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Trump, Obama tout clashing visions of U.S. as elections near


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15 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

did they consider Obamas arm around Louis Farrakan, who called Jews "termites" and who is presently in Iran to support the Iranians against the great Satan?



I consider to be President Obama to be a failure with no/minimal accomplishments whatsoever, and man who associates with terrorists and antisemites.  To me, he lacks credibility to attack Presidnt Trump in any fashion.

Which is why the Republicans are running away from their votes to repeal Obamacare. Which is why Medicaid expansion looks like it's going to succeed via referenda in deep red states like Nebraska, Idaho, Utah, and Montana.

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31 minutes ago, Srinivas said:

Well Obama did make propaganda legal so I think the media and social networks will claim protection under the ndaa he signed.


The NDAA Legalizes The Use Of Propaganda On The US Public


Obama is in panic. if you follow the unraveling fisa issue. seems he was being briefed daily judging from the released Page/McCabe/ Strzok texts. This would indicate that he was spying on the Trump campaign prior to and after winning the election prior to inauguration. This will be the biggest scandal to rock America ever. The media can distort and hide but for not much longer imo.

And the reason you''re not citing sources for this FISA nonsense is that they're from the right wing loon sites.

In fact, if Obama wanted so badly to hurt the Trump candidacy why was there no leaking of the fact that there was an ongoing investigation of the Trump campaign until after the election?


As for NDAA, that was a Democratic initiative? It had little Republican support?

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11 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

You dont think it was? You dont think Obama played the Repubs with it. Masterful on his part and silliness on their part.


And you dont think hes gotten a pass? Really?

Not nastiness, not viciousness, just "silliness" And the person who became the chief cheerleader of this "silliness" was who again?

And it was so silly that at one time a majority of Republican voters believed it, and pretty close to a majority may still.

Edited by bristolboy
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6 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

Well we have gone from Blue Tsunami, to Blue Wave, to Blue Trickle, to maybe they will and maybe they wont. Considering the party in power almost always loses seats somewhere, the Democrats have a built in advantage above and beyond President Trump. So nothing new if they flip the House, its to be expected.


But if they don't? My god, there are going to be some fairly unattractive SJWs screaming to the skies I reckon.


Now moi, I have voted already so I will be out and about on Tuesday night having my very own Bangkok election party and ready to wake up fresh Wednesday morning to see the results, spend all day recovering at the pool, and head for Immigration the next day. If the Dems do take the House, it will be so much fun to watch them self destruct, starting with the saga of "What do to about Nancy" and continuing with "Maxine is here to Screw your Bank". And Alexandra. Oh my! ???? ???? 


I don't know who's "we". I never posted anything about a blue this or that. If I had any comment on result predictions, it was probably more in line with the last bit - maybe.


As for the rest of your nonsense, you may want to consult the post I replied to. The one in which the poster opined that Trump might refuse to accept results if things didn't go his way. Not all that carefree, not all that democratic, and a bit more in line with "screaming to the skies" (and that's even before the elections, mind).


But, obviously, you just butchered the post and ignored that part - same way you do with anything that doesn't fit well with your "arguments".




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1 hour ago, Srinivas said:

Well Obama did make propaganda legal so I think the media and social networks will claim protection under the ndaa he signed.


The NDAA Legalizes The Use Of Propaganda On The US Public


Obama is in panic. if you follow the unraveling fisa issue. seems he was being briefed daily judging from the released Page/McCabe/ Strzok texts. This would indicate that he was spying on the Trump campaign prior to and after winning the election prior to inauguration. This will be the biggest scandal to rock America ever. The media can distort and hide but for not much longer imo.

Actually, in the House of Representatives. the majority of Democrats voted against the bill which contained that amendment. But Republicans overwhelmingly supported it.

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3 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

But it's obama's fault? He said in his signing that there were provisions he was against. I don't know if one of those provisions was the one you referred to. Do you?

you no how these bills work. loaded up with extras. you get some and give some.

maybe obama had reservations about this idk he was not facing any elections so youd think he could have.

but he did say he had reservations about the indefinite detention with out trial, which is a big one. But then not big enough to make a fuss.

rachel maddow covered this, surprisingly well before she went kookoo with tds.

"rachel maddow ndaa" on yt.



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4 minutes ago, Srinivas said:

you no how these bills work. loaded up with extras. you get some and give some.

maybe obama had reservations about this idk he was not facing any elections so youd think he could have.

but he did say he had reservations about the indefinite detention with out trial, which is a big one. But then not big enough to make a fuss.

rachel maddow covered this, surprisingly well before she went kookoo with tds.

"rachel maddow ndaa" on yt.



Actually that same Democratic congressman proposed an amendment to specifically rule out detention without trial. ANd the Republicas overwhelmingly voted it down. And it's truly ludicrous to be criticizing Obama for this but be supporting Trump? Really, do you think Trump is an ardent defender of civil liberties and the Constitution? The guy who proposed that with a stroke of the pen he could overrule the 14th Amendment to the Constitution. Your indignation in this respect about Obama coupled with your support of Trump is just bizarre.

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2 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

All the silly birther crap aside, Obama has always gotten a pass from the media.  He set race relations back years, weaponized the government against Americans to an extent never before seen in American history, hindered the economy and is responsible for the sooner or later destruction of the once proud Democratic party, which in my day stood for freedom and liberal thought. He would be better off keeping quiet like all other Ex Presidents and counting his $$$ that he has made off of nothing.

Brilliant!  The once gifted orator !  His legacy was the threat of Socialism together with past administrations failing attempts of globalism !The man from middle America,that gave rise to old fashion middle America patriotism! 

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3 hours ago, Tug said:

Obama rescued us from the big housing stock auto stock disaster he also lives and espouses the true American ideal Donald on the other hand has appointed right wing judges blown up the deficit stabbed our allies in the guts reneged on agreements started trade wars devided the nation  attacks children calls families invaders this election is a referendum on us let’s hope we show goodness and not darkness it’s more than your pocket book!!

Obama did not rescue us, he along with bush bailed out the ridiculous lending institutions that blew the gigantic bubble in the first place.

We will pay for thid with a devalued currency and or high inflation for years to come. Notice why people on fixed income, retirees are at a loss where to put their savings? 

16 trillion  to bail out every financial institution and their investors. Plus the quantitative easing so who knows what the tally is today. aka kicking the can down the road.

probably gonna blow up on Trumps watch. can blame it all

on him. reset.


Edited by Srinivas
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2 hours ago, Grouse said:

Who can blame the Iranians for being pissed off?


Frankly, I would much prefer to deal with them than the Saudis.


Is Trump destabilizing the planet out of idiocy or is there a cunning plan? I doubt it.

The Saudis are pipsqueaks. Historically, the battle has been between Persia/Iran and the west. Don't underestimate the extent of their revanchism. Same with the Ottomans.

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A voice of sanity to close an INSANE midterm election.

"trump" is often compared to failed candidate George Wallace, a notorious fear mongering demagogue and racist that thankfully never became president. Tragically, the con man of Orange did. 

I was involved in a media project to cover a George Wallace campaign rally. Comparing that to the "trump" rallies I can say that George Wallace was significantly more mild than "trump." There was no fascist press is the "enemy of the people" garbage from him or lock him or her up of anyone that opposed him. His crowd wasn't even scary and frenzied (Mussolini style) like the "trump" fans are. I'm mentioning this because people forget. 


Now to some of that closing sanity. 



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2 hours ago, Jingthing said:

A voice of sanity to close an INSANE midterm election.

"trump" is often compared to failed candidate George Wallace, a notorious fear mongering demagogue and racist that thankfully never became president. Tragically, the con man of Orange did. 

I was involved in a media project to cover a George Wallace campaign rally. Comparing that to the "trump" rallies I can say that George Wallace was significantly more mild than "trump." There was no fascist press is the "enemy of the people" garbage from him or lock him or her up of anyone that opposed him. His crowd wasn't even scary and frenzied (Mussolini style) like the "trump" fans are. I'm mentioning this because people forget. 


Now to some of that closing sanity. 



Good old Alabama . Wallace had some faults but was a great guy at education with his trade schools that gave less fortunate o bight  kids the Bennefi of learning a trade.


i am not sure e could be called aacist but he did suport segregation that is true.




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5 hours ago, Srinivas said:

Obama did not rescue us, he along with bush bailed out the ridiculous lending institutions that blew the gigantic bubble in the first place.

We will pay for thid with a devalued currency and or high inflation for years to come. Notice why people on fixed income, retirees are at a loss where to put their savings? 

16 trillion  to bail out every financial institution and their investors. Plus the quantitative easing so who knows what the tally is today. aka kicking the can down the road.

probably gonna blow up on Trumps watch. can blame it all

on him. reset.


Yes yes yes yes you are 100% correct I need not comment further.

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13 hours ago, dunroaming said:

The American economy is doing well, very well!  You would think that Trump would use that as his rallying call for the Primaries.  Instead he focusses on sending troops to the border, "beautiful barbed wire" and his stupid wall.


Clearly this is what he believes will appeal to his core supporters and of course it will.  Just how successful this line is will be interesting to see.  Time for the USA voters to show their true colours (colors).



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