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Thai Govt launches campaign to regain Chinese visitors’ confidence


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     If he wants a better balance of tourist numbers why is he concentrating on the Chinese?  Their reduced numbers is a good thing.  Instead, he should be trying to win back western tourists to improve the mix of tourists.  

2 hours ago, ad61 said:

"Encouraging tourists to use degradable or reusable containers" emoji848.png20181217_081142.jpeg

Sent from my SM-A710F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

You could circle the plastic water bottle, too.

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53 minutes ago, lordblackader said:

The "underlying problem" wasn't the boat accident, it was a certain watch-loving politician who blamed the Chinese for what happened.


Only a change of government can fix the "underlying problem." 

Your right, we had a Chinese family staying with us at the time and they said we dont have a problem with Thai people, just your government and what they said, how it came across in Chinese language I dont know

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6 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:

Banning smoking on beaches is seen as a priority? Says it all, really. No mention of maintaining vessels, providing adequate safety equipment, training those who carry tourists in how to drive safely, no mention of touts and jetski thugs. I could go on. Just don't litter and all will be well.

Feeding Pigeons you forgot 

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Have these so called Ministers and Official done their homework for tourism. 1)Number of people from  each country 2) money spent by each person then average it out Chinese money spent in Thailand to Thai businesses only, then do their mathematics how much profit per person. Chinese who shop in overseas countries normally only shop in Chinese shops owned by Chinese people using Chinese Airplanes and Buses . The exceptions are Casinos which also are largely owned  by rich Chinese Companies .Do other nations percentages on profit and compare them. It may be more profitable to assist these countries tourists.

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34 minutes ago, Galactus said:

man, just once only once, please launch a campaign to regaining the European and western visitors' confidence!!!

nowadays, lots of European and western tourists cancel their reservations as thailand is full of cheap chinese tourist and no room for Western tourists!

hordes of chinese everywhere in every major tourist attraction and you cannot even walk around easily!

if a country is raided by cheap tourists, you lose nice spending rich tourists.


With the baht at 37 they won't come.....also Bali is cheaper and much more fun...plus better food.

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My solution is similar but with a slightly different spin. 

1/ Make cleaning up and proper disposal of litter and garbage a top priority. Thailand is little more than a wide open dump. Clean burning incinerators that generate electricity should be a priority along with a pickup-clean up education campaign.

2/ Focus on western tourists and in particular ex-pat retirees. Streamline the process. No 90-day report. Just change of address. Stop focusing on 400-800K bank balances. Whatever they bring into the country is a positive for foreign capital accounts. Review foreign investment/small business work permits making them easier to operate and get work visas for. I am thinking of Bars, restaurants, dive operations etc...Any illegal workers should be subject to a 5-year jail term. The money from these small businesses all stays in Thailand anyway. Forget about the Chinese who are for the most part here on 4-day junkets.

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6 hours ago, mok199 said:


... that sure could be an answer for bringing back natural selection in Thailand. Make sure if it does happen to start wearing a bullet proof best. Oh shit, to own and wear a bullet proof vest in Thailand is illegal, wonder why that is ???????? You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to work that one out. Idiots ! 

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7 hours ago, webfact said:

advocated fixing the underlying problem

"advocated"??? STOP with the stupid announcements (so beloved by Thai authorities who are well known for talking but very little action, if any) and actually FIX the underlying problem!

The country would get millions of more visitors if you provided safety and no corruption!


I sometimes wonder what it is that authorities do not understand.

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15 minutes ago, lvr181 said:

"advocated"??? STOP with the stupid announcements (so beloved by Thai authorities who are well known for talking but very little action, if any) and actually FIX the underlying problem!

The country would get millions of more visitors if you provided safety and no corruption!


I sometimes wonder what it is that authorities do not understand.

What they don't understand is the need to invest, the need give a little but no they just want to take a lot. To take it all! 

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8 hours ago, ExpatOilWorker said:

New cars sales are down 20% in China, peer-to-peer lending platforms are collapsing, housing prices are stagnant in China and generally the Chinese don't have more savings than the Mexicans. Could it be that the great Chinese tourist adventure is simply over and no so much because of the boat accident?

Yes, thanks.
The whole Chinese tourist gig seemed to be couched in a "number of bodies" game.
No help at all if the have no and spend no or little money.
It seems like the Chinese economy enjoyed a couple of years boom and is now experiencing a correction.
The "zero cost" tours offered middle class folks the opportunity for a , probably, once in a lifetime vacation.
The "powers" cracked down on a bunch of the shadier "zero cost" operations, and the tourist "boom" went "bust".
Thailand really needs a few accountants somewhere in government to rein in some of the pie in the shy expectations, IMO.

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12 hours ago, ChipButty said:

Why cannot this be a world wide campaign? not just rely on Chinese?

This is about regaining the face they lost (big time!) when the boat sunk and the DPM blamed the victims.

They can't be out of face with big brother.

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Please please please don't encourage them to come back as tourists my big business yes but the general Chinese that have been in my bar and resort... No... god, Jesus, allah, satan, buddha, ganesh, and all gods holy or unholy no...

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The Chinese are desperately anxious to end the pollution in Thailand. So the second objective should work wonders. And communicating the improvements to the Chinese as a way to bring them back will only help if they have something relevant to tell the Chinese tourist. 


Of course there is an entire world out there that the Thais could try to market to but that hasn't seemed to occur to them.

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14 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

Banning smoking on beaches is seen as a priority? Says it all, really. No mention of maintaining vessels, providing adequate safety equipment, training those who carry tourists in how to drive safely, no mention of touts and jetski thugs. I could go on. Just don't litter and all will be well.

Especially as the overwhelming percentage of trash in Thailand is generated by the locals rather than tourists. As for the environment in general , is it tourists that foul the sea and beaches , pollute the rivers and canals , ignore building restrictions , bribe local officials and could care less about anything other than gaining a few extra baht ?

If the powers that be actually spent 1% of their time and effort actually doing something , rather than simply talking about it , things might actually improve a tad (providing of course it doesn't cost them a single satang...sigh ).

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18 hours ago, mikebell said:

They'd be better off wooing Western ex-pats whose monthly spend keeps things ticking over during the quiet months.  Instead the Thai solution is 'grab 800,00' and stash it in a Thai bank.

how many are expats are there in this category, I guess 40,000?  If that is so it is a small number and negligible compared to the population here.  How much will they spend?

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15 hours ago, newnative said:

     If he wants a better balance of tourist numbers why is he concentrating on the Chinese?  Their reduced numbers is a good thing.  Instead, he should be trying to win back western tourists to improve the mix of tourists. 

If I were to give him the benefit of the doubt, I say he is thinking something beyond the short term.  Long term would be impossible for him, no brain.

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