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Thai government should act to stop Thais using images of "Mr Hitler"


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2 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

Are you talking about David Irving the British Historian and Nazi sympathiser who lost a huge legal case and his reputation when he failed to prove in court in the UK that the holocaust never happened?. He stupidly sued an American for libel and lost big time.

No. I am not.

My post concerning the Holocaust clearly stated jewish sources for that matter.

I am not referring to revisionists.


The story and reasoning for WWI and WWII [which in fact is just one war !] is pretty well documented by British, French and American Historians based on British Government Documents and public speeches from US and British Politicians from that time.

It is very well documented and declassified what really happened back then.


The true story is very different from what the education system and main stream media wants to make you believe.


Dare to seek the truth and you will finally find it !


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I will no longer participate in this thread.
There are a number of ignorant souls spouting about they know not what, possibly even some Nazi apologists, maybe even actual Neo Nazis.
I have not only read the histories, I have personally spoken with survivors of the camps, spoken with former soldiers who participated in liberating some of the camps, even spoken at length with a few former, rather unwilling German Nazis. All young men were required to join the Hitler Youth, and register for the draft. My seventh grade algebra teacher, Mr. Harms, was a hero to me because he burned his draft card. I had heard rather a lot from my dad and mom, who both volunteered to fight Nazis My mother's brother was a Sergeant Major in the British Army in Burma. I am named for one of the first Americans killed in WWII, who lied his way into the RAF by claiming Canadian citizenship.
Mr. Harms explained it was no big deal because it was in the last weeks of the war and there was nobody to spare to  track him down. Still.... It gave me something to think about when my turn came round a few years later, and I might have to decide. Glad I was a couple months too young to get called up, unlike my neighbor Jack Curry.


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Adolf was a simple dummy. The fall guy, the US government used, so they could have someone to blame the world war on. 

I am not surprised they're in love with him. Just as real recognizes real, the same goes for dummies. 

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hitler did some real bad things but you can't totally blame him for ww2.  the allies deserve plenty of blame.  hitler would not have existed without the unfair outcome of ww1.  and there were lots of little holocausts done by the allies that were swept under the rug and few know about.

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Lets face it, in most countries, non-universities students, don't learn a lot about history that didn't directly effect your people. The Hitler icon is not unique to Thailand and "Nazi Chic" can be found all around Asia and especially in SE Asia. For much of Asia, WWII was about Japan and not Germany or Hitler. 


While shocking, to those who know about Hitler's Germany and believe everyone else should too, people get a little too hung-up on symbols in my opinion versus  motive and intent. I could care less about people using Hitler images that are not advocating his beliefs and even if they are all the better so we all know where they stand .... be nice if child molesters had a flag or image they could wear too.


Symbols alone are meaningless unless you choose to give them power.

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7 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

At least 6 million Jews were murdered during the Holocaust. 


Does it really matter if it was 4 or 6 million? Does it really make it any more or less or horrific?  Over 50 Million civilian and over 25 Million Military died as a result of WWII .... 3% of the World Population.

FYI - 7,600 Thais lost their lives as a result of WWII

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1 hour ago, JohnThailandJohn said:


Does it really matter if it was 4 or 6 million? Does it really make it any more or less or horrific?  Over 50 Million civilian and over 25 Million Military died as a result of WWII .... 3% of the World Population.

FYI - 7,600 Thais lost their lives as a result of WWII

Pol Pot did a  good  job too.

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18 hours ago, Vacuum said:


Why should they care about the history of Europe?

....or any Eurocentric version of history. 

Their contributions and influence was nominal by any real world history standards.

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19 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

Hell, Thai don't even known their own history, the true version, let alone world history. 


The view of history here is that it is "something to do to pass a school test" - almost to me completely forgotten 5 minutes after the test is over. 

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21 hours ago, RandolphGB said:

it's not a sign of their lack of education, but shows how little value Thais hold for lives, especially the lives of foreigners. 

This! Many know and just don't care, particularly the middle class and up. They despise foreigners and especially westerners. Same in China. 

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1 hour ago, DavisH said:

The view of history here is that it is "something to do to pass a school test" - almost to me completely forgotten 5 minutes after the test is over. 

Well I guess there could be a viewpoint that there is always the generalisation that you should learn from history.   As no nations to date appear to have successfully learned that lesson,  perhaps the Thais just think why teach it in the first place then ?

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Just now, Esso49 said:

Well I guess there could be a viewpoint that there is always the generalisation that you should learn from history.   As no nations to date appear to have successfully learned that lesson,  perhaps the Thais just think why teach it in the first place then ?

Different Values n age groups here, i never understand Vintage Car Lovers, my Great Grandfather died in the Snow trying to start one. Yesterdays gone.!. I find Men who heve been involved in Nam/ Falklands Era worth listening to. The young, well,they as Kin Stupid as i was at that age .:1zgarz5:

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5 hours ago, JohnThailandJohn said:


Does it really matter if it was 4 or 6 million? Does it really make it any more or less or horrific?  Over 50 Million civilian and over 25 Million Military died as a result of WWII .... 3% of the World Population.

FYI - 7,600 Thais lost their lives as a result of WWII

It matters when people try to minimise what happened. 


Have to wonder at their reasons for doing so. 


The Holocaust deniers and those who would try to deny the extent of what happened must be challenged. 

Edited by Bluespunk
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19 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

It matters when people try to minimise what happened. 

Have to wonder at their reasons for doing so.

The Holocaust deniers and those who would try to deny the extent of what happened must be challenged. 

Although no one is denying that the holocaust happened .

It is a historical occurrence and it should be open for discussion .

Same as people who say the earth is flat , let them have their say and disprove them with facts 

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4 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Although no one is denying that the holocaust happened .

It is a historical occurrence and it should be open for discussion .

Same as people who say the earth is flat , let them have their say and disprove them with facts 

That’s why I said those who would try to minimise the extent of what happened. 


I am perfectly entitled to challange such repellent views. 


If you don’t like me doing so, not my problem. 

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3 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

That’s why I said those who would try to minimise the extent of what happened. 

I am perfectly entitled to challange such repellent views. 

If you don’t like me doing so, not my problem. 

They may not be trying to minimise anything , what is the true figure ?

If some people feel that the figure is different than what is the popular belief , then let them provide their evidence .

   Its just establishing the truth and facts .

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