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Extreme Brexit could be worse than financial crisis for UK: BoE


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10 hours ago, sanemax said:

once you have voted, thats it .

It's a pity, there is no way to go back. 


I often change my mind on many subjects, based on new, all at once revealed, facts. 


Being 70+, I voted a lot in my home country. 


I sometimes deeply regretted my choice in voting, as it appeared, short after, I was misleaded. 

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On 3/16/2019 at 5:59 AM, wilcopops said:

Just installed a new Brexiteer grammar-check....

Good idea, as it appears the Remainer version is out of print.



Edited by Krataiboy
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7 hours ago, wilcopops said:

Farage seems to have misjudged this insult to the Jarrow marchers......



To be expected, given the 6 Nations, FA Cup & other distractions on offer in addition to any travel/security measures as a result of the atrocity in NZ. 

By 29 March the numbers will likely exceed Diana's funeral if Parliament don't buck their ideas up.

Edited by evadgib
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Brexit is like a bouncing ball now, it can goes every way. 


There is no consensus at all about it, among politicians, parliamentarians, citizens. 


It is on the base of the end of an "United" Kingdom. 

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1 hour ago, nauseus said:

Still a winker. He has distanced himself too far from his own party manifesto. Brexit was top of the agenda for the last GE. His voters should have the power to remove him.

The TYPE of Brexit is the issue.


There has been no discussion on the TYPE of Brexit; no debate on any of the options.


Who's idea was fixed term parliaments?

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1 hour ago, nauseus said:

How can an MP of such conviction resign from the local Conservative association but not take it further? He has just distanced himself even more from those who put him in place, while not resigning his seat or the party as a whole. He's a classic example today's parliamentary winker. 

He's treating bullies with the contempt they deserve. Good.


Any others who are threatened should act in the same way.


Who exactly are Conservative Associations? Golfers? Free Masons? Are they the arbiters of democracy now? Our constitution has been standing for a very long time; I don't want it changed by a bunch of anally retentive gammons thank you.



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1 hour ago, owl sees all said:

The week was shortened 'cause Ron is not doing the Sunday night shift. So this is for w/e Sunday 17th March 2019 at 3am (end of shift). Liverpool central poll.


The poll-master adjusted the wording this time.


66% Leave on WTO terms (no pay-out to EU)
11% Accept May's deal/any other deal other than WTO
04% Stay in
03% Second vote
10% Don't know/care. Undecided.
06% Spoilt vote paper. Too drunk to understand the poll or put a cross in a box. Vomit/blood/other on the ballot paper (rendering it unreadable).


There was also a pilot poll.


Who would you vote for in the Euro elections, if there is an extension to A50?


12% Labour
08% Conservative
06% Liberal
46% Pro-Brexit party (UKIP, Brexit, Brexit alliance, etc)
04% Another party/group (greens, new age warriors, etc)
10% Will vote but undecided.
14% Would not vote.


This pilot poll might well be official if A50 gets extended.

So that's the view from people who do the night shift in Liverpool! We should all take their advice. ????

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1 hour ago, billd766 said:

Absolutely correct.


He seems to have forgotten who elected him and why he was elected.


I have felt for a long while that both the Labour and Tory parties only need the constituents simply to get elected. Once they are in they may talk to the hoi polloi every so often but otherwise they are all of the "I am your mp and i know more than you" party.


At the next election the Parties may descend on the constituencies and tell them WE have decided who will represent you at the next election. They may well be in for a big surprise and be told "This person is our choice and we want him/her to represent us", and if you don't like it you know what you can do.

It is astonishing to me that a person of your years and experience does not know how our representative democracy works, or at least is supposed to work. You, having the privilege of a vote, have the ability to select someone who you trust to take decisions in the best interests of ALL of all their constituents AND the country as a whole. I am getting very bored of explaining this to people who will not listen. Do you just take orders? Or can you think this through rationally? I believe that you are a former military man? What were you defending? The crown? The people? British democracy? What? If you want a different constitution then vote to change it!

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