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British members of masked gang who kidnapped man fled to Thailand and ate their SIM cards - now they've been jailed


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1 hour ago, dunroaming said:

How dare you talk about the British ex-pats like that! ????


But seriously Thailand is a destination of choice for a lot of criminals on the run from anywhere.  The corrupt system serves them well and as we know just about everything is available if you have the money to buy it.


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6 hours ago, LomSak27 said:


Boggler - read the Manchester news article, then make your snarky comments. Nothing about it whatsoever. Were they being arrested, or is this what Nigels from Manchester put on avocado toast?! Its a flipping mystery. Now get on it Sherlock. 


I'm still trying to figure out what is 'snarkey' about the post.

If your mind boggles it basically means you read or are told something that confuses you and perhaps amazes you at the same time.

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So why didn't they just burn the sim cards to get rid of the evidence , why eat them ? Judging by the photos , IQ does not seem to be on the high side , but still .  


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Just in case anyone is wondering.


SIM card destruction as it has some important data on it that can be used to implicate you in a crime. They were masked so maybe the SIM is next best thing to nab them.


Would show last dialled numbers, text messages and contact list and some other unheard of records.


Assuming these chaps were using non smartphones and this is reason why they tried to eat the sim, weird how they could not accomplish it.

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7 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

What happened to my dear England?

It started when Daddy went to Woodstock instead of doing his national service, and corporal punishment was removed from school. Discipline in the home no longer exists or can even lead to wayward oiks like this lot having plod/Esther Rantzen on speed dial.

Edited by evadgib
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55 minutes ago, TumblinDice said:

As a matter of fact I do. But I don't get your Ossy humor. Care to elaborate.

I simply suggested, from your somewhat 'movie-worthy' description of these bad boys, that you might write film-scripts . . . pretty simple, really, but sorry if I scratched a nerve.

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As the four men's barristers delivered mitigation, Judge Jonathan Foster QC asked Boyd's barrister Katherine Pierpoint: "What was all this about?"

In years gone by the Peirpoint's would have been dispatching, not defending low life...

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 12/6/2018 at 10:11 AM, LomSak27 said:

Why would you eat your sim card ?

You have been made fun of for this question but it seems you are not alone. I have not read the whole thread but here is my interpretation of why they might masticate their mobile molecules.

There will be little food value in the card ... so NO!

There will be no improvement in mobile service having eaten the card ... so NO!

I doubt they were just having a lark ... lads together, you know ... so NO!

My guess is that they swallowed the card to make it disappear from human view, to throw Mr Plod off the scent, hoping that no one would realise what they had done AND that no one would rummage around in their poo once they had twigged what had happened.

In other words, attempting to hide/destroy evidence.


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With so many ways to dispose of a SIM card I don't think even the terminally stupid would think of consummation as their first choice.

Unless, they were already in custody, had no other way to get rid of them, and were desperate to destroy evidence.

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42 minutes ago, todlad said:
On 12/6/2018 at 10:11 AM, LomSak27 said:

Why would you eat your sim card ?

You have been made fun of for this question but it seems you are not alone. I have not read the whole thread but here is my interpretation of why they might masticate their mobile molecules.


You don't have the answer either but ... These are Brits, what can you really expect?!  That said I should have phrased it differently. In both the Thai article and the Brit tabloid article, no description on why they were eating it, or the EVENTS which led up to this maybe that is more to the point. Yes they want to destroy numbers and contact information, got that Doh,,  but why and how did this happen?


A)  So they took me for a scrape round to Dinsdales place and there they were eating there sim cards.


B) We broke down the door, and there they were pulling out the sim cards and swallowing it. So we kicked them in the stomach repeatedly until they laced the floor with their golden delicious, then we picked up the card.


C) We chased them through the Sainsbury’s car park. Tackled them, put a nightstick to there head but before we could club em, they ate their sim card.


D) We noticed as they talked to us, in Hogsbreath,  they pulled out their sims card from their Phone and swallowed with a beer backer. We thought this suspicious .. 


I still don’t know why or how, but considering  how much joy it brought to the Brit mouth breather squad, hey Merry Christmas  :thumbsup:

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 12/6/2018 at 3:40 PM, dunroaming said:

You mean like the Portuguese, French and Spanish and their colonies?


And there was I thinking that council house tenants paid rent.  Not sure what a criminal class is? Where does that fit in with the Working Class, Middle Class, Upper Class?

Mentality of the underclass and if successful, income of the middle class.

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