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'Dark-skinned people' targeted in Thailand immigrant crackdown


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I am all for profiling. If an overwhelming number of perpetrators belong to a specific group, then that justifies in my mind the increased checks on this group. 

Important is however that everyone is still assumed innocent until / unless proven otherwise. Also all people should be treated respectfully. 

I myself have been subject to profiled checking many times, not here though. And no, I am Caucasian. 

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The underlying problem of crime by foreigners and Thailand being an easy place to lay low for criminals is because law enforcement is poor mainly because the powers that be are idle and can only amount short term crackdowns before normal procrastination returns - Blacks are easy targets to minimise the need for hard work - i don't believe it's racial - it's idleness

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4 hours ago, sanemax said:

No need for such an attitude , can we a civil discussion without the  "Oh for goodness sake"s ?

What is wrong with Oh for goodness sake? It’s called exasperation. Please stop making something that isn’t!!! 

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7 hours ago, jayboy said:

I agree with this but there are some uncomfortable truths critics of "stop and search" type police tactics have to think about. Take London as an example


In the twentieth century the main grounds on which the Met is accused of racism is that black men make up a much higher proportion of the people stopped and searched by police officers than any other ethnic group.

The Equality Commission and indeed all "right-thinking people" assume that such a practice shows that officers must be covertly racist.

But the disproportionate number of black men identified by victims as perpetrators demonstrates that racism need not have anything to do with it: when the victim identifies the assailant as a black male, it is logical, indeed necessary, for officers to start investigating black suspects.

That may lead them to stop and search black males who are in the vicinity and who have other characteristics identified by the victim.

Officers from the Met could, of course, stop and search old white women or middle-aged Asian mothers instead.

That might end the “disproportionality”. It would also be totally useless as a way of identifying and catching the people responsible for street crime.

Same in Oz and the prison population would explain why police go after dark skin, same as in the US and don't forget all law enforcement are in contact with each other , a lot of operational sharing goes on.

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5 hours ago, madmitch said:

A few years ago I was renewing my visa in Singapore. I was behind an African in the queue. The lady at the desk just wasn't interested in doing anything for this guy and as he eventually walked away from the desk with a stampless passport in his hand the Thai Muslim lady whom I was about to see just shouted at him "We don't want your kind of people in our country!" 


I don't know exactly what she meant by "your kind of people" but I can make an educated guess!

This wonderful lady most likely has an Arab trader among her ancestors
or his helper ... a black African 

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29 minutes ago, nausea said:

Limited resources mean you have to profile those areas where crime seems most prevalent. The problem with the Thai approach is they seem to lack intelligence as to which tribal groups are most involved, so they target all black African people. I doubt a black UK or US guy will have a problem, apart from an initial inquiry. If most of the African blacks coming here were spending tons of money and not causing a disproportionate amount of crime, I'm sure they'd be welcomed with open arms. It's not a racist thing, it's a reality thing.


Oh come on.  If the police are capable of knowing that more blacks are committing crimes, then they are capable of arresting them for the crime itself.  Criminalizing tribal origin is a horrible idea, it's still xenophobia and ignorant of reality.  

Most crimes are committed not by certain African tribes, they are committed by Thai people, which is purely a matter of fact as a percentage of crimes committed, since that's the largest population.  If you want to reduce crime, go reduce crime.  Just enforce the law.  That would be my bias. 

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22 minutes ago, chainarong said:

Same in Oz and the prison population would explain why police go after dark skin, same as in the US and don't forget all law enforcement are in contact with each other , a lot of operational sharing goes on.

Or could it be that the dark skin as you refer to what I presume are Aboriginal people are committing more crimes than white skinned people, particularly in communities where there are more dark

skinned than white skinned people?

Would be interesting to see the figures

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8 hours ago, sanemax said:

Due to the fact that Africans cannot get a Thai visa from anywhere except their home Country (they cannot do visa runs to neighboring Countries) , its quite likely that many Africans are overstaying

Manny of them have fake marriages, i know its not fun ,but go visit cheang wattana immigration for a few days, and you can see the agents sitting down with them and filling out paperwork .

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21 minutes ago, wealthychef said:


Oh come on.  If the police are capable of knowing that more blacks are committing crimes, then they are capable of arresting them for the crime itself.  Criminalizing tribal origin is a horrible idea, it's still xenophobia and ignorant of reality.  

Most crimes are committed not by certain African tribes, they are committed by Thai people, which is purely a matter of fact as a percentage of crimes committed, since that's the largest population.  If you want to reduce crime, go reduce crime.  Just enforce the law.  That would be my bias. 

Enforcing the law universally is a great idea. I would go with this. Ha, falls down laughing on the floor. Sorry, we're a long way away from this. In the meantime we live with compromises, which may involve tribal profiling or internet profiling. It's all about limited resources.  

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1 minute ago, nausea said:

Enforcing the law universally is a great idea. I would go with this. Ha, falls down laughing on the floor. Sorry, we're a long way away from this. In the meantime we live with compromises, which may involve tribal profiling or internet profiling. It's all about limited resources.  


I understand that it's easier to identify dark skinned people, so makes it easy for the police.  However, "easy" does not equate to "efficient" or "effective."  I'm not suggesting some utopian solution.  I'm suggesting that law enforcement tries, well, enforcing the laws.  Let's see how that goes before condemning people just because they have dark skin.  Again, as a percentage of crime in Thailand, what do you think the percentage is?  0.1%?  Ridiculous approach in my view from all angles.   


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