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Crackdown on visa overstayers is good for tourism: Big Joke


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1 hour ago, losworld said:

Have to chuckle at how much talk about tourism and keeping it running and half the pictured police are wearing masks because the air is so polluted.

How did he get the idea these razzias are good for tourism?

Razzias good for tourism?

Ever heard about internet, social media etc?

I assure you razzias are very bad for tourism.

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2 hours ago, webfact said:

Immigration Bureau police commander Lt. Gen. Surachate Hakparn paraded the newly arrested foreigners at 1am on Friday through the parking lot of Bangkok’s Montien Riverside hotel

Like cattle. Disgusting.


On second thought, the two bearded guys in the top pic appear to have a really good time.

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This guy really is a big joke...One daft Thai trying hard to persuade lots of other daft Thais that he's doing a good job, and he hopes to convince them of that by telling them downright, bare-faced lies.


Me no unnerstan.




Edited by HalfLight
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THe whole article is full of crap. I'm sure Big Joke, Prayut and every tourism spokesman must share the same spin doctor!


Honestly: no overstayers, 60 million tourists in two years, arrests good for tourism (with absolutely no reasons as to why). He's just coming up with what his superiors want to hear based on a whim and I think he has been ever since his promotion and probably before.

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7 minutes ago, madmitch said:

THe whole article is full of crap. I'm sure Big Joke, Prayut and every tourism spokesman must share the same spin doctor!


Honestly: no overstayers, 60 million tourists in two years, arrests good for tourism (with absolutely no reasons as to why). He's just coming up with what his superiors want to hear based on a whim and I think he has been ever since his promotion and probably before.


One thing's for sure, it isn't helping the argument that Thais are are smart and well-educated at all...



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I wonder if Big Joke ever thinks before he spouts nonsense.

We keep hearing about no more overstayers, then he starts off again saying we have caught hundreds over night, but only manages to show 2.

All just major BS, just like his boss.... Full of hot air, but nothing between the ears.

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5 minutes ago, colinneil said:

I wonder if Big Joke ever thinks before he spouts nonsense.

We keep hearing about no more overstayers, then he starts off again saying we have caught hundreds over night, but only manages to show 2.

All just major BS, just like his boss.... Full of hot air, but nothing between the ears.


Correct. The only thing stopping his ears from crashing together is the wise open spaces keeping them apart.




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This guy really is a big joke...One daft Thai trying hard to persuade lots of other daft Thais that he's doing a good job, and he hopes to convince them of that by telling them downright, bare-faced lies.
Me no unnerstan.
Models his approach after Donald Trump.
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3 hours ago, rkidlad said:

Catch, arrest and deport by all means, of course. Parade them around like this? Not a good idea. This will definitely put some tourists off or make them feel less welcome. I know, I know - people who have done nothing wrong have nothing to fear. But that’s not always how life works. How people should feel and how people really feel can often be two different things. I think they should be working along the lines of how people really feel. It’s more realistic. 


If I had seen these photo shoots when I was a newbie tourist here, I’d have felt uncomfortable by it. Maybe it’s just me, huh? 

Agree 100% .... saw a reenactment back a few months. All about detail down to him sitting on the toilet... Crazy if yiu ask me. Really on the loo taking a dump. Maybe it was to show the timeline?


or so the suspect could say he didn’t give a shit?

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Taggart: What do you want me to do sir?
Hedley: I want you to round up ever vicious criminal and gun slinger in the country and deport their asses. Take this down.
[Taggart looks for a pen and paper while Hedley talks]
Hedley: I want cheap Charlies, beg-packers, English teachers, rustlers, cut throats, murderers, desperados, mugs, pugs, thugs, nitwits, halfwits, dimwits, vipers, snipers, con men, Indian agents, Mexican bandits, muggers, buggerers, bushwhackers, hornswogglers, horse thieves, train robbers, bank robbers, ass-kickers, sh*t-kickers and Obama lovers rounded up and deported!
Taggart[finding pen and paper]Could you repeat that, sir?

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3 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Well he has that wrong. I know two people personally who are on overstay, who he hasn't caught up with yet. Lovely as it is to hear his ramblings, perhaps he should think before setting his mouth into gear and coming out with such stupid comments.

Shhhh, he was telling a fairy tale to his subjects. Once upon a time in a land far, far away

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3 hours ago, kannot said:

yeah but unfortunately as the powers that be are retards, i know of a decent  guy from japan who got deported due to a visa agent who did not do what he was paid for.

The  guy was not  poor, had a company and entrusted his work permit renewal to the agent who DID NOT do it but kept the money. Work permit 3  days overdue. Immigration "tipped  off" and came to the Co.

The end result was he closed the company,  6 Thai workers  lost their  jobs he sold  off all the equipment or gave it away and moved the whole  co to the Phillipines where he  doesnt get treated like a piece of  shit in a detention centre.

My Wife had to help him thru all this nonsense over a 2-3 week period  because "rules are  rules", the parent co in Japan will not be doing any business in Thailand again.

Through a friend of hers she  got to see him out of hours with contact at the detention centre to help him, no easy feat in itself.

Overstayers are  not all "bad guys" with no  money, the usual stupid childish talk of  immigration to appease the brainwashed masses that Thailand for the Thais is the only way.

The  good  side he has invited us to japan all expenses  paid

How did he sell his company and equipment while he was in the detention center and deported?

Edited by FritsSikkink
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What difference does it make, really? While I do not condone breaking the law, in general, do the overstayers really hurt the nation? And how do they hurt tourism? Break that one down for me please. Just another excuse for this man to grandstand, which he is an expert at doing.


There are countless things this administration could be doing to improve the lives of the average Thai. But that would require them to care. Which they do not. They are here to protect the elite, the super wealthy, those that are connected, and those in power. They are not here to address the problems of the common man and woman. And they absolutely refuse to do that, on any level. Think of public and traffic safety. What have they done in the past four year to improve that area? Think of tourism, which is something that benefits alot of average Thais. They have sabotaged tourism on so many levels, continued to appeal to the low to no baht Chinese package tour tourists, and continued to discourage Western tourists on many levels, and the result has brought devastation to the tourism industry, and hardship to millions of Thais. This has been the worst peak season in memory. Many other nations are at full occupancy. Thailand is down 20-30%. Does the government care? Does Prayuth care? Not one iota. That much is certain.


To Prayuth and the army, I say get out now. You are not needed. You are not wanted. You are despised by the masses. 

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