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Nude couple pictured on top of Egyptian pyramid sparks investigation


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7 hours ago, Denim said:

The extreme lengths some people will go to to have their moment of fame on social media is very sad.


you hit the nail on its head.
stuck in their puberty and stupidity.
what an idiotic thing to do, disrespectful and not appreciated.
unless by their own kind that seek to violate any boundaries of normal folks.


Edited by KKr
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The site (and the area outside of it) is so rife with touts, hawkers, "guides" etc I'm impressed they were able to do this.  Until I saw the vid I thought it could be a hoax.


And there was the fellow who worked for a previous US president who, during a White House reception, stared at the boobs of the Egyptian ambassador's wife and said "I always wanted to see the pyramids."



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13 hours ago, Kieran00001 said:


Never?  There are depictions of entertainers that are topless, and of women mourning with a breast exposed, but as far as I know, all depictions of everyday life show ancient egyptian women with their breasts covered.

"Ancient Egypt

Main article: Ancient Egyptian fashion

Fashions in ancient Egypt did not change much over the millennia. The ancient Egyptians wore the minimum of clothing. Both men and women of the lower classes were commonly bare chested and barefoot, wearing a simple loincloth around their waist. Slaves typically wore nothing. Richer women commonly wore a kalasiris, a dress of loose draped or translucent linen which came to just above or below the breasts[3]. Women entertainers performed naked. Children went without clothing until puberty, at about age 12."

"What clothes Ancient Egypt women used to wear?

Both female and male clothing in Ancient Egypt were laconic and simple.
At the beginning it consisted of an overlying sundress, which was held on one or two straps and called kalaziris. Its length reaches the ankles and leaves the chest opened. Nudity, apparently, did not bother the Egyptians.

In ancient times (before the advent of Christianity it seems), nudity was quite common in different cultures. There are articles that go to length discussing nudity in various cultures in Africa, South America, ancient Egypt and Greece.

And as we know, women being topless in Thailand was quite common before the Japanese started exerting their influence in the 1930s. That practise was probably the norm since the earliest days of the region being settled. Same for the peoples that populated the South Pacific thousands of years ago.

From the Abu Simbel temple in Egypt                         Kom Ombo Temple - between 180-47 BC.                                              Edfu Temple - circa 237-57 BC

(built around 1360 BC)
DSC00006.thumb.jpg.98a3fb0c73432cac138d5332ff52de99.jpg  DSC00091.JPG.16413747db8b5b7ddcf5d41eb4b82f18.JPG  DSC00128.JPG.267bc9a5aa7330c49e68a36c0e67342b.JPG

(all pics are mine from a trip I made in 2005).

There are a lot more but most of them are pretty much the same as the ones I've included above. 

So yes, nudity in ancient Egypt was not only common, it was quite normal. Modern depictions of ancient Egypt cover everyone up due to (modern) religious morals.


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Strongly suspect the shots are faked. Unless you have been there, it is difficult to realize quite how large the Great Pyramid actually is (I used to live in Cairo). As for climbing it, I have tried (after a very fine Burns Night inner) and only made it up a third of the way - by which time my clothes were wrecked.

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39 minutes ago, laocowboy2 said:

Strongly suspect the shots are faked. Unless you have been there, it is difficult to realize quite how large the Great Pyramid actually is (I used to live in Cairo). As for climbing it, I have tried (after a very fine Burns Night inner) and only made it up a third of the way - by which time my clothes were wrecked.


haven't been to many pyramids, but to a big one just outside the underground network in Cairo,


hard enough to work our way from where we had to park the car and up to where the pyramid started


not for climbing, for sure


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A randy couple from Denmark

Did it atop Khufu's famous landmark.

When a video of the act was released,

The authorities in Egypt were displeased

and a very hot investigation it did spark.  ????




Edited by MaxYakov
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