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UK failing LGBT+ teens on mental health - campaigners


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3 minutes ago, booty call said:

My concern is the kids that are most definitely not of the rainbow persuasion that are being encouraged to do so.

I don't understand, you are concerned that straight kids are encouraged to be straight? 

Perhaps I misunderstood you, but your reply is somewhat cryptic  , Or are you saying that kids not in the LGBT community are encouraged to hide their sexuality and pretend to be straight ?




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17 minutes ago, sirineou said:

For a person so many talk about being confused he sure has a lot of "likes",

  Instead of  ad hominem attacks , how about finding something wrong with what he said? as I did with your reply

So he didn't make an attack on me in post #25?

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What the heck is going on in the UK now?


Reading through these posts it's clear there are some extreme points of view.  What is the problem with these LGB haters who have conspiracy theories about straight children being forced to be gay in the schools?  They seem to think the schools now teach mostly about how to be gay, and stopped teaching anything else like mathematics, history and the rest.  Think its the government sinister plan to make more gay people?  Seriously?


And for someone to say there was ZERO bulling ever at his school...… no way can I believe that.  Was he the only child there?!  Kids always bully each other, and its up to the teachers, parents and school to reduce it... teach children its wrong.


The fact is there are many teenager out there now with mental health issues.  Its even worse in America... where they don't even teach about LGB people in schools... not even allowing them to get married.


Looking at the statistics it also shows straight girls are having a bad time too.  Something is very wrong with society in the UK in general now... perhaps all this mental health problems in young children are from the constant bullying, nasty remarks and bigotry from the adults around them, as well as lack of hope for the future due to the state the governments have made of the country over the recent years.  

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7 hours ago, joecoolfrog said:

Quite frankly anybody who makes a song and dance about their sexuality is a tool. There is nothing to be proud of in being straight , gay , black or white , they are simply the hands we were dealt.

Bigotry is best fought by accepting diversity and celebrating it as a whole , not by minorities ( or majorities ) promoting how different they are.

The Gay Pride movement started purely as a civil rights movement that was desperately needed. I know a bit about this as I marched in some of the first Gay Pride Parades in history. Yes, I'm proud of being a part of that. So sue me. It's still needed in most of the world. I'd like to see you to tell Harvey Milk (before he was assassinated) that he is a tool to his face. Conflating the overwhelmingly dominant majority with oppressed minority groups (in almost the entire world to some degree from mild to death penalty) just doesn't add up logically. 

Edited by Jingthing
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5 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

So he didn't make an attack on me in post #25?

First let me say that Chomper Higgot and you are posters whose names I recognise and though I might not always agree with both I find reasonable, and since I always operate under the assumption that I might be wrong, I make it a point to read reasonable post such as yours and Higgot's to test my assumptions.

It used to be that the whole tree of an exchange in this forum was displayed, now only the previous response is displayed and sometimes it is easy to take an exchange out of context.

I went back and followed the whole exchange,

    If I understood correctly,  You made the assertion that the mental health problems were not as a result of their sexuality but, because of other social but mostly economic problems, 

IMO that is wrong, if it was correct the problems will not be elevated in the LGBT community but be the same for all since all face these same problems.

   Chomper replied that "Kid’s who are deserted by their fathers often have it tough." true IMO but continued to say "Though to be fair it depends on the father, sometimes being deserted is an improvement. " also true , but I could see how this could be construed as a personal attack , and I understand you being upset by it.  Even though Chomper might not had done it intentionally  , it was IMO insensitive , and though he deserves a lot of "likes" for his many posts in this forum, I now see that the second part of this one does not and I removed my "like" 

I Appreciate your restain from not reacting to that post.

  I hope he still has enough "Likes" to win the commemorative  TVF dinner plate set awarded to posters with many likes :tongue:

Anyway , two wrongs do not make a right. 





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1 minute ago, booty call said:

Unfortunately the liberals have gone totally leftfield and hijacked the entire agenda.  The sanctity of school now has kids being educated in LGBT studies which isn't necessary in the slightest.  


Parents have always dealt with their LGBT kids, not teachers and not the lefties.  


There'll always be kids that are unsure of their sexuality in their prepubescent and formative years but this isn't an excuse to encourage them one way or the other.  Leave those kids alone!

Classic homophobia.

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1 hour ago, Brigand said:

Ahhhhh...I see now. Chomper Higgot, you are the poster than many talk about being perpetually confused with almost every post and I was wondering who it was...case closed now. Maybe TVF is too nuanced for you and maybe you would be better off here https://mlpforums.com so as to not pop your bubble too much.


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14 hours ago, Brigand said:

Hardly surprising that children are mentally ill with all this complete rubbish they are subjected to now and being told to make choices they are supremely unready to for years...then have their delusions indulged and encouraged by older lunatics. Will not work out well. 

Agree. It's a bit like a fahionable club that they are joining because the others say it's good. It lets you do things that you would never have thought about and then if you do something wrong you can claim that you must have a mental problem and you will be forgiven.

Who is the dumbest, the teachers or the kids?

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5 minutes ago, ivor bigun said:

Funny you should say this,i dont know if my grandaughters teacher/s are left wing but she has been told in class that it is fine for 2 men or 2 women to get married and have children.this should not be what she should be taught in class.

There was no mention of this in our classes in the early 80s.  We were all perfectly normal and the gay kids lived their lives in peace and freedom just as the heterosexual kids did.


What went wrong?

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A complete crap article. Saying 25% of girls have a mental disorder but only 10% of boys. I am surprised Social Justice Warriors are not all over a statistic like that. In Europe, the suicide rate amongst men vs. women is 4-1. As for teaching LGBT-Q are the same as everyone else that is a head-scratcher. They are clearly not the same as everyone else but students should be taught to treat everyone with the same modicum of human decency that all people should be treated with despite our differences. 

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5 minutes ago, ivor bigun said:

Wishfull thinking . But then if you turn this around,it could be that a man acting very gay and dressing in pink etc,might be really straight and just trying to hide it and fit in with gay people.

Sent from my SM-A720F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

Yess indeed, many straight men  act gay to escape the persecution imposed upon straits by the dastardly gays and gain access to all the special right gays enjoy.

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13 minutes ago, ivor bigun said:

Funny you should say this,i dont know if my grandaughters teacher/s are left wing but she has been told in class that it is fine for 2 men or 2 women to get married and have children.this should not be what she should be taught in class.

Sent from my SM-A720F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

I attended many schools as we moved often growing up. I don't remember ever having a teacher that was not left wing. In fact, the political candidates running for office both federally and provincially for the NDP (socialist party) were teachers in my high school.

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3 minutes ago, Ulic said:

From my reading of this article, it is so poorly written and agenda driven I have no confidence in the statistics or the articles. All kids have been bullied at one time or another, and all kids have been bullies at one time or another. Men are hierarchical and tend to shit on the weakest guy, women are structured like a community and tend to shit on the girl who elevates herself out of a group and excel. I have coached both men and women for over 30 years in high level sport and watched the dynamics play out. Understanding how things work you can keep an eye out and help the weaker/smaller/less adept boys, and encourage the better girls to keep striving and not be pulled back by the group.  Contrary to popular belief, kids can be mean. 

regardless of your opinion of the statistica, or the motivations of this article, You don't think Gay kids a bullied more?

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8 hours ago, booty call said:

There was no mention of this in our classes in the early 80s.  We were all perfectly normal and the gay kids lived their lives in peace and freedom just as the heterosexual kids did.


What went wrong?

I was in UK schools until 2009, didn't hear any teacher mention sex of any kind.

Although the early teens girls would be telling each other of some hair-raising adventures when in the queue to enter class, and registration.


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19 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

I was in UK schools until 2009, didn't hear any teacher mention sex of any kind.

Although the early teens girls would be telling each other of some hair-raising adventures when in the queue to enter class, and registration.


What you heard the teachers saying while you were in school depends entirely on what you were doing in the school.


A pupil will have a different perspective than, by example, the janitor.

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