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1 hour ago, colinneil said:

Fully agree with you mate, this year was a tad boring, no last minute votes to liven it up.

Hey Colin what did you win for first prize?

  • Haha 1

POTY has been running through Nov/ Dec in general for almost a decade. Nothing secret about that. 

Let the subforums know if you want. 


you know how the mods put a banner up saying "we are having technical difficulties"? when the forum is running slow.


they should do the same for POTY.



  • Haha 1
Yes, the result definitely seemed predetermined this year. It would have probably happened anyway though. 
In previous years it was totally allowed for people to bring up opposition research on competitors which is basically looking at their old posts and using them against them.
Positive posting history of course could be used as well to support a person's chances or at least balance out the negative stuff.
That used to be a big thing in previous exciting contests.
Pretty much nonexistent now. Mostly silly banter. 
After all, what is it that people are supposedly judging members on?
Their hair style? The size of their genitals? No. It is about their POSTING HISTORY, positive and negative.
That seemed to be off limits now, making the POTY even more bland than it needed to be. 
But even then, it would have been mostly pointless to do so anyway as the main reason to do that in previous years was to encourage people to change their votes, which the software used to allow.
So it's basically become a castrated contest.
I don't believe all those humor categories would help at all.
It's less than one percent of the members that are interested at all.
That would be desperate lipstick on a pig tactics.

Think you have hit on the big difference.

The ability to be able to change your vote makes it more competitive and encourages nominees to dig up dirt or blatantly make sh£t up to gain votes, turning it from a straightforward election into a competition ( the dirtier the better [emoji51]).
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Clearly the mods screwed everything up. That, and almost no one was even aware of the contest.  I'm happy for Colin, and had I voted I would have voted for him.
It used to be fun and the only reason it's still a little bit fut of fun is due to the heroic efforts of our emcee these past few years, Geronimo. He's MY POTY.
Next year, my suggestion is to turn the whole running of the contest over to Jingthing who will make the contest exciting, fair and fun. I hereby prematurely nominate Geronimo as next years POTY.

I have to agree with both your points here, I nominated Geronimo and was disappointed he didn’t run .
9 minutes ago, Andrew Dwyer said:

The reason I created this topic is so we ( TVF Members ) can put forward our thoughts and hopefully make some changes to POTY so that when it comes round again more people contribute and turn it into a great topic again.

My suggestions are purely that , suggestions , I’m fairly new here and my input may seem naive so it’s up to the old timers to recommend stuff that made it fun before.

JT and Nancy have already said that losing the ability to change your vote and dig through old posts has been the kiss of death for POTY !

Is there more ?, some other ideas to turn it around ??

p.s. I did think my suggestion of including mods might ruffle a few feathers but there are some mods on here that, as well as policing the forum, contribute to topics and create some great threads ( think Ron19 and his photography threads ).

But, maybe we shouldn’t mix the two and should have a one off MOTY ( mod of the year ) to thank those mods who have given us some valuable advice over the years ( think UJ and Sheryl etc etc )

Some of the best mods are quietly doing their thing in the background like Shaggy. 

I can see a fight breaking out real quick as some really like Charlie but can't stand Joe and possibly vice versa. 

But whatever.... 

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6 minutes ago, Brunolem said:

First and foremost, members should be required to provide links to the posts that led them to nominate their candidates.


To me, the actual process looks like a "buddy thing"...either you are part of a certain group, or coterie, or you stand no chance.


There is absolutely no connection with whatever was posted by the winner.


Not everyone is following each candidate...for example, a certain Babboon was widely supported...good for him, but based on what?


Other members, such as myself, are unlikely to spend hours searching among hundreds or thousands of posts in order to find out why someone was selected in the first place.


In the end, it looks much more like a (virtual) popularity contest, than a posting contest.

 Why post nonsense?

You say no connection with whatever was posted by the winner?????

Please study posts carefully before posting, then maybe you will understand.

Whats this certain group you are prattling on about?

Been a member here for over 11 years and have no idea about a certain group, bitter because you were not nominated?


POTY aha poster of the year now i understand .

Missed the whole thing congrats to zee winner

First and foremost, members should be required to provide links to the posts that led them to nominate their candidates.


To me, the actual process looks like a "buddy thing"...either you are part of a certain group, or coterie, or you stand no chance.


There is absolutely no connection with whatever was posted by the winner.


Not everyone is following each candidate...for example, a certain Babboon was widely supported...good for him, but based on what?


Other members, such as myself, are unlikely to spend hours searching among hundreds or thousands of posts in order to find out why someone was selected in the first place.


In the end, it looks much more like a (virtual) popularity contest, than a posting contest.

I see what you’re saying but surely if it is a popularity contest it’s because you agree with what someone has posted, like their photos , find their jokes funny or just thought their posts are on the same wavelength as your own ?


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Many of my friends are TV members and their opinions are that TV has its favorites, especially in the Chiang Mai threads, that gives them an unfair advantage of being nominated for the POTY title. The same names seem to be mentioned time and time again and heavily supported by mates on TV that rather takes all the other members out the running completely. 


Would it not be a fairer system to allow members who participate the most on TV to nominate themselves, given a certain time frame to put their names forward and let all other members vote for them? For example; I wouldn`t have minded being in the running myself but not given the opportunity of placing myself forward and there are several more like myself. Also, there are those who prefer not to be part of the nominated few. 


Would this not make the POTY awards more interesting and give all members a wider choice of being part of the poster of the year?



  • Like 2
Many of my friends are TV members and their opinions are that TV has its favorites, especially in the Chiang Mai threads, that gives them an unfair advantage of being nominated for the POTY title. The same names seem to be mentioned time and time again and heavily supported by mates on TV that rather takes all the other members out the running completely. 


Would it not be a fairer system to allow members who participate the most on TV to nominate themselves, given a certain time frame to put their names forward and let all other members vote for them? For example; I wouldn`t have minded being in the running myself but not given the opportunity of placing myself forward and there are several more like myself. Also, there are those who prefer not to be part of the nominated few. 


Would this not make the POTY awards more interesting and give all members a wider choice of being part of the poster of the year?



That could work but likely would end up with some posters putting their own name forward only to be sadly dismayed at the few , if any , votes they get !!


Our own opinion of ourselves is not always shared by the general public !!


I still think that candidates should be nominated by the majority .

  • Like 1
38 minutes ago, Andrew Dwyer said:

That could work but likely would end up with some posters putting their own name forward only to be sadly dismayed at the few , if any , votes they get !!


Our own opinion of ourselves is not always shared by the general public !!


I still think that candidates should be nominated by the majority .

Sorry, can`t agree and has nothing to do with opinions of ourselves, whatever votes a nominee obtains still depends on the majority for majority votes, something like an election campaign.


In competitions, there are always going to be winners and losers, that`s what it`s all about, only the more candidates the less of a closed shop this becomes.

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Whilst we are prepared to give a little lattitude (given the subject), some posts have been removed along with responses.


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44 minutes ago, Crossy said:

From the other side of the fence.


POTY is a right, royal, pain in the backside to set up and moderate. For us MODs the single best solution would be simply not to have it!


The limitations of the forum software have to be worked around and some semblance of order maintained.


If anyone wishes to put forwards a workable (with the current software) solution we are all ears.


After winning last year I did offer future POTY services, BUT, after thinking about it it would have been impossible without "staff" (you no what) to control the "woodwork"...So I kept quiet...????

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