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Don't ride your bicycle in Chiang Mai


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Does EricTh really not know the difference between a bicycle and a motorcycle regardless of where he's from? 


I see people running red lights every single light cycle at my nearby intersection, and I see cameras all over too. But what I want to know is do any of the cameras work and do they send out tickets? What is the point if not? 

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17 hours ago, Isaan Alan said:

And you won't get any help when you have an accident. Some too scared by fake accident scammers to get "involved", others just don't care


Visit enough third world countries, and you will see that all third world countries are the same.  

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58 minutes ago, Trujillo said:

Does EricTh really not know the difference between a bicycle and a motorcycle regardless of where he's from? 


I see people running red lights every single light cycle at my nearby intersection, and I see cameras all over too. But what I want to know is do any of the cameras work and do they send out tickets? What is the point if not? 

doesnt  matter if  tickets ignored as is  i believe in 90% of  cases  then its  all pointless,. Only real way would be impound  vehicles, bikes ,motorbikes but then maybe you remove their income  source and maybe they turn to crime and the jails are  already overflowing, best way make it  socially unacceptable and education, wont be fast though

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That's one scary video. Almost every crash (these are not accidents) was avoidable had either driver exercised defensive driving and a little common sense (I know, TIT).


And of course, most victims were not wearing helmets. I was amazed at how many got on their feet after a horrific crash.

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5 hours ago, EricTh said:


A motorcycle partially absorbs the force of the impact but a bicycle is too light to absorb so the body absorbs most of the impact of an accident. Likewise, sitting in a car is safer than riding a motorcycle given the same force of impact. It's simple physics i.e. Force=mass times acceleration.

What that's neglecting is that the average motorbike crash occurs at higher rate of speed than the average bicycle crash. 

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27 minutes ago, neeray said:

That's one scary video. Almost every crash (these are not accidents) was avoidable had either driver exercised defensive driving and a little common sense (I know, TIT).


And of course, most victims were not wearing helmets. I was amazed at how many got on their feet after a horrific crash.

if  either  driver had  been  paying  attention , most  could  have  been  avoided

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Watched the entire video... not one single pushbike accident!


The video shows motorbike / scooter accidents and a few car ones.  So seems bikes are safer than motorbikes.  


Should be 'NEVER drive or walk across a road in Chiang Mai.'  Nothing to do with cycling.


Also I have been cycling here nearly every day for 12 years with no problem (but not in the city centre). 


You would be in just as much danger walking across a road with the stupid drivers in this video!  



Edited by jak2002003
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20 hours ago, canthai55 said:

Gave up bicycles when I bought my first motorcycle.

Why anyone would ride one anywhere but a dedicated bike path is beyond me. 50kg falang, 10kg bicycle, 2 tonne car - not hard to guess the winner of this contest.

Awaiting the 'why can't I ride my bike if I choose' posts

It is good for the environment ... which dead people can not see or use


You're saying 50kg farang, 10kg bike and 2000kg = death. Whilst that same weedy, undernourished farang on a 200kg motorbike is safe in a collision with a car or truck because it's a heavier or just because? Skewed logic 

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17 hours ago, terminatorchiangmai said:

looks like 90% of the drivers are color blind ?

 I will go further, it's as if many drivers were driving with a blindfold because the problems do not come only from the traffic lights. Many drives as if they were alone on a deserted road, "normally"  a good part of these accidents should not have happened, but all the time it is a pathological absence of vigilance :sad:   

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18 hours ago, terminatorchiangmai said:

looks like 90% of the drivers are color blind ?

I concur. My conclusion from watching the video is that 90% of these accidents could have been avoided if Thais obeyed traffic signals. Not sure about why "bicycle" is used in the title for this thread because no bicycles in the videos, but obviously such accidents would go worse for a bicyclist. However, I must say I have seen people 

 riding bicycles seemingly without consideration for the threat motor vehicles pose in practically every country in which I have been, including the USA. That is not something limited to tourists in Thailand. Of course, I do hate seeing Westerners do this in Thailand because I feel their lack of common sense reflects poorly on the rest of we farangs.  

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Nothing changes, I remember visiting a farang friend in a Chiang Mai public hospital, he had multiple fractures from a motorcycle accident, his legs were pinned back together and in traction. The place was packed, with people moaning, parked on trolleys in the corridors. Different floors were dedicated to different parts of the body - head injuries, 6th floor; limbs, 5th floor and so on. The accident rate was stupendous. That was in 1989.

One glance at the stupidity displayed in the first couple of minutes of the above video shows that nothing whatever has changed in thirty years.

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When I was in Chiang Mai 30 years ago everything was fine. Not much fighting in bar. Not many ladyboys . Going around on bicycle was very very exhilarating and healthy because the air was clean then.

After watching the videos I couldn't understand why those motorbikes didn't slow down when they could see other vehicles in front of them . They seems to go straight ahead without even slowing down. They have very low IQ apparently.

People with low IQ shouldn't be allow to go on motorbikes. An IQ test is required before a motorbike license is issued.

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45 minutes ago, madusa said:


People with low IQ shouldn't be allow to go on motorbikes. An IQ test is required before a motorbike license is issued.


That’ll be 99% of the population buggered then!


I have to say that these videos make me laugh out loud.

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22 hours ago, KhunBENQ said:

While I fully agree with the topic title about "bicycles" (I never ever move out of my village to a main road with my bicycle), BUT:

the video is about "motorbikes", "scooters" or simply "bikes" as the English say.

And here I disagree and say: use your brain, drive with caution.


If everyone else would, I am ok with that... many people are run down and are not at fault... 

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4 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

Watched the entire video... not one single pushbike accident!


The video shows motorbike / scooter accidents and a few car ones.  So seems bikes are safer than motorbikes.  


Should be 'NEVER drive or walk across a road in Chiang Mai.'  Nothing to do with cycling.


Also I have been cycling here nearly every day for 12 years with no problem (but not in the city centre). 


You would be in just as much danger walking across a road with the stupid drivers in this video!  




What I meant was inside and 15 km around the city center where traffic is heavy. Not somewhere far away in a rural area or inside your village.

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5 hours ago, suzannegoh said:

What that's neglecting is that the average motorbike crash occurs at higher rate of speed than the average bicycle crash. 


When someone hit you from behind OR at 90 degree angle as in the video above, it is the speed of the other driver that will kill or maim you.


Which would be safer given the same force of impact on you?


You inside a car, motorbike or bicycle?


Inside the moat, I've seen bicycles riding at almost the same speed as motorbikes. And they can be Europeans cyclists since most of them do cycle in Europe.


In Europe, there are special cyclists path but not in Thailand.

Edited by EricTh
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2 minutes ago, EricTh said:


When someone hit at you from behind and at 90 degree angle as in the video, it is the speed of the other driver that will kill or maim you.


Inside the moat, I've seen bicycles riding at almost the same speed as motorbikes. 


Which would be safer given the same force of impact on you?


You inside a car, motorbike or bicycle?

You're cherry picking one type of accident. Try a little honesty.  You made an assertion about bicycle safety and posted a video unrelated to bicycling to support it.  That’s so weak that one might suspect that the real issue is that you have a bug up your butt about bicycles and/or bicyclists. 

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6 hours ago, suzannegoh said:

MO Chiang Mai is a great place for bicycling once you get a little bit outside the city and even within the city it's probably less dangerous than riding a motorbike.

It's less dangerous because speed kills. Most motorbike accidents that are fatal are caused by speed.  Can name 3 deadly accidents mentioned on Thaivisa just the last week. 


Yes someone can hit you tomorrow , can happen to pedestrians too, but most of the time I feel safer on my bicycle than a speeding motorbike.  


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On 1/10/2019 at 3:16 PM, from the home of CC said:

I agree. I'd love to pedal around here (HH) but have responsibilities to loved ones.  

To be fair if your in HH and probably too old for cycling it's better you keep to a Camry.

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1 hour ago, EricTh said:


What I meant was inside and 15 km around the city center where traffic is heavy. Not somewhere far away in a rural area or inside your village.

So why post the video that has nothing to do with cycling?


Maybe I post a video about boating dangers which shows helicopter crashes?  


I don't know what you are trying to say about cycling safety or cyclists in CM or why?  Have you had a cycling accident in CM?  How about posting a video with cyclists having accidents in the city then, if its so dangerous and common for cyclists to be injured here?

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