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SURVEY: Trump -- Will his presidency end soon?


SURVEY: Trump presidency, will it survive?  

344 members have voted

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14 minutes ago, keemapoot said:

He only get out of this two ways: either 1) he resigns (yeah, health reasons/play gold/anything but the truth) and Pence pardons him (which Trump may do if the case Mueller presents is compelling enough; or 2) he wins in 2020 and the statute of limitation runs on all his offenses. So, in my view, both of these ways he can and will skate free.


It really all depends on what Mueller has now, which appears very substantial, especially considering that he is blowing through Trump bad guys and making sentencing deals instead of stringing them out to the end for more testimony. It either means he doesn't have much of a case on Trump and will just file his report, or there is a humdinger coming and Trump is SOL. 


Nobody on earth thought he would win in 2016, and I suppose everyone underestimated the power and configuration of of both the electoral college and the disaffected white lower middle class distribution by states. Given that the Democrats have yet to field a powerful or popular figure, he could very well win again if the economy goes well and the Mueller report is not overwhelming.

Actually far lefty Michael Moore predicted on Real Time With Bill Maher, well prior to the election, that Trump was gonna win. Maher also said many times it was possible. 



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Anyone who thinks Trump will survive more than 6 months is dreaming and not paying attention.  Mr Muller and his team have taken down much smarter criminals than Trump & family..  Mr Muller & team have an extensive list of credible people, paper and electronic trails that support numerous criminal charges against Trump.  Russian funding of NRA.. and links to many republicans.. extensive documentation of Trump's illegal hush money payments.. documentation of collusion with the Russians... and the Isralies to influence the 2016 election.. now probing links to Saudi support.. $40 million in inauguration donations that are not accounted for & Ivanka's involvement in that scam as well as money laundering on inauguration money onto Trump's accounts.. Kushner's bullshit about Russian collusion.. dropping sanctions for Russian support.. and all this is the tip of Trump's iceberg that Mr Muller is putting the blowtorch to.. and laundering Russian money into Trump's real estate   empire hasn't surfaced yet.. Dream on.. Trump is going down.. maybe sooner maybe later but he will not survive for a 2nd term.. When the Democrats take over the House Jan 6th have your popcorn ready... and you will need sunglasses for the fireworks.. the sooner they put this prick & his family in prison the better.. for America and the rest of the world..

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Poll trending 59% - 41% towards a one term or less president. A bit surprising given the TV "base"?


Imagining the trump base here claiming that "liberals" are changing their shirt and voting a second time.


But maybe with gerrymandering and the electoral college they can claim VICTORY with 40% of the vote? Yeah.








Edited by mtls2005
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7 hours ago, roobaa01 said:

coz he is successfull lately make china bow.

exposing obamacare as unconstitutional

exposing tax money waster mueller as illegally acting investigator see michael flynn fbi set up

exposing clinton as corrupt thrift scandal and foundation

exposing dems to be talking heads and simple minds




You forgot:


(this post) exposing Republicans as essentially illiterate.



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5 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

I'm currently re-reading The Final Days, and the similarities between trump and Nixon are amazing. Although trump has quite a few more legal challenges than Nixon had, and that's saying something. 


At a minimum, I think he will choose to resign before the end of his first term. He will not run for re-election.



 Though there might be similarities to the charges for impeachment between Trump and Nixon , the political landscape was very different then.

  Firstly, the opposition party, the Democrats  controlled Congress, second American culture was  much different, ( now allowing a wife cheater, pussy grabbing person to become president) then making alleged crimes unacceptable to most Americans.

  IMO it would be a mistake to remove, or force trump to resign, because a president Pence, would be much more dangerous than a neutered president Trump.

  Sealed indictments should be filed(if the have not already) to defeat statutes of limitations that might arise, subpoenas      should be issued by the house and investigations initiated, keeping trump busy and minimising the damage he can cause.

 IMO  trump will not run in 2020 ,in fact I don't think he was really running 2016 and his election was as much a surprise to him as it was to as. If he runs for a second term it will be a desperate attempt to keep himself and family out of jail. 

 Then come 2020 the American people . suffering from trump fatigue. would elect a centrist, being democrat or republican.

  As far as trump is concerned he is not in good physical or mental shape now, after 2020, trump will be about 74, not presidential material, But I don't think anyone will be jailing a 74 year old ex president. His associates and children are an other story.

 Just my opinion,   


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1 hour ago, dundas said:

You're 100% right. Americans will decide. As a non-American I have no choice about who American voters throw up to the world, even though the rest of the world is affected by their choices, crazy or parochial as they might turn out to be. As a non-American, I hope next time the US will present us with a decent leader, someone who thinks beyond what he wants for himself . 

,,,and it won't be Trump's 'base' who decide either.. it will be the courts.. 

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Besides regular trump bashers does an average Joe care about international blunders or Russian probes ? And the answer is no. Average Joe only cares about his life and his well being.


Under Trump, things are better for average Joe and hence he will be re elected 

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8 hours ago, otherstuff1957 said:

However, this is the longest period of uninterrupted growth that the US has had in recent history.  We are overdue for a 'correction', which will adversely affect people's perception of his leadership.

Have you checked stock market performance for 2018?



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8 minutes ago, BestB said:

Besides regular trump bashers does an average Joe care about international blunders or Russian probes ? And the answer is no. Average Joe only cares about his life and his well being.


Under Trump, things are better for average Joe and hence he will be re elected 

What does Trump do for avarage Joe, except making his future a bit more hard. One day, everyone have to pay up for the economic boom now, that is curtenly not sustainable. Where is the tradepartners in the future, when everyone have backed up their ecnomy, and find new partners. Isolation economy? US economy is booming now, but that is because it is on steroids, but how will it last? We wait and see, because the sweet you taste today, will be gone with the wind tomorow. 


There is no way the world will put up with Trump for long. 

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4 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

I don't get it. Why are the going after President Trump when, as the following unimpeachable (maybe) source points out, the real scandal goes unexamined?


"A REAL scandal is the one sided coverage, hour by hour, of networks like NBC & Democrat spin machines like Saturday Night Live. It is all nothing less than unfair news coverage and Dem commercials. Should be tested in courts, can’t be legal? Only defame & belittle! Collusion?"

Sounds like the recipee of Fox news 

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3 hours ago, sirineou said:

It is credited to  P. T. Barnum, for saying "There's a sucker born every minute " last election there were 62,984,825 of them

Its sad that you have such a low opinion of your fellow Americans. Attitudes like that cost your party the election last time.

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8 minutes ago, likeke said:

Trump is toast. Once he loses re-election in 2020, he will be indited and face criminal charges. People of America are finally waking up to this idiot. Bad things happen to bad people. Trumps lies starting to catch up to him. Even his own attorneys told Robert Mueller that Trump is "incapable of telling the truth."

Wonder how the Government will handle their proof problems in any criminal trial, viz: the destruction of evidence (texts from Strozk and Page)

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