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Crackdown on visa overstayers is good for tourism: Big Joke


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11 minutes ago, Pib said:

There is an article in the 11 Jan 19 Bangkok Post giving detailed breakout of the nationalities caught in the crackdown.   Only around 10 were from western countries. 


Over 95% were from countries like Myanmar, Laos, and Cambodia....mostly working in Thailand without a visa/work permit.   

That and Nigeria  and African poorer  nations  but by far most  will be Burma  Cambodia etc these  folk have nothing to  lose if  caught

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31 minutes ago, mommysboy said:

A confusing mass of exaggerated claims with poor reasoning.

The description of this pin-up boy fits someone else we all know. There must be a surfeit of these military type showmen running the Country.

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“We’ve been working through the new year,” Surachate said. “As of now, in the entire land, there are zero overstays.” ...until next week's round-up, when there will again be "zero overstayers".


I want to like this guy (kind of), but he's got to temper his all too common habit amongst senior officials of making premature proclamations. 

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1 hour ago, NE1 said:

He should have said , " as far as I am aware as of now, in the entire land, there are zero overstays.”

I’ll get you $1000 if anyone goes to the airport right now there will be a parade of overstayers paying on the way out.

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1 hour ago, Pib said:

Yea, right.  Big Joke has "repeatedly" said there are no more over-stayers left in Thailand....the bad guys have all been caught....but we keep seeing these reports almost weekly of more over-stayers being caught.  I'm confused...makes me feel like I'm in the Ground Hog Day movie.

2018 overstay batch is over. This is 2019 fresh batch!


Look at the picture, they used ambulance service to catch these guys.

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