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why are we here in Thailand lets not forget.


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8 hours ago, KKBrian said:

As a foreigner to Thailand I am but a guest and as a guest should conduct myself in my actions and in my comments.

I am a guest for sure, a paying guest ???? 

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I have been here 10 years now and I think Thailand is about as close to a home I can have at this current time. I am married to a Thai, she owns her own house, she does not cost me much as she works but as other posters said here, back home I could not live as easy. I am not talking about monetary wise but in the sense of being free and easy. I think I have a sense of freedom here that I enjoy more so then back in Australia. Less stress. Being cordial to other people is easy and I never really had many problems here. I mainly see people make problems and that is the issue. People leave there home country full of problems and bring them here. Those problems spill over. How many guys have I seen with two or three marriages back in the homeland show up here thinking it may be any different? 


We do have some crusty people posting here but I will read everything and try to take a grain of knowledge from it if possible. TV has over the years made me stop and think about a few things and most likely has saved me a bucket load of heartache in my formative years here as a Newbie. The cranky guys on this forum have a space to fill and not all of the things spewed out is that bad. 


Thailand for me really has only two bad issues. The road toll and the health insurance expense merry-go-round. These are about the only things that concern me these days apart from the Australian FX rate just falling off a cliff. With the main current Thai issues, well, my wife just tells me not to worry about them. She just tells me nothing is really ever going to change here and just to let it go. I just look at all of this now and just shrug my shoulders. That is just how I deal with things here and Thai bashing is certainly going to help no one and is only just going to make you resent this place if you go down that track.

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9 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

There's a big difference between people who are negative toward all Thais as a people vs. being negative about many of the things here that any thinking person should be negative about, and those who are responsible for those maladies.


I'm not negative toward all Thais, nor do I spend my days/hours bitching about everything here on TVF. However, at the same time, just because I'm living in a different country from my home country doesn't mean I'm going to lose or surrender my values of what is right and what is wrong.


When it comes to Thailand, it's simply and flatly wrong that:

--the country has regressed from its path toward representative government and democracy.

--that the country has one of the highest road fatality rates in the world, and the authorities don't care.

--that the authorities allow the country's environment to be fouled and degraded in so many ways and do little to nothing to stop it.

--that a lot of the food in the country is grown or processed with harmful chemicals and pesticides that are banned elsewhere in the world.

--that the justice system often reaches absurd results, handing out extremely harsh penalties in some minor cases and yet murderers and other violent criminals often get off with lighter punishments.

--that there's a tremendous and probably growing income inequality here with the richest getting richer and the average Thai treading water or regressing financially.

Etc etc etc...


I don't spend my days dwelling or posting constantly on those things. But it would be kind of hard for any thinking person to ignore or not see them, and recognize that are all things that ultimately are bad and harmful for this country and everyone in it, Thais or others.


Hmmmmmm time for some  "attitude adjustment" laddie............now wheres the pale  pink tint glasses???

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11 hours ago, EVENKEEL said:

OK, Thank you Thailand for allowing we to have some beers at a bar and not worry about the drive home.

Actually, you do have to worry about the drive home - in Pattaya. They do random breath testing all over town these days. I've been tested just up the road from where I live numerous times on the way back from my local 7Eleven at 4 am. They even sit one cop at the last left turn before the checkpoint, just in case you try to avoid them. By the time you see them, it's already too late. I'm not complaining about this. Any steps to get drunken idiots off the roads is a good thing.

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9 hours ago, Pete1980 said:

A guest because they let us in and let us stay. Uninvited guests, but still guests.

if 80% plus of us didnt marry or live with prostitutes the Thais would probably respect us a bit more.

You can't change history.

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3 hours ago, tropo said:

Actually, you do have to worry about the drive home - in Pattaya. They do random breath testing all over town these days. I've been tested just up the road from where I live numerous times on the way back from my local 7Eleven at 4 am. They even sit one cop at the last left turn before the checkpoint, just in case you try to avoid them. By the time you see them, it's already too late. I'm not complaining about this. Any steps to get drunken idiots off the roads is a good thing.

Nothing good happens after 11pm. No complaints about the breath tests. If I have a few (afternoon beers)  in this small town south of Pattaya, more than 3-4 small beers gives me a headache, that's it for me.

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4 hours ago, tropo said:
14 hours ago, mauGR1 said:

I agree with the OP that we should not disrespect Thailand and its people.



Come on now... this is an internet forum. People from every country get loads of disrespect here every single day. People need to grow a pair if they want to read forums like this. Do you think Thai people all respect foreign tourists and guests? No way! Mostly it's harmless back and forth. If the kitchen gets too hot, the moderators know what to do.

I understand that it is harmless, but i prefer a constructive discussion to a useless rant.

Now, everybody know that in every country there are good and bad people, so i think that disrespecting any country, or any nationality, or any race or belief is plainly wrong.

I have the same feeling when i hear the same generalisations about ANY group of people, including TVF members.

Sometimes i don't understand some people, does it mean they are bad ? No, it just means that i don't understand them.


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14 hours ago, blackhorse said:

Depends. I live lower Sukhumvit and only socialize with my own people. I live exactly like I did in the West except its warmer and the ladies are always available and thais working in resteraunts /bars speak English

The problems start when a londoner chases a skirt into the jungle then tries to fit in with the locals. I ignore the my life is amazing living on a farm posts..

But then again I would ignore what you "like" where you are, you really are making assumptions via your own thoughts about others lives..

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It would be easier to write positive things if there were positive stories in the Nation.  Mostly articles are recounting killings, graft, and other negative news. I could easily write something positive if the nation did, but when you mostly have negative news written by Thais, it is difficult to spin it into a positive.  I am tired of vans killing tourists, scams and pollution news, but that is what the Thais write and what we have to respond to.

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17 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

There's a big difference between people who are negative toward all Thais as a people vs. being negative about many of the things here that any thinking person should be negative about, and those who are responsible for those maladies.


I'm not negative toward all Thais, nor do I spend my days/hours bitching about everything here on TVF. However, at the same time, just because I'm living in a different country from my home country doesn't mean I'm going to lose or surrender my values of what is right and what is wrong.


When it comes to Thailand, it's simply and flatly wrong that:

--the country has regressed from its path toward representative government and democracy.

--that the country has one of the highest road fatality rates in the world, and the authorities don't care.

--that the authorities allow the country's environment to be fouled and degraded in so many ways and do little to nothing to stop it.

--that a lot of the food in the country is grown or processed with harmful chemicals and pesticides that are banned elsewhere in the world.

--that the justice system often reaches absurd results, handing out extremely harsh penalties in some minor cases and yet murderers and other violent criminals often get off with lighter punishments.

--that there's a tremendous and probably growing income inequality here with the richest getting richer and the average Thai treading water or regressing financially.

Etc etc etc...


I don't spend my days dwelling or posting constantly on those things. But it would be kind of hard for any thinking person to ignore or not see them, and recognize that are all things that ultimately are bad and harmful for this country and everyone in it, Thais or others.


On Balance a good post.

Still the underlying reality is that as with most of Asia, there is no real commitment to change - in effecting change the whole system would face upheaval and especially in the upper ranks.

Still as previous posters have pointed out one needs to accept the positives as we as individuals define them.


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