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Worst Joke Ever 2024

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One day just outside Rome a farmer discovers an absolutely huge strawberry.

All his friends tell him he must give it to Ceasar.

He does so and Ceasar is so amazed by it he puts it on a plinth so the people can come and see it. For two days the crowds come to see it and on the third day Mark Anthony hears about it.

When he sees the strawberry he draws his sword and cuts off a bit to eat.

The crowd all shout 'what are you doing??'

He answers

I come to seize the berry, not to praise it.

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Ceasar gives Brutus an award for his 24 greatest deeds.

A nice vase with 24 chocolate buttons in it.

He gets home and his wife counts the buttons and finds only 20.

Brutus rushes back to tell Ceasar and gets there just as Ceasar is being stabbed to death. 

Brutus joins in the stabbing and Ceasar says et tu Brute!

Liar says Brutus, you ate 4.

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Julius Caesar....

Is offering his friends some delicious ancient roman pizza  Everyone eats a single slice except Brutus who sneakily eats another one.

Caesar catches him in the act and says

"Ate two, Brute?"
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