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E-mail From Embassy

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I know this has been debated and and answered on several other posts but for the final time please. I  have just got a reply from the BE in reply to the one I send registering my disgust at the cessation of the issuing of Income Letters.


It gives the two alternatives, either THB 800,000 in bank for 3 months (OK), OR A MINIMUM OF BHT 65,000 into a Thai bank every month. IS THIS TRUE OR NOT. Experts please!

Edited by metisdead
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12 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

As said many times in the other topics immigration has not made any announcement or any comment about them accepting proof of the money going into a bank. Until they state that a income letter is still needed.

So just a load of LIES from the BE.My reply to their email


Thank you for your reply. I do understand the two alternatives which you suggest. The Bht 800,000 for three months has always been there, but could you please CATERGORICALLY confirm that Thai Immigration WILL accept proof of Bht 65,000 going into a Thai Bank Account, regularly, and will be sufficient for a British Citizen to re-new his/her Retirement Extension, and if so, what evidence must they show to Immigration. Thank you.



Let's see what their reply is.

Edited by wgdanson
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1 minute ago, wgdanson said:

So just a load of LIES from the BE.

I am sure they are under the impression it would be accepted. Saying they are lying is a more than a little harsh.

Stating the income letters will be accept for 6 months from the date they are issued leads me to believe they think immigration will change their requirement for one.

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8 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

Saying they are lying is a more than a little harsh.

Direct from their website


British Nationals should now demonstrate that they have an amount of at least 800,000 THB in an account in Thailand for no less than three months prior to the visa application, or a monthly income of at least 65,000 THB transferred into an account in Thailand for a retirement visa. For a marriage visa, the amounts are 400,000 THB in an account in Thailand for no less than three months prior to the visa application, or a monthly income of at least 40,000 THB transferred into an account in Thailand. A bank statement should be used as the supporting document for obtaining a Thai retirement or marriage visa.


If not true, it is LYING. And my mother would make me wash my mouth out with soap and water.

Edited by wgdanson
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13 minutes ago, richiejom said:

Thai Immigrations own website states the minimum funds required for each visa type and makes no mention of a letter from an embassy being used as proof of income.

A link to that anyone please. This particular line I have quoted is missed out on my reply from Stacey, Deputising Vice Consul, at BE. How far down the line is that?

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12 minutes ago, richiejom said:

"There is an alternative for customers to demonstrate that they meet the financial requirement for their retirement or marriage visa by holding a Thai bank account showing the minimum funds needed."

In other words 800k or 400k seasoned for 3 or 2 months. Period.

Edited by OJAS
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10 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

Thanks Joe, but it is in Thai..and when I pressed Google Translate....




  1. Aliens must be inspected. Temporary people
  2. They are 50 years old or older.
  3. Is there evidence of money not less than 65,000 baht per month?
  4. As of the date of submission of the request, there are deposits in the bank in Thailand. The savings account is normal in the account for the past 3 months not less than 800, 000 baht only in the first year to show the account. 
    Deposit with the amount deposited in the account. 
    Not less than 60 days?
  5. Have money in a year And have a bank deposit. Calculate at least 800,000 baht, up to the date of application.
  6. Foreigners who entered the Kingdom before 21 October 1998 and were allowed to stay in the Kingdom. To live in the end continuity. 
    The following rules apply: 
    (a) Age of 60 years or over and a fixed income with a fixed deposit in the account. The minimum period of 3 months is 2000,000 baht 
    or less than 20,000 baht per month. 
    (B) The age is less than 60 years but not less than 55 years. Remain in For a period of 3 months 
    at least 500,000 per year or income of not less than 50,000 baht a month.
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This is part of an email that I received from Sarah Reth, whose name I'm sure you all know by now:


''Although the pension letter is widely accepted as proof of income for foreigners to secure an extension of stay, it is an informal agreement and is not required under Thai law.  The Thai authorities have confirmed they require income to be verified and the Thai authorities can do this by sighting income in a Thai bank account''.



I for one am quite convinced that the embassy did not make this decision without

first discussing the implications with Thai Imm. So I see no reason to doubt that this will be the way forward following the demise of the embassy letter.


And why shouldn't it be? In my opinion it is actually more reliable that the letter, which is clearly open to abuse.


I'm with Ubonjoe on this. quit the speculating, quit the bickering and wait and see what transpires from Thai Imm.


All will be well, I'm quite sure.


Have a nice day everyone.



Edited by Moonlover
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9 minutes ago, cleverman said:

How many more threads will there be ,all about the same thing? Same questions, same answers. 

Same questions but NO real answers. And I was the one who started this thread. Sorry folks, let's just wait, as Joe says. Cheers everyone.

Edited by wgdanson
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56 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:


44 minutes ago, wgdanson said:

Thanks Joe, but it is in Thai..and when I pressed Google Translate....

Top right hand corner, two arrows, left and right. Clicking usually opens the option to select ENG.


However at this current time it appears inoperative plus I constantly have to refresh due to Bad Gateway 502 message.

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11 minutes ago, Tanoshi said:

However at this current time it appears inoperative plus I constantly have to refresh due to Bad Gateway 502 message.

I have been having the same problem the last few days. I am getting it in English now since I opened the page early this morning and changed it to English then. I can close and open it all day now and it will still come up in English unless I shutdown and restart my computer.

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1 hour ago, wgdanson said:

A link to that anyone please. This particular line I have quoted is missed out on my reply from Stacey, Deputising Vice Consul, at BE. How far down the line is that?

FYI…. Ms Stacey Adele Filer is the person who normally signs the BE letter confirming income.  When she signs the letter her designation is given as Pro Consul.


I think that she is fairly new to the post and was recruited earlier this year – see FOC job advert https://fco.tal.net/vx/mobile-0/appcentre-ext/brand-2/candidate/so/pm/4/pl/1/opp/3478-BK-Pro-Consul-A2-L/en-GB


It should be noted that her salary is just 37,102 Baht per month so I leave it to you to judge how far down the BE 'food chain' she is.


Please bear in mind that if the alleged meeting between Immigration and Embassy Officials took place in May, the above mentioned person would not have participated in this meeting.

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55 minutes ago, wgdanson said:

Same questions but NO real answers. And I was the one who started this thread. Sorry folks, let's just wait, as Joe says. Cheers everyone.

Yes, on this subject matter, there are more questions than answers.


(as Johnny Nash sang)

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5 minutes ago, kannot said:

in which case why answer at all?

It's more of a case of nobody's listening and instead are perpetually recycling the, "But the Americans..." arguments. And when that got summarily nipped in the proverbial, the "But the Australians..." arguments.



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11 minutes ago, 007 RED said:

FYI…. Ms Stacey Adele Filer is the person who normally signs the BE letter confirming income.  When she signs the letter her designation is given as Pro Consul.


I think that she is fairly new to the post and was recruited earlier this year – see FOC job advert https://fco.tal.net/vx/mobile-0/appcentre-ext/brand-2/candidate/so/pm/4/pl/1/opp/3478-BK-Pro-Consul-A2-L/en-GB


It should be noted that her salary is just 37,102 Baht per month so I leave it to you to judge how far down the BE 'food chain' she is.


Please bear in mind that if the alleged meeting between Immigration and Embassy Officials took place in May, the above mentioned person would not have participated in this meeting.

Woohoo!.... TEFL'er done real good, huh?

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1 hour ago, ubonjoe said:

You need to click Eng at the top right side of the page to get it in English.

@UbonJoe can you show a screenshot where this option appears on top right side. I cannot find it, Or alternately paste the full url with English? 


This is quite important, if we can locate the Imm site that states Embassy letter is a requirement OP could email it back to Imm then at least they will understand what the issue is. A sit currently stands both Embassies believe Imm does not require an Embassy letter and never has.

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51 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

he ball is in Thai Immigration's court to specify how proof of this locally banked monthly income be presented at local offices. Then the local offices can make their own unique tweaks and changes and we will have something new to complain about. The sun will rise in the morning and set in the evening and life will go on largely unchanged.

Agreed- the local offices will tweak things according to their interpretation- it will be the same problem we all have currently. Some offices will want more -some less. Time will tell. The news will appear right here as we move along into 2019. 

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