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Mueller - ex-Trump adviser Flynn provided substantial assistance in Russia probe


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2 hours ago, roobaa01 said:

i understand legally in accordance with the us bill of rights any us citizen has the right to file any criminal charges against any individual whatsoever.




Really, can you cite which of the 10 amendments gives citizens that right? Civil cases are one thing. Criminal cases quite another. 

How would that even work? Does the citizen's lawyer become a prosecutor? Or does the fact that a citizen files such charges forces a prosecutor to pursue the case? This is just nonsense.

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2 hours ago, FritsSikkink said:

You understand wrong. If you think somebody did a criminal offense against you , you or your lawyer go to the police. the police investigates to see if you are right or talking BS. If the police thinks you are right, they give the case to a prosecutor. Then the prosecutor decides if there is enough evidence or that the police should do more investigating. If the prosecutor is satisfied he can file charges against the person.    https://www.criminaldefenselawyer.com/resources/criminal-defense/criminal-offense/pressing-charges-a-criminal-act.htm 

when can a private person file a private criminal case in court in the usa

 ?? the court allows private individuals to file for minor or misdemeanor crime.

young v. us ex re. vuitton et fils year 1987




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18 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

Really, can you cite which of the 10 amendments gives citizens that right? Civil cases are one thing. Criminal cases quite another. 

How would that even work? Does the citizen's lawyer become a prosecutor? Or does the fact that a citizen files such charges forces a prosecutor to pursue the case? This is just nonsense.

the us court allows private individuals to file for minor or midemeanor crime.

young v. us ex re.vuitton et fils 1987




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9 minutes ago, roobaa01 said:

the us court allows private individuals to file for minor or midemeanor crime.

young v. us ex re.vuitton et fils 1987




This is an extremely limited example applicable only in cases of contempt of a court order. And even then it's very restricted. It certainly doesn't apply in Corsi's case.

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4 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

This is an extremely limited example applicable only in cases of contempt of a court order. And even then it's very restricted. It certainly doesn't apply in Corsi's case.

well im not a lawyer and what applies legally to corsi a us court will find out and decide.




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16 minutes ago, roobaa01 said:

the us court allows private individuals to file for minor or midemeanor crime.

young v. us ex re.vuitton et fils 1987




Really. In that case an attorney was deputized as a Special Council in order to represent the government.


Thats your basis for: “i understand legally in accordance with the us bill of rights any us citizen has the right to file any criminal charges against any individual whatsoever.


You gotta try harder than that weak sauce.

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Remember when anti trumpers thought Flynn was the back channel to Russians and commited treAson. whatever happened to that?

pretty light charges and sentences so far considering "Russia, treason, election meddling, putins puppet" and all the other noise.


Why is Mueller letting everyone skate? nice guy?

Flynn no jail

Papadopoulos 14 days 

Cohen ?  probably not much

Manafort ? unrelated charges

Russians indicted? like they will ever even face extradition on FB data like Comey would say "no prosecutor would pursue this". 


Flynn was in Trump admin for only 24 days, how much could he help with this?

Bill Priestap resigned, the boss of the whole counterintelligence team of 

Strozk, Page, Mcabe... the stitch up crew.


But Flynn does know where all the bodies are buried being head of DIA under Obama admin for 2 years. He had to tell all according to the plea deal agreement.

How do you enter evidence officially? hehe plea for something minor and tell all?


let the great unraveling begin. enjoy the show.








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A couple of key points arising from the Flynn sentencing memo.


1. The phrase "substantial assistance" used by the prosecutor. This is the key phrase for the highest level of witness co-operation and would not be used unless the prosecutor was satisfied that the witness had been fully co-operative.


2. The deafening silence from Trump. With every other witness that has co-operated, he has minimised their role in his campaign and then maligned them. Is this because his eyes and ears (His personal attorneys, Whittaker, etc) have not been able to discover what Flynn has been saying? It is odd anyway.

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6 minutes ago, Briggsy said:

A couple of key points arising from the Flynn sentencing memo.


1. The phrase "substantial assistance" used by the prosecutor. This is the key phrase for the highest level of witness co-operation and would not be used unless the prosecutor was satisfied that the witness had been fully co-operative.


2. The deafening silence from Trump. With every other witness that has co-operated, he has minimised their role in his campaign and then maligned them. Is this because his eyes and ears (His personal attorneys, Whittaker, etc) have not been able to discover what Flynn has been saying? It is odd anyway.

Also interesting that Flynn was substantially assisting on other investigations .

that Meuller is not overseeing. outside of his purview.

what could those be? hmm

the plea deal agreement is to tell all. Im sure he knows a lot.

He was quite public about his views on Cf, Hrc in the past after being head of DIA 2012 to 2014. look at his pre indictment twitter posts.


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9 minutes ago, Briggsy said:

You seem to be (rather crazily) suggesting that Flynn, as part of his plea agreement, provided various prosecutors with information on Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation. (Again rather crazily) you ignore the fact that if Flynn had any incriminating information on the Clintons, he would have used it during the 2016 presidential election. All of this despite Flynn being charged with lying to the FBI in relation to conversations with the Russian ambassador.


I will put this in the "deflection" box although the inevitable mention of Hillary does get it very close to the "whataboutism" basket.


I look forward to your next insane post.

"crazily, insane"I  see that it got under your skin. But put your ego or party colored glasses aside and consider.


 Flynn was charged with lying. what was the lie?

Pence misspoke on the tv  interview.Flynn was accused of lieing to Pence.

Only one of those two would be technically telling the truth

So  Flynn took the blame. a perfectly played set up by a Peter Strozk and team.

Consider this article.

"Recall that the inconsistency concerned whether Mr. Flynn had discussed U.S. sanctions against Russia with the Russian ambassador to the U.S. Vice President Mike Pence had said publicly that Mr. Flynn had not discussed sanctions, and once it came to light that he had, Mr. Flynn resigned"


The Mystery of Michael Flynn’s Guilty Plea

He pleaded guilty to a crime FBI agents said he didn’t commit



As forFlynn would not take that risk prior to 2016 election as elections could go either way. Besides he would get no traction in the obama admin nor the msm. 

Whats a good way to introduce information into the Meullers case files ?

by a tell all plea deal?

reread the "cooperation" section of the plea deal.


Flynn is no dummy. Meullet cannot discard, hide, whatever other crimes he may have knowledge of and divulged to fit the Russia collusion narrative.

Therefore the "other investigations"?


if im wrong, no biggie as im a nobody . But Flynn skates for a good reason. Leverage.









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And now the sentencing memo for Cohen has been filed and the explanation of the reasons why Mueller tore up the cooperation agreement has been filed.


The southern district of NY has recommended a heavy sentence for  Cohen although Mueller has said that he fully cooperated with him.  The reason the SDNY recommended the heavy sentence is due to lack of cooperation of Cohen in coming clean about all of his past "local" criminal activity.  I can see the reason why he did not cooperate as he would be implicating local "criminals" and his and his family's lives wouldn't be worth a wooden nickle even if they were in witness protection in Nauru.  Most likely the local "boss" has told him to serve his term, be quiet, and they will see that his family is taken care of.  In addition, this is the first time that a document has been filed with the court that specifically accuses the President of a federal crime.


The Manafort filling shows 5 areas where Mueller has evidence that he lied to them and will be followed by a sentencing document that might also add additional charges.  His only hope is a Pardon!


So now we have Cohen and Manafort in addition to Flynn!

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55 minutes ago, wayned said:

Most likely the local "boss" has told him to serve his term, be quiet, and they will see that his family is taken care of.  In addition, this is the first time that a document has been filed with the court that specifically accuses the President of a federal crime.

Most likely is a guess! I haven't seen a document that specifically accuses the POTUS of a federal crime

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On ‎12‎/‎4‎/‎2018 at 11:46 PM, riclag said:

I don't think so! No interference,no evidence by the Trump Campaign during the 2016 Election! 

You're out numbered, 6 to 1 on reactions. Come on, it's time to switch teams. Trump days are very, very numbered.

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18 minutes ago, neeray said:

You're out numbered, 6 to 1 on reactions. Come on, it's time to switch teams. Trump days are very, very numbered.

pollsters again! 

so is this the beggining of the end as told by the old guard media again.


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46 minutes ago, wayned said:

If you are going to quote me quote the entire paragraph.


"The southern district of NY has recommended a heavy sentence for  Cohen although Mueller has said that he fully cooperated with him.  The reason the SDNY recommended the heavy sentence is due to lack of cooperation of Cohen in coming clean about all of his past "local" criminal activity.  I can see the reason why he did not cooperate as he would be implicating local "criminals" and his and his family's lives wouldn't be worth a wooden nickle even if they were in witness protection in Nauru.  Most likely the local "boss" has told him to serve his term, be quiet, and they will see that his family is taken care of.  In addition, this is the first time that a document has been filed with the court that specifically accuses the President of a federal crime."


He was not willing to enter into a cooperation agreement with the SDNY, not because it had anything to do with Trump, but because it would put him in a position where he would hive to "rat" on all of the people that he had dealings with locally., not a healthy thing for him to do.


AS far as not seeing anything that specifically accuses POTUS of a federal crime, the document does accuse POTUS of campaign finance violations which is a federal crime!

Can you show the word accuse in any document from the courts or Mueller's office in regards to PT! If you can't it's because their isn't ! Another wishful thinking by the conspiracy theorist!

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33 minutes ago, riclag said:

Can you show the word accuse in any document from the courts or Mueller's office in regards to PT! If you can't it's because their isn't ! Another wishful thinking by the conspiracy theorist!

easy takeaway…  :

" The prosecutors from the Southern District have now named Trump as the person who directed a crime for which another man will presumably go to prison. "


Edited by Opl
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31 minutes ago, wayned said:

The accusation was made in the Cohen sentencing document that was released by the SDNY.  It is an 81 page document and I saw the charge but did not copy it, but it's been in the news.  It's the first time that Trump has been accused of a crime by federal prosecutors.  Here's a synopsis of the accusation:


"Attorneys from the Southern District of New York state explicitly in the court filing that Cohen “acted in coordination with and at the direction of Individual-1” in handling payments to two women who claimed to have an affair with Trump long before the election. Trump is identified in this and other filings by U.S. attorneys as “Individual-1,” who “was elected President.”


The quote is from Fortune and can be found here along with the entire sentencing document: http://fortune.com/2018/12/07/feds-accuse-trump-crime-cohen-campaign-finance/

Well there you have it.  But where is the Russia collusion?  did these two women get paid in rubles?


my guess is Mueller will write a vegan burger report(meatless but tasty) to justify his work, both sides will claim vindication and the great game goes on into 2020.



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51 minutes ago, wayned said:

The accusation was made in the Cohen sentencing document that was released by the SDNY.  It is an 81 page document and I saw the charge but did not copy it, but it's been in the news.  It's the first time that Trump has been accused of a crime by federal prosecutors.  Here's a synopsis of the accusation:


"Attorneys from the Southern District of New York state explicitly in the court filing that Cohen “acted in coordination with and at the direction of Individual-1” in handling payments to two women who claimed to have an affair with Trump long before the election. Trump is identified in this and other filings by U.S. attorneys as “Individual-1,” who “was elected President.”


The quote is from Fortune and can be found here along with the entire sentencing document: http://fortune.com/2018/12/07/feds-accuse-trump-crime-cohen-campaign-finance/

Ok , I'm convinced!

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"Bradley Smith, a Republican former chairman of the Federal Election Commission, said in an email that the payments to Daniels could not be considered campaign payments "any more than a candidate paying for trash pick-up at his house, lest the shabby appearance of his yard lead to unflattering news stories."


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Lock him up?

Prosecutors Say Trump Directed Illegal Payments During Campaign

Federal prosecutors said on Friday that President Trump directed illegal payments to ward off a potential sex scandal that threatened his chances of winning the White House in 2016, putting the weight of the Justice Department behind accusations previously made by his former lawyer.

The lawyer, Michael D. Cohen, had said that as the election neared, Mr. Trump directed payments to two women who claimed they had affairs with Mr. Trump. But in a new memo arguing for a prison term for Mr. Cohen, prosecutors in Manhattan said he “acted in coordination and at the direction of” an unnamed individual, clearly referring to Mr. Trump.

https://www.nytimes.com/2018/12/07/nyregion/michael-cohen-sentence.html?action=click&module=Top Stories&pgtype=Homepage

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