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Worst Joke Ever 2024

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I went for a walk with my new girlfriend and we saw dogs mating . She said : How does the male know when the female is ready for sex ?
I replied : He can smell she is ready . That is how nature works .

We then walked past a sheep field and the ram was mating the ewe . Again my girlfriend asked : How the ram knew when the ewe was ready for sex ?
 I replied : It’s nature . He can smell she is ready.

We then went past a cow-field and the bull was mating the cow .
My girlfriend said : This is odd . They are all at it . Surely the bull can’t smell when she is ready .
I said : Look , it’s nature . All animals can smell when the female is ready for sex .

Anyway and after the walk , I dropped her home and kissed her goodbye . She said : Take care and get yourself checked for Covid-19 .
Surprised , I asked her : Why do you feel that way ?
She said : I think you seem to have lost your sense of smell ...

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A truck driver is on the motorway doing 60 when there's a tap against his window.

He looks over and, along side him is a biker who's standing barefoot on the bars of his bike, working the throttle with his toes, with his helmet off and stuck on the pillion seat, and this biker's motioning for the truck driver to wind his window down.

He does so, and in the face of the 60mph headwind, shouts, "What do you want?".

The biker raises a cigarette and yells, "have you got a light mate?"

"You bloody idiot!" yells the trucker, "you're going to kill yourself!"

"Nah", comes the biker's reply, "I only smoke 10 a day".

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An old fella from the country took his family on the first trip to the big city. Never seen any building taller than 2 stories before. The old man and his son were standing in front of two big shiny metal doors that slid sideways open and closed, and exposed a little room right behind them. Above the doors were numbers that lit up 1-2-3-4-5 etc, then counted back down 5-4-3-2-1. The doors reopened and some people came out of the little room. This fascinated the man and his son. After a while an elderly unattractive woman stood in front of the doors and pushed a button. The doors slid opened and she entered the little room, and the doors closed behind her. The numbers light up 1-2-3-4-5, paused a few minutes, and then numbers went 5-4-3-2-1. The doors reopened and an attractive young woman walked out.
Then the man turned to his son and said "Boy, go get your mother."

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