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Thailand makes HUGE changes to its laws on smoking in public

Jonathan Fairfield

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8 hours ago, Jonathan Fairfield said:

Smokers nipping outside the front of buildings for a quick smoke will soon be a thing of the past in Thailand.


New regulations issued by the Department of Public Health will force smokers to stay well away from all sorts of public buildings and public areas. 


There will be a five meter radius exclusion zone from any entrance or exit of all manner of public buildings. 


These include condos, rental buildings, pubs, hotels, religious buildings, karaoke establishments, restaurants, laundries, salons, cinemas, parking areas, spas, areas for Thai massage, clinics, hospitals, schools, swimming pools, fitness parks, clinics and other places. 


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For the nicotine addicts who try to divert attention from the issue by bringing up diesels, beach refuse, etc. ("whataboutery"),  and insist people should be posting about these other issues instead, I suggest this:


Make a list of every health issue you can think of that is a problem.


Then, anytime you post about one of them, be sure to include every other issue in the same post.

Edited by JimmyJ
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8 hours ago, transam said:

In the UK they banned smoking in pubs etc, but you could stand outside and have a puff, in this case it seems you have to stand in the middle of the road..????

They banned smoking in pubs/bars and all air conditioned public places about 7 or 8 years ago but how many bars actually enforce it? I know of only 1 ago go that does and that's Sugar Sugar, the rest if them carry on as usual, even shoving stinking ash trays in front of you whenever you go in and sit down. 

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6 hours ago, direction BANGKOK said:

This may only be the beginning. There are US cities that are banning smoking... as in completely, unless you are in your house or car. 


Brace yourselves because this is coming to a theater near you, sooner or later, in my opinion. 



Cannot come too soon.

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6 hours ago, fasteddie said:

''Yes, must be extremely fun to create a negative effect on other peoples health. Your comment is a pillar for society.''

Sir Richard Doll, the man credited with making the connection between smoking and cancer, when asked on the BBC how he would feel about sitting in a room full of smokers replied he wouldn't give it another thought the risk being so minimal.

Perfect. And that was how long time ago? You do know that science move forward? He was the one the described the connection best of of many other people and countries in the 1950s. And was therefore given the credit for it. I guess you are an English man, but please do not make your people more significant than they are in todays modern world.

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11 hours ago, HappyAndRich said:

No, it´s not any facts on that laughing has a bad effect on your fellow humans.


Yes, must be extremely fun to create a negative effect on other peoples health. Your comment is a pillar for society.


Why, if you drink beer, it´s not affecting somebody else. If you can hold your liquer, that will say. if you can´t, beers of the table.

"Why, if you drink beer, it´s not affecting somebody else".
Absolute rubbish !
Drinking causes more problems in society than anything else. Drunk drivers kill innocents on a daily basis, in most countries in the world. Go to any British town on a weekend night, and see the effects of drinking, on the behaviour of people.

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As a non smoker I welcome this and good health is important . I don't want anyone to experience lung cancer. 


But RTP can not control this , if anyone goes outside a condo and smoke nothing will happen unless the smoke police is watching you. 



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1 minute ago, MrMuddle said:

"Why, if you drink beer, it´s not affecting somebody else".
Absolute rubbish !
Drinking causes more problems in society than anything else. Drunk drivers kill innocents on a daily basis, in most countries in the world. Go to any British town on a weekend night, and see the effects of drinking, on the behaviour of people.

So again another person that considers holding your liqueur, as a person driving after drinking? That is not a problem with drinking. It´s lack of responsible behaviour.

Fighting after drinking is also considered to not be able to control your drinking, which again falls under lack of responsibility and disrespect for fellow human beings.

People drinking alcohol for relaxing and having fun, that knows how to behave, does only have a positive effect on other people. Can you say that about cigarettes, smoking and the smoke that comes out of them?

You must be joking! Go to a British town. You really have the stomach to even talk about that with the behaviour problem that exists in London and the rest of that country, without feeling ashamed?

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14 hours ago, HappyAndRich said:

Same like a factory can´t dump their shit anywhere, due to that it´s bad for nature. You smokers can´t dump your dangerous smoke into other peoples lives and surroundings.

I live in a nice moobaan and there's several houses where the thai dumped loads of huge blue barrels full of chemicals....or loads of products from their factory..they use the house as a warehouse for their crap. And these are expensive houses..

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6 minutes ago, Thian said:

I live in a nice moobaan and there's several houses where the thai dumped loads of huge blue barrels full of chemicals....or loads of products from their factory..they use the house as a warehouse for their crap. And these are expensive houses..

And where are you going with that discussion? Do you mean that makes it right to blow smoke around non smokers?

Anyway, I do really feel sad for the houses.

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4 minutes ago, GAZZPA said:

If there are already laws in place that protect people from second hand smoke and people obey those laws why do you need further laws?

You know. my leveled head is think that there are maybe more smokers that are not same considerate like you. Have you ever thought about that as the problem that is calling for more laws?

Just to be a little picky. Make it 5 meter instead of 3 and you will become a model for all smokers.

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14 hours ago, transam said:

In the UK they banned smoking in pubs etc, but you could stand outside and have a puff, in this case it seems you have to stand in the middle of the road..????

They have passed/enforced rules that there will be no smoking anywhere on government controlled premises, that means no smoking outside hospitals etc.Not sure they can stop people smoking on the streets yet.

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