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'State of insurrection' as fuel tax riots engulf central Paris


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43 minutes ago, stevenl said:

You're blaming the EU Deep State, that same EU is limiting the maximum allowable deficit. And at the same time you're complaining about the debts.


Confused a little?

Who's complaining about debts? France and most other Western nations are heavily overdebted. 

Anywhere try reading this if it doesn't strain your attention span too much:


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11 minutes ago, cooked said:

Who's complaining about debts? France and most other Western nations are heavily overdebted. 

Anywhere try reading this if it doesn't strain your attention span too much:


Here's a choice selection from that article you linked to:

"Organized labor is largely absent from the movement. The reason for that is simple: The French Confederation of Labour (CGT) is completely co-opted by the oligarchy; it defends mass immigration; global warmism; ecologism, homosexualism and just about every over elite-power, anti-labor obsession. The CGT has become completely irrelevant to contemporary class struggle."



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5 hours ago, Prissana Pescud said:

I very much doubt that the Brits will react in the destructive way that the French are now behaving. Destroying your country does not seem to be a positive result for anyone.

Britain was a world power before EU. Now the wealth is being sucked out to prop up failed ecomomies such as France, Italy and Greece. There are many more countries with dubious economies. Lets start with the eastern EU or Spain or Portugal. Other than freedom of work for cheap labour and freedom of travel, the rest of the deal is a dud. Some unelected moron making laws that in no way reflect the westminster system that has taken centuries to refine, operating out of Brussels. Not Britain 

The UK's contribution to the EU is a miniscule proportion of the UK's and the EU's economy. The UK and France have virtually the the same GDP. But income distribution in France is a lot more equal than it is in the UK.

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4 hours ago, stevenl said:



What you see is the result of the French living above their means for a long time. Somebody is finally trying to get them more realistic.

The French debt to GDP ratio is 97%. The UK's is 87%. Is that 10% difference so crucial?

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The French, professional protesters. Like a Monty Python skit. They want it better, they want more of it, they want it free, and they think that they are entirely reasonable and everyone else is unreasonable. :tongue:

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42 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

The French debt to GDP ratio is 97%. The UK's is 87%. Is that 10% difference so crucial?

UK is high as well., imo too high. Same as southern Europe plus Belgium.

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6 hours ago, stevenl said:

What you see is the result of the French living above their means for a long time. Somebody is finally trying to get them more realistic.

Somebody: "Let them eat cake." 
This is the outcome.  The 'somebodies' can't continue hammering the 'nobodies' and expect the lid to stay on the pot.

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3 minutes ago, cooked said:

Very boring. I mentioned it, you're the one that has turned mentioning a fact into complaining.

Have something to add or want to talk semantics? Seems you have confused not just some tv members but yourself as well.

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France, Italy, Greece, the lands of insurrection and mayhem.

The lands of idiots who would love to destroy the infrasructure of a country rather than change policy with a vote.

What are the police supposed to do in France?

 But then you remember that the fuel tax hike in France is implemented to repay massive debt.

No wonder Britain is leaving this toxic EU situation, It can only get worse with so many EU countries in massive debt.

But the mentality of Franco idiots who by open rebellion, further put their country into debt is astounding, stupid and sad.

But France is the country which has anarchy as part of its culture. What a pathetic state of affairs. What apathetic country 

Most of what you say is absolutely correct, but this is what you eventually get when politicians do what they like and fail to listen to the people who voted for them.  Macron's honeymoon period ended long ago and he is now headed for divorce.  He will never be elected next time because he comes across as an arrogant know-it-all, trying to lead France into a United States of Europe which nobody wants. 


With many EU countries being in "massive debt" as you say, and with its member countries' leaders not listening to their voters, there is a real possibility of the EU eventually collapsing, just like many other past "unions" of completely different countries with different cultures and languages have done.  Macron's dream of becoming the self-appointed leader of the EU now that Merkel's reign is virtually over, is just that....a dream.  At the next French election, he will fade into obscurity, politically at least, although, as a member of the elite, he will never be short of a euro or two.


As far as the UK's Brexit problems are concerned, it is very doubtful that we will see anything like the riots in France by those who do not like the end result.  Admittedly we have had some problems in the past, but we have nothing like the history of the French who do tend to riot in the streets as a means to get their Government to see things their way on all sorts of issues, most of which were much less significant than Brexit. 

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On Sunday, December 02, 2018 at 10:43 AM, dick dasterdly said:

I suspect that it also partly a result of the ban on smoking.

I wonder , smoking was allowed + the sale of ciggies in pubs when I left in 2005 , but hey perhaps those over there should try the French way and burn down pubs as an answer to the smoking ban. Viva la differance.

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