my account filled up. That's what made me a bit cautious .. 

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6 hours ago, Bjarneb said:

Was thinking the same. Have a talk and get someone down to earth, or make a run.
Was new side of her coming up now, which left me a bit confused. 



Maybe she thinks you are as wealthy as she is?   She sounds like a real catch (I'm not kidding btw) as it's very hard to find Thai girls with that sort of wealth.   If you think marriage is a possibility and you can afford to support her now, then I'd do it.  I'd put money on the fact that you'll reap rewards in future far in excess of what you pay for now.


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Does she work? If she doesn’t or she has a low paying job then the 100,000 is probably buying her independence from her parents. Also the house and condos were/are probably mortgaged so she probably needs money for payments. As far as 100k a month goes it’s a tad on the high side I would think 80-85 would be reasonable if it’s just an allowance and to cover the loan payments. 

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8 hours ago, Bjarneb said:

because latelly I have supported my fiance for some months latelly (been together for 4 years and planning marriage) while she waited to sell her house. She just sold it for 7 Mill Bath and also owns some condos and her own business.

If she has her own business what changed that you started/needed to "support" her?

Waiting to sell her house should not have added any costs other than if she moved in with you and you started to pay for everything? 


What is her business and is it going well or does she just want to move to a life of indolence?

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100,000 a month!!?


Guys like you who agree to pay this sort of money are my worst enemy. Once word gets round we can be spening silly money on them we are all doomned!!


Also, I am seriously concerned you are even asking the question. Pull the rip chord and bail out man!


You will be a much better man once you wise up and take the short time pain of finishing with her. Clearly she sees you as a total and utter idiot.


Run man ... run!!

Edited by SpeakeasyThai
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2 minutes ago, AJBangkok said:

Does she work? If she doesn’t or she has a low paying job then the 100,000 is probably buying her independence from her parents. Also the house and condos were/are probably mortgaged so she probably needs money for payments. As far as 100k a month goes it’s a tad on the high side I would think 80-85 would be reasonable if it’s just an allowance and to cover the loan payments. 


Yes she works. Has her own business actually. So she can pretty much afford to pay her own bills ????

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7 hours ago, worgeordie said:

Yet another first time poster with Thai woman problems,

sure he will get lots of answers and clicks,seems to be

happening with regularity.

regards worgeordie


   It does get a bit annoying , because I now always assume that a first time poster is just making up a story .

   Quite often now , when I see its a first post , I dont even bother to read it , I just assume that its this guy

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6 minutes ago, SpeakeasyThai said:

100,000 a month!!?


Guys like you who agree to pay this sort of money are my worst enemy. Once word gets round we can be spening silly money on them we are all doomned!!


Also, I am seriously concerned you are even asking the question. Pull the rip chord and bail out man!


You will be a much better man once you wise up and take the short time pain of finishing with her. Clearly she sees you as a total and utter idiot.


Run man ... run!!

I have stayed with some few ladies claiming their number one bf sending them a loads of money every month! They are their own worst enemy, since they can never get out of a money based relationship, and the good guys, avoids them. It is an evil circle for them, and those who pay ridicolous amounts of money for anything and everything. Basics and a bit more is ok to cover, but, hey, up to them, and not our problem really. 


It is not your enemy, it is clear to me who Im going to stay clear off. For fun when I was their boytoy, was great, but now, no

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If it doesn’t comprise your lifestyle then you shouldn’t worry about giving her the money but you should worry about what she’s doing with it. If she’s investing or saving it that’s great, of course you want her to buy nice clothes and look good so that’s great too, but if she’s blowing it on partying and throwing it around to an entourage of “friends” then that’s not good.

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4 minutes ago, AJBangkok said:

If it doesn’t comprise your lifestyle then you shouldn’t worry about giving her the money but you should worry about what she’s doing with it. If she’s investing or saving it that’s great, of course you want her to buy nice clothes and look good so that’s great too, but if she’s blowing it on partying and throwing it around to an entourage of “friends” then that’s not good.

She doesn't party and has a pretty modest lifestyle. Both her and her family are business people so she saves and invests in her business. I don't want to look cheap since I have no problems to afford it, it is just something I don't think I would expect from a "farang"  girl .. ????

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4 minutes ago, Bjarneb said:

She doesn't party and has a pretty modest lifestyle. Both her and her family are business people so she saves and invests in her business. I don't want to look cheap since I have no problems to afford it, it is just something I don't think I would expect from a "farang"  girl .. ????


You've been together 4 years and from what you've said I'm imagining it's been a good 4 years.  You mentioned marriage is on the cards, so as I previously commented, eventually what she saves or invests will become part of your joint property.  

Having read more of your comments, it sounds to me like you need to have a conversation with her and outline your concerns, your plans for the future and see what her plans are.   I suspect you know what she need the money for, but perhaps you should ask her for a detailed breakdown.  That might make it clearer how long you are expected to contribute this amount.   

Good luck.  

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You will be pleased to know that she is not unique, also that this situation is not unique to Thailand.  There are some who judge your commitment to them in financial terms and they also feel obliged to "keep up with the Joneses" Thais call it keeping face.  There might come the day when money is a little bit more tight and I suspect she will be off to another better healed benefactor.  Her love of you sounds very superficial and personally I would call it a day.............but I think you know that already.  Good luck!

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1 hour ago, Bjarneb said:

I can afford it, the amount of money is actually not the problem. And she has never asked for money before, that started after I sold some stocks and suddenly got my account filled up. That's what made me a bit cautious .. 


So you are saying on here you are a smart guy who knows his stocks and shares, but not smart enough to prevent her from seeing how much you accumulated in wealth. Unless you thought to show her a bank book or statement would impress her?


I think it's a troll post but I will indulge.


If there was one spark of love, passion or caring in this relationship, she wouldn't give a damn what her friends' opinions were. You stay with her not her friends. You have not mentioned a hint of love in your posts, only materialistic stuff.


Nobody in their right head accepts this kind of ' trash ' from a woman/girl when she has plenty of cash herself, ALLEGEDLY! just so that she can ponce around and spout wealth to her friends. Talk about a  ' shallow ' relationship.


Have you no ' oil in your can, that you cannot see you are being played for a fool? ' and if she hasn't asked for money before, have you never heard of playing the long game!

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52 minutes ago, Bjarneb said:

She doesn't party and has a pretty modest lifestyle. Both her and her family are business people so she saves and invests in her business. I don't want to look cheap since I have no problems to afford it, it is just something I don't think I would expect from a "farang"  girl .. ????


1) They are not "farang" girls, so the expectation (there is always an "expectation" regardless of what part of the world you are in) comes at you differently.


2) It's just a matter of numbers.......what numbers do you feel comfortable with?


3) I suspect you are going to find yourself engaging in frequent "re-negotiation" in the future.   How do you think you will feel after 10-15 years of it?


PS Don't forget to sort out how many "mia noi" is OK with your true love.




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