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We'll find you wherever you are! Immigration police catch illegal overstayer hiding on ledge


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7 hours ago, samsensam said:


why is the man's colour relevant?


when caucasians are refereed to in headlines/articles the phrase 'white man' is never used.

"The National Black Police Association (NBPA) is an interest group of the Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) staff of the UK police forces" 


And "Leroy Logan is a former superintendent in the Metropolitan police. He retired in 2013 after 30 years' service. He is also a former chair of the Black Police Association Charitable Trust." His comment on the fact that the murder rate in London had surpassed that in New York was "I can't understand how things have gotten this bad" ("gotten"?) and the man was a high ranking English police officer - not American - but it does make one/me wonder where he was educated!

Also makes one/me wonder if there should be a "National White Police Association"?

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1 hour ago, StevieAus said:

I certainly hope not one of the reasons I don’t miss Australia is because of the “ political correctness” rubbish.

On the subject of referring to persons being sought by police by color, race etc, it is not unusual for this to occur for obvious reasons.

In the UK they now don’t mention colour in reports. I think it is EU guidance, but the descriptions often give away the perps such as dreadlocks!


too much political correctness.



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2 hours ago, remorhaz said:

Why is their mentioning his color relevant?  Oh wait I know... because RAYCISS! RAYCISS! RAYCISS!!!  REEEE!!!  REEEE!!!!!!!  He's black.  That's a general description as given by the police.  And the fact that he's on overstay is his crime not being black as you are insinuating.  

They could say, they caught Africans, but that would be calling people Africans purely because they have a dark skin color and you know, there are no other dark skinned people in the rest of the world ????

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3 hours ago, Searat7 said:

Many years ago I worked for a company which manufactured crayons (not Crayolla) and I remember we had to change the color name on one crayon from flesh to peach. 

Milk was promoted in Holland as "witte motor" (white engine), meaning it gives you power to grow and stay healthy. Noooo, not anymore, completely racist remark of course. 

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2 hours ago, oby said:
  5 hours ago, samsensam said:


why is the man's colour relevant?


when caucasians are refered to in headlines/articles the phrase 'white man' is never used.

~~white male is the usual term in north american media..

at least these africans are black, not like the typical mixed race in north america that call themselves black, or ummm, nigga 

I am tired of all this P C nonsense. Lets just call the spade a f*cking shovel!


(Don't bother to react if you don't get the profoundly layered humour.)

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8 hours ago, samsensam said:


why is the man's colour relevant?


when caucasians are refereed to in headlines/articles the phrase 'white man' is never used.

Caucasians/whites are usually not referred to because Thailand is adopting racist bigotry from European, North American and Oceana countries. Keep it mind Thailand has its own internal racist history and attitude towards people from Issan, and other areas. What better way to continue to further racism than to single out any and all dark skinned people as 'black'. Don't even get me started on 'Indians'. Makes it easy to tell their daughters Blacks are not good and they do not have to second guess what that means. But if you tell them whites are no good they have to question, do you mean Russians, Germans, etc. And you wonder who most if not all of the pedophiles are?


Racism is alive and well in Thailand. But they will never admit because they have to look at themselves if they do. Just like in America, white folks are running around saying 'Blacks are better off than before' or 'they had their chance' while police continue to murder black teenagers for the same criminal behavior that whites are chased down and arrested for.


Finally the people who write these stories or edit them are either some white expat or a local trained to write in the style of expats. 

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9 hours ago, samsensam said:


why is the man's colour relevant?


when caucasians are refereed to in headlines/articles the phrase 'white man' is never used.

Because they racist.

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4 hours ago, ReMarKable said:

I'm stunned BJ is so efficient.  Over stayers must shaking in fear.  He can also change his mind quickly about an 18 year old youth escaping Saudi Arabia (In Thailand youths can be as old as 30, not sure why the news uncharacteristically called her a woman) after international press asked questions and lying didn't work.

So the gentleman would called a 'yoot', na?


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Ok another note, the forum I used to use back in 2003 used to restrict users from posting more than once in 60 seconds to get rid of double posts/spammers. 16 years later and TV is still trying to learn the ropes.

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Regarding Colors:    In a Caleidoskope you have all the colors. And white and black

                             are not in it.  White and black are merely a mix of other tones.

                             Look at a rainbow, there you will find the basic colours!


                             Sorry if not correct spelling.




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6 hours ago, Andrew65 said:

As I understand it, falang refers to caucasians. For example Japanese or Taiwanese are not falang.


Maybe we're trying to project Western Liberal values on to Thais?

falang  means  westerners   ,    not caucasians   i believe...


main point of the story is any overstayer hiding will be caught..    I think he could find better places to hide than on a ledge ?   





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