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Rich nations fail as Thailand meets its emissions target


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6 hours ago, webfact said:

the energy sector having released 196.5 tonnes of CO2 in the first nine months of this year

The remaining trees in left in Thailand will be pleased to hear that news given that they are dependent on CO2 for survival. Deny them CO2 and then they die thus preventing the transformation of CO2 to O2 needed for human survival. 

Everyone says ...."grow more trees". Meaning more CO2 will be required. Maybe we need more CO2 rather than less to keep trees and humans alive.

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38 minutes ago, action said:

Factories spewing pollution,  TV members spewing negativity.  Just another normal day in LOS.  

Here's an idea, if you all think Thailand is so horrible and dirty, why don't you go the phuq home??!!  Or get off your bar stool, put your smartphone down and try doing something productive about it.  

Excuse me Action Man, I work productively 9 hrs per day, don't frequent bars and use my phone sparingly, but that doesn't change my attitude. And why would one go home when cigarettes are so cheap here! 

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3 hours ago, dotpoom said:

There we go again ..1st response..."negative"...to a positive story???

 "Negativity"...first out of the traps ever time.


...or as the great American philosopher Jon Bon Jovi said: "If you don't love me...lie to me..."

Such a positive message, right?!



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2 hours ago, SoilSpoil said:

Its called scepticism, aka critical thinking.

As well as scepticism, critical thinking also requires a healthy dose of unbiased judgement.


I don't see or read much of that around here.

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2 hours ago, manicmike68 said:

Come here to Rayong and you will see the factories spewing  more crap that you could never imagine into the air on a daily basis. I have never had health problems in my entire life until I came here. I have had many respiratory issues including pneumonia several times which I never had before.

You chose to come and live in Thailand. You chose where to live in Thailand. You choose to remain where you are in Thailand.


I also chose to come and live in Thailand. I chose to settle in Rural Issan where the air is very clean and fresh and there are little signs of pollution where we live.


I am fit and healthy and at 72, feel as good as I did in my 30s. In fact I'm probably healthier because I long since quit smoking, control my alcohol intake and take plenty of exercise.


It's all about lifestyle choices. And you cannot blame Thailand for that.



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Rich nations have no interest in climate change as they have too much investment in huge conglomerate companies who source energy to make the country function.

The plain truth is no-one has an answer for climate warming except to go back to living like stone-age man

and lets face it no-one in the modern world is going to do that!

People look at the governments to make the difference, the government look at the people to make the effort... guess what... nothings happening.

people are not going to give up their luxuries, like cars, using taxis, trains, buses get on a bicycle you must be mad... find a local job instead of commuting every day, ohh and don't forget the aircraft to get you to your dream holiday destination etc etc... live without your mobile phone.. heavens above !!

No nothing is going to change.... as a race we are what we are... polluters

And for Thailand pollution comes in more forms than emissions into the atmosphere, so while they all sit around a table patting each other on the back they're one of the worst offenders for land & ocean polluting

Thailand has got a terrible record on land-fill sites, water treatment, forestry burning etc etc

No nothing is going to change, the governments don't have the incentive to invest in non-return solutions and the people don't have the incentive to make the effort to change their daily habits !!

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4 hours ago, dotpoom said:

There we go again ..1st response..."negative"...to a positive story???

 "Negativity"...first out of the traps ever time.


what is the "positive" they admit their own pollution has gone up most would say this is a negative.

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6 hours ago, LazySlipper said:

Now all they have to do is clean up the plastic bags and they will have a double whammy.

My shopping at a local Tesco store yesterday was placed in a large brown paper bag instead of the usual plastic variety and I was quite impressed, until it split open when I took it out of the car and everything fell out.  I would commend them for trying however, except that I understand that it was a one-day only change to help the environment, so perhaps not very effective in the long run.  Next time when visiting 7/11 or Tesco etc, I will be sure to remember to take my own re-usable bag, instead of just trying to refuse the inevitable offer of plastic bags for literally everything, even for a single purchase.  Thailand must really start to take this problem seriously and either ban plastic bags altogether, unless they are degradable, or start charging for them, before the oceans become an even bigger rubbish bin, killing most of the living creatures in it.

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3 hours ago, Cadbury said:

The remaining trees in left in Thailand will be pleased to hear that news given that they are dependent on CO2 for survival. Deny them CO2 and then they die thus preventing the transformation of CO2 to O2 needed for human survival. 

Everyone says ...."grow more trees". Meaning more CO2 will be required. Maybe we need more CO2 rather than less to keep trees and humans alive.

You must be trolling. Do you really think there is a shortage of CO2? Trump would be proud of you.

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3 hours ago, marqus12 said:

fight with co2 and with climate changes is one of the biggest

frauds geared to extorting money from developing countries

through developed countries
one of the new forms of colonialism...the vast majority of CO2

is produced by nature

This is the sort of statement that fuels the conspiracy believer's who don't look any further. Here is a more complete explanation I found,


"Although our output of 29 gigatons of CO2 is tiny compared to the 750 gigatons moving through the carbon cycle each year, it adds up because the land and ocean cannot absorb all of the extra CO2. About 40% of this additional CO2 is absorbed. The rest remains in the atmosphere, and as a consequence, atmospheric CO2 is at its highest level in 15 to 20 million years (Tripati 2009). (A natural change of 100ppm normally takes 5,000 to 20,000 years. The recent increase of 100ppm has taken just 120 years)."


How does the West benefit from these developing countries over climate change reduction policies?

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24 minutes ago, chang1 said:

You must be trolling. Do you really think there is a shortage of CO2? Trump would be proud of you.

Seems you missed the tongue-in-cheek. I was asking on behalf of the trees which can't speak for themselves. 

What's Trump got to do with it? I think you're trolling.

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9 hours ago, Fex Bluse said:

Do you understand that stories are just words? What makes many thinking people distrust Thai stories is evidence from decades of seeing these stories bear no relation to reality. 

I live really close to a piece of Thai reality, and I can tell you its killing the people with a slow form of poisoning from toxic burning of Plastic waste and land fill leeching into the water course the local s use to wash themselves and their kids with water drawn from wells.

Dont preach to me about how good Thais are at controlling emmissions Etc.

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Dont trust any statistic you did not manipulate by yourself and yes sure Thailand has well done in that as with all of their statistics!!!!!!You never ever find any validid datas here in this country that are published without the control of the "government" as the press is also controled and cant do any investigatind journalism!!!!!!

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7 hours ago, Cadbury said:

Seems you missed the tongue-in-cheek. I was asking on behalf of the trees which can't speak for themselves. 

What's Trump got to do with it? I think you're trolling.

I see, but it is the sort of crap Trump comes out with when he is being serious.

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23 hours ago, dotpoom said:

There we go again ..1st response..."negative"...to a positive story???

 "Negativity"...first out of the traps ever time.


Being self righteous and pompous is also a negative response. Pots and kettles, old sunshine! 

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  • For the climate change green people who think that there is no need for oil any more.

Please look at all the things made from oil, plastics and nylons that are in your cell phones ,

your athletic sport shoes,  gym bags, tennis rackets and balls, bike seats and tires. For 

car owners the door panels, roof panels instrument pael, wiring and many componants

 in the engine compartment. In your homes many thngs built with oil. Your TV, the handles

on all your pots and pans, your tooth brush, most of your toys or your kids toys. Y.our snow

skiis or water skiis, your boat or yacht. I am just putting this in so that people can explain to the

less intelligent people how their world would be different if there was no oil being used on

this planet for so many things that are not just the gas and diesel in vehicles. I have heard of so many

saying oh leave the oil in the ground. Just no penalties to the populations like Carbon Taxes.


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