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Hundreds of thousands take to streets in London demanding second Brexit vote


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8 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Why not implement a 65% majority required for all democratic decisions, on every vote, at all meetings?

Parliament and Councils would be a lot of fun!


In fact, and whatever you may wish, the referendum was advisory. That is why a super majority was and is unnecessary

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8 hours ago, bert bloggs said:

They did listen to public opinion ,it was to leave , so whats the problem?

It is a foolish idea


The majority are not necessarily correct just because they are the majority


It is for this reason that we have representative democracy.

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8 hours ago, vogie said:

It is you and your ilk that is ignoring the opinion of the British voting public, we voted out.

And your opinion has clearly been noted. Your recommendation did not bind parliament then or now. 

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8 hours ago, vogie said:

Why should there be a second vote, we havn't acted on the first one yet. Lets be clear about this, the only people that are protesting are sore losers who cannot accept the peoples vote we had 2 years ago.

Why should we agree to a dumb idea. If it wasn't clear then, it certainly is now.

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8 hours ago, smedly said:

all these people had to do was vote LibDem or Green in the 2017 election - the parties mainly representing remain and yet 85% of voters voted Tory or LAB who both stood on a leave manifesto


So I don't know who these people are, I wonder how many of them are not British Citizens 

This is a side effect of our ridiculous FPTP system that a referendum failed to change during the coalition government. I doubt that issue was fully understood either.

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3 minutes ago, vogie said:

Most leavers don't seem to have a problem with the clarity of leaving, why do remainers find it so difficult to understand, if you are worried about not being able to partake in the Eurovision Song Contest, please let me assure you that we still can. Now feel better?

The point was, "why don't remainers capitulate?"


I have answered that succinctly 

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18 minutes ago, Grouse said:

The point was, "why don't remainers capitulate?"


I have answered that succinctly 

If I can come back on that succintly, because they don't give a toss about anybody else but themselves. ????


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8 hours ago, smedly said:

you really don't understand what the vote was about and you are listening to the remoan hyperbol, the people who voted to leave don't like the direction the EU is going, we want our country and sovereignty back, it is not about money (although it does help) - it is about the Brussels/German power Grab over the last 25 years which we never signed up for, it was fine as a trading partnership - that is far from what it is today and going forward it just gets worse


No Thanks 

Even the current Tory government admits that we have and have always had full sovereignty. The fact that you don't know that is whose fault precisely? Exactly.

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13 hours ago, arithai12 said:

Worst possible scenario... drag things on forever.

Dear British voters, if you think you were misled, please take it up with your pro-Brexit leaders. Let this Brexit happen for good or for bad, now.


Yeah right, just drive over the cliff even though you can see the edge approaching now the mist of lies starts to clear. Good advice.

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700,000 was the estimate.  I marched with the demonstration to try to stop the Iraq war.  There were 1.75 million of us then but it didn't get us anywhere.  It will be the same for this one.


The laughable thing was that Farage had a pro-Brexit rally at the same time.  Apparently people were asked to take their pet dogs along to try to make up the numbers ????.


Still, by Monday it will all be swept under the carpet.  The peoples voices aren't going to heard or they will be just ignored.  Never expected anything else.

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13 hours ago, arithai12 said:

Worst possible scenario... drag things on forever.

Dear British voters, if you think you were misled, please take it up with your pro-Brexit leaders. Let this Brexit happen for good or for bad, now.

I wish our leaders were pro Brexit! 

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8 hours ago, nauseus said:

This was made in 2005, I think. It's one of the things I watched when the referendum was first announced. I waited a long time for any serious challenge to the content of it as I was (believe it or not) far more open-minded then. I'm still waiting. If anyone can challenge anything in it, then now would be a good time.


I think the critical moment concerns the sovereignty issues and constitutional legality of joining the EEC in the first place (from 22:16).



Eight hours later and no takers. Thought as much. Wine time.

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13 hours ago, Esso49 said:

Teresa May is the 2nd Nemesis of the UK, Thatcher was the first. Neither believed in listening to a huge outcry of public opinion. 

Mr Blair didn't bother too much, if memory serves - going to war in Iraq because he shared the same toothpaste as President Bush...

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10 hours ago, Proboscis said:

Actually not so. THe problem for at least some of those 17.4 million who voted leave in June 2016 is that they are not getting what they voted for. Yes, they wanted to leave the EU in some sense and were buoyed up by the idea that there would be a "leaving EU dividend" of billions that could be used to build new hospitals etc. Unfortunately many leavers now realise that leaving is not as simple as saying "Good Bye."

Some may have just thought that it would be an end of immigration. But when you talk to them now, immigration is not on their mind as there is net migration out of the country of EU citizens and this is causing a shortage of key skilled staff. This should worry everyone and a solution, leave or not leave, should be found and very soon.

Some may have thought that we would not have to pay for "fat cats" in Brussels and that wouldl be great. But now they will find that if UK leaves the single market, they will have no say in the making of regulations where 70% of its trade goes.

Undoubtedly there will be savings but there will be huge costs. The UK is going to have to create its own version of GPS at a huge cost as opposed to sharing across the whole of the EU. There will be job losses, depending on how sharp the Brexit is. And there are many other issues, from medical standards (another huge additional expense) to air traffic control, all of which are complex and have to be worked out as a separate legal agreement with the UK.

The truth is that no country goes it alone anywhere, except perhaps North Korea, and even they have China. Yes, the UK can eventually build up a series of trade agreements but from a less strong basis than if it were within the single market. And there is nothing that the UK can join that makes sense geographically other than some sort of affiliation of the EU.

This does not mean that remain is the only option on the table. There are a number of shades of grey between the extremes on both sides. But it is hard to see how the UK can prosper and avoid huge difficulties outside at least a customs union.

How does this differ from any party manifesto before an election? From both sides there are lots of promises that are not kept. In this case the leave vote won. Let’s get on with it and make everyone show it can work, rather than moaning about it. 

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10 hours ago, 473geo said:

Let brexit happen, in years to come there will be many books published as to why voters moved to leave europe

Let us show a bit of spirit, individuality, judging by the amount of people wishing to live on this tiny island the UK must be getting something right.

Otherwise would the worlds migration not be to the wide open spaces of the USA and Australia?


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9 hours ago, newatthis said:

No. I'm talking about the 28% who couldn't be bothered voting back in 2016. A mate said he didn't vote, but now he's whinging like shit about Brexit. "Why didn't ya vote?" "Well, I never thought the leavers would win."


But they did. That ship has sailed. You're not getting another bite at the cherry. You have to accept the consequences whether you like them or not. How many of these protesters didn't vote in 2016 and are now whinging?


And how many referendums do you want? How about best out of 3? This may sound hard and unforgiving but life can be like that. 

As soon as there is a referendum vote in favour of remain, parliament will can Brexit and NEVER, EVER ask the public for an opinion again.

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2 hours ago, TEFLKrabi said:

How does this differ from any party manifesto before an election? From both sides there are lots of promises that are not kept. In this case the leave vote won. Let’s get on with it and make everyone show it can work, rather than moaning about it. 

There is no doubt that 'Leave' did win. However the leavers have different ideas on what leaving means. Tell the EU to piss off and negate any and all contracts with them? Try and negotiate a split with them? As we can see, it isn't as simple as just leaving and getting on with it.

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