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Aggressive religious proselytizing at Pattaya shopping mall Christmas tree


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That's an interesting point related to the OP because the preacher failed to tell the crowd what flavor of Christianity she was selling, whether more mainstream or not.  Indeed some of them are more cult-like than others. A person might think they are visiting a mainstream group and then possibly experience a bait and switch. Of course Thailand being a more naïve environment I assume the majority of the population here isn't educated about the implications of joining the different flavors. Not all same same. 

For sure Thais will be probably be more susceptible to the supernatural stuff that comes into play with some of these sects. With the JW’s it’s all about love bombing initially, and then they hit you with Armageddon and the threat of shunning and all the rest of it. I think JW’s are more likely to just stand there with their Watchtower carts or go door knocking. Still, would be interesting to know what ‘flavour’ the preacher was.
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24 minutes ago, mogandave said:

No shortage of Catholic schools all over the country. 


People that have faith feel obligated to promote their faith, nothing wrong with that. No one was compelled to stand around and listen.


Apparently, the Thais found it interesting, not surprisingly as is typical, only the "open-minded" westerners want to see the discussion shut down.


"Live and let live"


Well, I only said I was surprised and shocked to see such an aggressive search for souls at a commercial Christmas tree shopping mall display. As a foreigner here it certainly isn't my role to suggest shutting down anything. It was NOT a discussion though. There was no request for ANY response at all except to give us your name and CONTACT info. Indeed, it was an aggressive hard sell sales pitch. It was also clearly an appeal to discover vulnerable people. Also if you are going to sell something, I think it's of questionable ethics to not reveal what it is you are selling. The words "Christian community" were used but it was never revealed whether they are about all Christians or a particular sect. 

Edited by Jingthing
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1 hour ago, Stocky said:

The Mormons have been out in force here in Hat Yai. Last couple of weekends there's been about a dozen of them, all smartly dressed, a mix of Thais, Koreans plus an American, trawling round the sois of Hat Yai Nai. So far I've managed to avoid the buggers.

The Mormon "elders" are required to dress like that. Some of those "elders" are mighty cute too. 

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The OP found the  activity to be aggressive and hard sell. This does not mean that it actually was. I offer that the OP's own prejudice  has caused the OP to perceive something that was not necessarily present. 

I too have a bias as I am not a big fan of holy rollers. However, what I do know is that many of the people who have truly made a difference reaching out to those  left behind in Thailand have been from Christian relief organizations. I find the Church of Latter Day Saints (mormons) to be offensive and nasty, yet I note that the people it sends on missions have taken the time to learn the language and culture. How many people on this forum can't even say anything beyond, sawadee khrap? As sex abstainers, non drinkers and non smokers, they present a good example and are least likely to be implicated in  problems. 

Many Thais could benefit from Christianity if only for some of the  values such as social responsibility and accepting of a life according to the gospel. It will keep them alive and healthy. Christianity is attractive to many Thais because it offers hope without having to pay for it, salvation through dialogue with their own personal saviour without having to  go through a middle man, and at its core,  an ability to speak to providence without kneeling before idols or buying baubles from  uneducated  hucksters.

Sometimes a bit of religion helps those who would otherwise turn to a different social opiate and to be honest, nothing wrong with living life as a sincere Christian.

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14 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:

The OP found the  activity to be aggressive and hard sell. This does not mean that it actually was. I offer that the OP's own prejudice  has caused the OP to perceive something that was not necessarily present. 

I too have a bias as I am not a big fan of holy rollers. However, what I do know is that many of the people who have truly made a difference reaching out to those  left behind in Thailand have been from Christian relief organizations. I find the Church of Latter Day Saints (mormons) to be offensive and nasty, yet I note that the people it sends on missions have taken the time to learn the language and culture. How many people on this forum can't even say anything beyond, sawadee khrap? As sex abstainers, non drinkers and non smokers, they present a good example and are least likely to be implicated in  problems. 

Many Thais could benefit from Christianity if only for some of the  values such as social responsibility and accepting of a life according to the gospel. It will keep them alive and healthy. Christianity is attractive to many Thais because it offers hope without having to pay for it, salvation through dialogue with their own personal saviour without having to  go through a middle man, and at its core,  an ability to speak to providence without kneeling before idols or buying baubles from  uneducated  hucksters.

Sometimes a bit of religion helps those who would otherwise turn to a different social opiate and to be honest, nothing wrong with living life as a sincere Christian.

I think there is something wrong with it.   Death toll of Christianity 82.269 to 107.352 million.  Send them all to the Gulag. 



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Well, I only said I was surprised and shocked to see such an aggressive search for souls at a commercial Christmas tree shopping mall display. As a foreigner here it certainly isn't my role to suggest shutting down anything. It was NOT a discussion though. There was no request for ANY response at all except to give us your name and CONTACT info. Indeed, it was an aggressive hard sell sales pitch. It was also clearly an appeal to discover vulnerable people. Also if you are going to sell something, I think it's of questionable ethics to not reveal what it is you are selling. The words "Christian community" were used but it was never revealed whether they are about all Christians or a particular sect. 

I apologize.

To be fair, they believe that non-believers are going to burn in Hell for eternity, so a “hard sell” May be justified.

I think Christians do a lot more good than harm. The best schools in the provinces are most all Catholic.
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41 minutes ago, mogandave said:

If they were selling time-shares would we be having this discussion?

Time shares in a full service brothel...could be a winner. Two week open buffet...

Well, maybe.

As I said before the hard sell Christian sales pitch was happening on PRIVATE mall property. Do you think they got permission from the mall management or paid a fee? If they were getting on stage to sell time shares in the same space I think the management would want to know about that too if for nothing else for a slice of the action. It seems to me the business model of malls is to charge money to all the sales operations on the mall property.

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Well, maybe.
As I said before the hard sell Christian sales pitch was happening on PRIVATE mall property. Do you think they got permission from the mall management or paid a fee? If they were getting on stage to sell time shares in the same space I think the management would want to know about that too if for nothing else for a slice of the action. It seems to me the business model of malls is to charge money to all the sales operations on the mall property.

I imagine if they were there all day using they paid.

Could be that they are a charitable organization and the facility got a tax write off.

Could be the owners are Christians...

Could be the owners think free entertainment is great.
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17 minutes ago, mogandave said:


I imagine if they were there all day using they paid.

Could be that they are a charitable organization and the facility got a tax write off.

Could be the owners are Christians...

Could be the owners think free entertainment is great.


Fertile imagination.

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20 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Again, this is a Buddhist nation. You don't even hear stuff like that in majority Christian nations at shopping mall Christmas trees.

Imagine if it was a Muslim doing the same thing.

Of course this being Thailand it was clear that the Thais in the audience didn't find anything odd or offensive about the spectacle. It's takes an outsider to see that.

Interesting I think it odd just like the poster, but at the same time I assume it happens, has been happening and that everyone is ok with it.


Strange comment?!? Well has to be 14 years back now, a local church group would hold a public meetings at Thapae Gate in CM. Obviously the police allowed it. This was a Thai minister speaking Thai. I was rather surprised at the time when I realized what they were doing.

That said I have not witnessed any public religious proselytizing since, but I have been living in Nahkon Nowhere until VERY recently, so out of the loop.

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This is just the beginning. The TAT knows that Pattaya-Farangs are all sinners. That's why they want to turn it into a Family Resort.
It won't be long, instead of playing AC/DC's "Highway to Hell", your favorite massage parlor will play sermons of Jerry Falwell or Billy Graham in the background.
It will give your wicked lot the opportunity to repent the sins you committed the night before.

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12 hours ago, mogandave said:


What is so hard to believe?


I agree with you. There are actually quite a lot of Christian Thais. Some right in Payttaya run very successful and famous businesses there. The funniest and strangest thing in this thread is the OP saying the speaker was speaking very clear English with NO accent so she must have been American lol!!  Wow. As you also mentioned no one had to stand around and listen and then discuss it later. Probably all the other listeners were actually interested. Could you imagine that? 

Edited by alex8912
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A mate of mine from work here in Thailand joined the Jehovahs Witness Watchtower cult about 10 years ago - he’s got most of his Thai family indoctrinated now, doesn’t speak to, or associate with most of his old mates/acquaintances anymore. I was surprised how many Thais are involved with the JW’s here, most of them probably have no idea about the history of the cult, false prophesies, or their current child abuse cases worldwide.
Anyway, bit of a tangent but there you go...I’m off to the Robin Hood for my Xmas dinner....All the best....
I work with a JW who's expat family spend their time trying to convert the locals up around Mai Sai and over the border. I reckon many are ignorant enough already without more BS.[emoji16]

Sent from my Moto G (4) using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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19 hours ago, marqus12 said:

The Thai people are indoctrinated in many fields but leftists

or gays are always the most terrified of Christianity, especially Catholicism.

I am not a practicing Catholic, but I have grown up in a quite

strong Catholic environment so I suggested to my Thai girl that

our 4 years old kid should be baptize next year on a trip to

Philippines or Vietnam.
She asked why and I told her that the unbaptized did not go

to heaven...She got scared and wants to be baptized too ????

The name of this monstrous absurdity is Original Sin.

A sin without volition is a slap at morality and an insolent contradiction in terms: that which is outside the possibility of choice is outside the province of morality. If man is evil by birth, he has no will, no power to change it; if he has no will, he can be neither good nor evil; a robot is amoral. To hold, as man’s sin, a fact not open to his choice is a mockery of morality. To hold man’s nature as his sin is a mockery of nature. To punish him for a crime he committed before he was born is a mockery of justice. To hold him guilty in a matter where no innocence exists is a mockery of reason. To destroy morality, nature, justice and reason by means of a single concept is a feat of evil hardly to be matched.

Ayn Rand

Edited by toolpush
Didn't attribute the quote to original author
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1 hour ago, bender92 said:

If Thais were not offended why were you? Just walk on by.

The reason is... Bender92,


This is 2018, some to be 2019, and everybody feels they have a given right to be ' offended ' by something.


If they find a few Christians bible bashing, offensive, do not visit the UK. You cannot do anything anymore in the UK without upsetting the sensitivities of some of the lefty liberals. It is so bad, it is stomach turning.


Even statues of famous heroes of bygone times such as Nelson or Queen Victoria or anything you wish is vilified of a shameful past according to the snowflakes. Some feminist was on the TV recently trying to get the Christmas song ' It's cold outside ' banned because she said it was oppressive and sexist!


Had I been in Pattaya, I would have done exactly as you suggested and walked on past and not given it a backward glance.

Edited by Scouse123
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I have a favorite reply to people who are pushing their religious beliefs on me. When they start quoting scripture I say:


"Tell me about your own realizations, that come from the many hours a day, that you spend in contemplation, prayer and meditation. Tell me about the universal knowledge and wisdom you have attained from your personal practice. Anyone can quote scripture. I am interested in hearing about your own realizations". 


The sure shuts them up in a hurry. Try it. It works! And it is fun. 

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