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Have you tried Jucing to loose weight


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ezzra  That is interesting that you mention  Keto  diet....This cafe sells keto products!    The guy I spoke to there seams to know a bit about it.      I am still undecided about the juice.  I will do a bit more research before I decide.  thanks
If you have a kitchen then no need to burn money in resteraunts. Buy fatty meats and cook in coconut oil

Meat, and salad, vegetables (keto friendly) and eggs untill you are full. Get into ketosis and watch the wight fall off.
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1 hour ago, Nyezhov said:

Im just starting the weight loss process. I have no choice.


What I have eliminated completely now (hopefully I will get a cheat day): ice cream, sodas, cookies, croissants, bakery stuff, kanom, crackers, pies, Pringles, Burger King, Mickey Ds, 7-11 fast food, Pizza, fried chicken, anything fried, sausages, butter, processed meat, beep, bacon, shrimp. No added sugar.


What I have cut down on is: juice (6oz every other day for variety), wheat bread (no  more than 2 slices every other day or one a day), eggs (one every other day), cheese (nor more than one slice every other day), coffee creamer (one tablespoon)


What I have increased or have left is fruit (4-5 portions a day), oatmeal every day, gai yang (one piece without skin), Somtum (eat only the veggies and shake out the dried shrimp), assorted veggies, steamed rice, noodle soups (the noodle lady does not put the salty stuff in and substititues daikon and veggies for fried fishball, gives me a little extra chicken), Pad Krapow Gai, no egg, Moo on a stick (one piece), Stirfried Mixed veggies, and I hate my life, steamed fish.


The fruit and oatmeal keep me on the toilet 4x a day.


I get to live with a stent, take pills like an old lady, cant eat anything good, am on restriction for serious walking for two weeks and no boom boom, never be able to smoke weed again, no booze allowed, gonna miss my trip to Cambodia, now I got a preexisting condition thats will screw up insurance the next time I come here, the Visa rules are a pain in the ass, my vegetarian daughter is on my case, if I wasnt partially stable, Id be doing a flyer off the balcony,


Talk about suck factor to the nth degree

Sorry to hear about your predicament. 

No consolation and it’s gonna be tough but as you already know, the reason you got here is because of the stuff you’re now eliminating. 

Best of luck. Be good to hear your progress. 

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Juicing is not the solution !  Are you aware of how much sugar it is in juice ?   So you could actually turn diabetic drinking too much of it. 


If you want to lose weight, the solution is simple really. Reduce the intake of food over a period of several months.  You can use an app om your smartphone that will count your calories.

On average an adult do not need more than 2000-2500 calories per day. Overweight people tend to eat more than that. 


So the solution is to eat healthier food, do more exercise and you will lose weight in no time, drink water instead of juice. One glass of juice or smoothie is fine but not more than one daily. 


Personally I only eat 2 meals daily , breakfast/brunch and dinner.  I eat some nuts , and eat a bit of fruit in between .

If you feel hungry you can always eat some veggies with very little calories, like carrots to fill up the stomach. 












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4 hours ago, utalkin2me said:

THe best part aboit this topic is nobody knows anything. The brightest doctors in the world told us for years to eat many small meals a day, and now everything indicates that eating rarely and going long periods of time without food is very healthy. Ironically enough i did this all through my youth and figured i was destrying myself, no winder i never went into a hospital one time. 


Nobody knows anything. That is the first lesson. 

They all know one thing you have to eat less then you burn and eat quality foods. I seen the studies that all those diets give the same results as long as there is a caloric deficit. 


Anyway I just say go for something that suits you as you have to keep doing it for a long time.

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4 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

Im just starting the weight loss process. I have no choice.


What I have eliminated completely now (hopefully I will get a cheat day): ice cream, sodas, cookies, croissants, bakery stuff, kanom, crackers, pies, Pringles, Burger King, Mickey Ds, 7-11 fast food, Pizza, fried chicken, anything fried, sausages, butter, processed meat, beep, bacon, shrimp. No added sugar.


What I have cut down on is: juice (6oz every other day for variety), wheat bread (no  more than 2 slices every other day or one a day), eggs (one every other day), cheese (nor more than one slice every other day), coffee creamer (one tablespoon)


What I have increased or have left is fruit (4-5 portions a day), oatmeal every day, gai yang (one piece without skin), Somtum (eat only the veggies and shake out the dried shrimp), assorted veggies, steamed rice, noodle soups (the noodle lady does not put the salty stuff in and substititues daikon and veggies for fried fishball, gives me a little extra chicken), Pad Krapow Gai, no egg, Moo on a stick (one piece), Stirfried Mixed veggies, and I hate my life, steamed fish.


The fruit and oatmeal keep me on the toilet 4x a day.


I get to live with a stent, take pills like an old lady, cant eat anything good, am on restriction for serious walking for two weeks and no boom boom, never be able to smoke weed again, no booze allowed, gonna miss my trip to Cambodia, now I got a preexisting condition thats will screw up insurance the next time I come here, the Visa rules are a pain in the ass, my vegetarian daughter is on my case, if I wasnt partially stable, Id be doing a flyer off the balcony,


Talk about suck factor to the nth degree

My advice... go slow at first you can't go from a bad diet to healthy one in a day. I have had periods i fallen of the wagon (figuratively) and come back to training. I have just closed a period of bad food because of stress and sleep problems. But I did not instantly change it all over. I took small steps and I am still taking more steps to change it. 


Besides if you change it all at once what are you going to do when the weight loss stalls. 


Can i ask how old you are.

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5 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

Im just starting the weight loss process. I have no choice.


What I have eliminated completely now (hopefully I will get a cheat day): ice cream, sodas, cookies, croissants, bakery stuff, kanom, crackers, pies, Pringles, Burger King, Mickey Ds, 7-11 fast food, Pizza, fried chicken, anything fried, sausages, butter, processed meat, beep, bacon, shrimp. No added sugar.


What I have cut down on is: juice (6oz every other day for variety), wheat bread (no  more than 2 slices every other day or one a day), eggs (one every other day), cheese (nor more than one slice every other day), coffee creamer (one tablespoon)


What I have increased or have left is fruit (4-5 portions a day), oatmeal every day, gai yang (one piece without skin), Somtum (eat only the veggies and shake out the dried shrimp), assorted veggies, steamed rice, noodle soups (the noodle lady does not put the salty stuff in and substititues daikon and veggies for fried fishball, gives me a little extra chicken), Pad Krapow Gai, no egg, Moo on a stick (one piece), Stirfried Mixed veggies, and I hate my life, steamed fish.


The fruit and oatmeal keep me on the toilet 4x a day.


I get to live with a stent, take pills like an old lady, cant eat anything good, am on restriction for serious walking for two weeks and no boom boom, never be able to smoke weed again, no booze allowed, gonna miss my trip to Cambodia, now I got a preexisting condition thats will screw up insurance the next time I come here, the Visa rules are a pain in the ass, my vegetarian daughter is on my case, if I wasnt partially stable, Id be doing a flyer off the balcony,


Talk about suck factor to the nth degree

    For me it was really easier to get rid of the cheat days.  They just mess with you mentally and physically and not enjoyable at all.  I did piss off a few friends when I turned down their evening beer and pizza bash but so what?

     Sounds like you are finally getting some fiber in your diet.  Your body should stabilize with that soon enough.  

     And once you have made some progress on the weight loss and are feeling more active you can get back to the boom boom as it is good exercise!  It helps loosen up the muscles, puts you in a good frame mind and gives the heart an acceptable cardio workout.  Good Luck 2 U.

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1 hour ago, robblok said:

Can i ask how old you are.

Im 63.


I really dont miss the ice cream, cakes and cookies, nor the sodas, I find that fruiting it up helps.


And I like chicken and fish.


But Im so miserable. What is the point of life eating sprouts!  And no weed? I have to go back to the US and deal with that without a bit of a stone? I just want a fat steak now and then, I realize I have to suffer now, but I am feeling like jumping in front of a bus with a snickers bar in my mouth

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6 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

Im just starting the weight loss process. I have no choice.


What I have eliminated completely now (hopefully I will get a cheat day): ice cream, sodas, cookies, croissants, bakery stuff, kanom, crackers, pies, Pringles, Burger King, Mickey Ds, 7-11 fast food, Pizza, fried chicken, anything fried, sausages, butter, processed meat, beep, bacon, shrimp. No added sugar.


What I have cut down on is: juice (6oz every other day for variety), wheat bread (no  more than 2 slices every other day or one a day), eggs (one every other day), cheese (nor more than one slice every other day), coffee creamer (one tablespoon)


What I have increased or have left is fruit (4-5 portions a day), oatmeal every day, gai yang (one piece without skin), Somtum (eat only the veggies and shake out the dried shrimp), assorted veggies, steamed rice, noodle soups (the noodle lady does not put the salty stuff in and substititues daikon and veggies for fried fishball, gives me a little extra chicken), Pad Krapow Gai, no egg, Moo on a stick (one piece), Stirfried Mixed veggies, and I hate my life, steamed fish.


The fruit and oatmeal keep me on the toilet 4x a day.


I get to live with a stent, take pills like an old lady, cant eat anything good, am on restriction for serious walking for two weeks and no boom boom, never be able to smoke weed again, no booze allowed, gonna miss my trip to Cambodia, now I got a preexisting condition thats will screw up insurance the next time I come here, the Visa rules are a pain in the ass, my vegetarian daughter is on my case, if I wasnt partially stable, Id be doing a flyer off the balcony,


Talk about suck factor to the nth degree

Great news,you are still alive!!!Good for you!Now go and learn to enjoy different tasts and foods that are good for you,there are lots out there.

Be happy you got a second chance,many people do not!!

Do not let food rule your life,you are better then that.Think positive and grab new oppertunities.

You can do it,if you need support there are forums out there besides this one.Believe in yourself believe in life!!

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4 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

am feeling like jumping in front of a bus with a snickers bar in my mouth

Before you do that make sure you  can jump really well by getting into shape.

Once you are  better shape you will forget about the bus!!!!

You have family.

I think you are just being a little sarcastic right now and i can understand that.

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1 hour ago, Nyezhov said:

Im 63.


I really dont miss the ice cream, cakes and cookies, nor the sodas, I find that fruiting it up helps.


And I like chicken and fish.


But Im so miserable. What is the point of life eating sprouts!  And no weed? I have to go back to the US and deal with that without a bit of a stone? I just want a fat steak now and then, I realize I have to suffer now, but I am feeling like jumping in front of a bus with a snickers bar in my mouth

Why no weed ? (besides that it screws up your diet). You can buy vaporisers so you don't get the bad stuff in your lungs. (i take it they have a problem with smoking) or you can have weed edibles. 


Also you can select vegetables that you like, I would never eat sprouts. A fat steak is not a problem if you eat it once in a while. Cutting out most of the sugars like you did is already a good thing. Eating a big stake now and again (that means not every time maybe once a week is ok). The sugars are the stuff that raised your weight. Once you start losing weight you get in better shape then a steak is not so bad. 


How long will you be in BKK.. might be fun to meet up for a chat about healthy lifestyle and I can explain some things that make it better. But seriously if pizza was as healthy as broccoli I would eat it every day. Much of the bad food just tastes better. Having said that after a while of good food your cravings for the bad stuff go away too. Plus there is stuff that is good and nice to eat. 

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1 hour ago, Nyezhov said:

Im 63.


I really dont miss the ice cream, cakes and cookies, nor the sodas, I find that fruiting it up helps.


And I like chicken and fish.


But Im so miserable. What is the point of life eating sprouts!  And no weed? I have to go back to the US and deal with that without a bit of a stone? I just want a fat steak now and then, I realize I have to suffer now, but I am feeling like jumping in front of a bus with a snickers bar in my mouth

Well medical weed should be available here soon if the news is correct. Could help a lot of people. 

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1 hour ago, robblok said:

Why no weed ? (besides that it screws up your diet). You can buy vaporisers so you don't get the bad stuff in your lungs. (i take it they have a problem with smoking) or you can have weed edibles. 

Weed in contraindicated with infarct history


1 hour ago, robblok said:

. A fat steak is not a problem if you eat it once in a while. Cutting out most of the sugars like you did is already a good thing. Eating a big stake now and again (that means not every time maybe once a week is ok). The sugars are the stuff that raised your weight. Once you start losing weight you get in better shape then a steak is not so bad. 

Thanks what's keeping me alive right now....the thought of  meat awaiting.It's all a question of priorities, I like meat better than I like soda, soda soda goes.


1 hour ago, robblok said:

How long will you be in BKK.. might be fun to meet up for a chat about healthy lifestyle and I can explain some things that make it better. But seriously if pizza was as healthy as broccoli I would eat it every day. Much of the bad food just tastes better. Having said that after a while of good food your cravings for the bad stuff go away too. Plus there is stuff that is good and nice to eat. 

I'm going to stay till at least the end of March, I was going to leave in April anyway. I just need to get over this funk. I'm sort of pissed that I might not be able to go to Cambodia with my daughter which was one of the things that I wanted to do. Even if it's just to go to Angkor Wat, I could always ditch preah Vin until next year.



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I just came upon this:



Had a look at this and it is very superficial and only just scratches the surface of the topics mentioned.     One of the previous posters has it 100% right in my opinion,  in that every one is different and that there are many different styles of diets and each person needs to choose the thing that they will best be able to maintain, as it is this maintainability that will actually enable the results you are looking for.  


There is no "one size fits all" solution to this weight loss dilemma,   If you simply take this one dimension aspect then at one end of the continuum you simply stop eating to lose weight and eventually you lose weight and die,  at the other end  you eat too much gain weight and eventually die!     So you are left with all that grey area in between,  Vegan, intermittent fasting, Keto, Carnivorous diet, low carb diet, low fat diet  juicing  Etc etc.      


Now  when you add in the "health" aspect of losing.gaining weight you add a new level of complexity to the situation.     


STRESS  seams to be mentioned in most if not all the lose weight systems as one of the major considerations/causes in weight control.     So one way of helping with this stress is to remove your self from your usual (stressful) routine and go and enjoy a nice "xxxxx" in a relaxing atmosphere and chill out for a 30 minutes or more!


Check out your local healthy cafes in your area,  simply do a google search for health or lifestyle or de stress and see what takes your fancy!


And a blatant plug  if you are in the Chiang Mai area  check out Zenzen Lifestyle Cafe in Meechok Plazza,  or if you are an early bird  check out JJ Markets on a Sunday morning for all the Organic, Keto, freah breads, Smoked Hams and delicious healthy foods..


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31 minutes ago, Oztaffy said:
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I just came upon this:



Had a look at this and it is very superficial and only just scratches the surface of the topics mentioned.     One of the previous posters has it 100% right in my opinion,  in that every one is different and that there are many different styles of diets and each person needs to choose the thing that they will best be able to maintain, as it is this maintainability that will actually enable the results you are looking for.  


There is no "one size fits all" solution to this weight loss dilemma,   If you simply take this one dimension aspect then at one end of the continuum you simply stop eating to lose weight and eventually you lose weight and die,  at the other end  you eat too much gain weight and eventually die!     So you are left with all that grey area in between,  Vegan, intermittent fasting, Keto, Carnivorous diet, low carb diet, low fat diet  juicing  Etc etc.      


Now  when you add in the "health" aspect of losing.gaining weight you add a new level of complexity to the situation.     


STRESS  seams to be mentioned in most if not all the lose weight systems as one of the major considerations/causes in weight control.     So one way of helping with this stress is to remove your self from your usual (stressful) routine and go and enjoy a nice "xxxxx" in a relaxing atmosphere and chill out for a 30 minutes or more!


Check out your local healthy cafes in your area,  simply do a google search for health or lifestyle or de stress and see what takes your fancy!


And a blatant plug  if you are in the Chiang Mai area  check out Zenzen Lifestyle Cafe in Meechok Plazza,  or if you are an early bird  check out JJ Markets on a Sunday morning for all the Organic, Keto, freah breads, Smoked Hams and delicious healthy foods..


Currently just losing weight by eating less and exercising. But I am one of those people who can easily eat the same thing day in day out. So I bought myself some frozen vegetables from makro that i put in my steamer. Then i take some chicken or other meat and I am set for a meal. I just don't trust the Thai fresh vegetables too much pesticides.


I could make a roast and just cut enough meat off add it to steamed vegetables. No need to always go to pricey shops (especially if its a lifestyle change). For a while I ordered salads from Jones salad on a daily base. While not that expensive it added up and preparing it yourself by buying organic salad and olives... chicken and smoked salmon and storing it in the fridge gave me a much bigger  salad for a lot less of the price. So no need to spend your money on expensive shops just learn to cook yourself. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
10 hours ago, madmen said:

The question is what will you do after the juicing.

I juiced for a while, but made a vegetable juice. But it tasted really bad, i am sure it was healthy but if I added to much bitter stuff it would end up with me running to the toilet. Especially if too much garlic and ginger was added. 


I did not see juicing as a thing for weight loss more as a way to get extra vitamins and minerals in my diet. But it really became a bore cleaning the slow juicer and always having to make sure all the vegetables where there to make the juice. 

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This whole weight loss question is all about a life style change and a balanced diet,  whatever fad or diet you choose.   It is the ability to sustain the change that is the key to permanent weight loss and not simply the yoyo-ing up and down!   There is also a big difference between Fruit juicing and vegetable juicing.  The main culprits in weight gain are Sugars and large portion meals.    Some form of program with juicing  can help reduce th sugar cravings and help with portion size control.


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A slow introduction to the stronger green Veggie juices is a must!  Especially for "overweight" people as they are most probably already strongly addicted to sugar and sweet tastes!!    So adding sweeter tasting veggies like beetroot or even adding some green apples to begin with will make it easier to start and continue with it.  And having a cafe do the preparing and cleaning for you would be worth the extra expense,  especially if you have never juiced before and do not want the expense of buying a juicer up front.    A SORT OF TRY BEFORE YOU BUY IDEA.....  Along with a slow introduction to the stronger tasting juices like Ginger, lemon grass, tumeric  etc (mixing these with pineapple juice is a good solution)..


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13 hours ago, Oztaffy said:

A slow introduction to the stronger green Veggie juices is a must!  Especially for "overweight" people as they are most probably already strongly addicted to sugar and sweet tastes!!    So adding sweeter tasting veggies like beetroot or even adding some green apples to begin with will make it easier to start and continue with it.  And having a cafe do the preparing and cleaning for you would be worth the extra expense,  especially if you have never juiced before and do not want the expense of buying a juicer up front.    A SORT OF TRY BEFORE YOU BUY IDEA.....  Along with a slow introduction to the stronger tasting juices like Ginger, lemon grass, tumeric  etc (mixing these with pineapple juice is a good solution)..


You do understand that fruit juices are not healthy ? You get far too much sugars from your drinks then without the fiber you would normally get when you eat fruits. Vegetable juices are something else as vegetables are not caloric rich. 

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I juiced for a while, but made a vegetable juice. But it tasted really bad, i am sure it was healthy but if I added to much bitter stuff it would end up with me running to the toilet. Especially if too much garlic and ginger was added. 
I did not see juicing as a thing for weight loss more as a way to get extra vitamins and minerals in my diet. But it really became a bore cleaning the slow juicer and always having to make sure all the vegetables where there to make the juice. 
I only make carrot juice these days , it really tastes great , I make 2 litres of it and then freeze it,
then when its time to drink it , I put a bottle in the fridge over night and the juice is ice cold , ready to drink. Its really delicious.

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5 minutes ago, balo said:

I only make carrot juice these days , it really tastes great , I make 2 litres of it and then freeze it,
then when its time to drink it , I put a bottle in the fridge over night and the juice is ice cold , ready to drink. Its really delicious.


I admit, i got too lazy to find loads of vegetables and then juicing them. Cleaning my slow juicer was a bit of a process. Right now no juices just water or pepsi max, loads of vegetables and some meat, a few protein shakes and healthy fats. Some carbs close to the time i exercise and it all seems to work for me. Slowly getting rid of the flab that i build up in the 4 months of inactivity. 

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12 hours ago, robblok said:

I admit, i got too lazy to find loads of vegetables and then juicing them. Cleaning my slow juicer was a bit of a process. Right now no juices just water or pepsi max, loads of vegetables and some meat, a few protein shakes and healthy fats. Some carbs close to the time i exercise and it all seems to work for me. Slowly getting rid of the flab that i build up in the 4 months of inactivity. 

   You might re-evaluate using artificial sweetners that are listed as ZERO calorie.  Lots of research shows they cause weight increases double that of consuming the normal sugar alternative.  No one knows why but the research on the weight gain is out there and it is shocking!

    Just a thought!  

    Unsugared tea and coffee and water for me.  And when I am in Thailand a nice coconut water from the street vendor.  I don't drink it here it has been too adulterated in the USA. 

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8 hours ago, dontoearth said:

   You might re-evaluate using artificial sweetners that are listed as ZERO calorie.  Lots of research shows they cause weight increases double that of consuming the normal sugar alternative.  No one knows why but the research on the weight gain is out there and it is shocking!

    Just a thought!  

    Unsugared tea and coffee and water for me.  And when I am in Thailand a nice coconut water from the street vendor.  I don't drink it here it has been too adulterated in the USA. 

I read about it and other research countered that research. So its a bit hard to know what is true. I try to drink as much water as possible as I think it would be better on the long run. 

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2 hours ago, robblok said:

I read about it and other research countered that research. So its a bit hard to know what is true. I try to drink as much water as possible as I think it would be better on the long run. 

    Glad you limit it.  I cut it out entirely back in the 80's.  The taste of the artificial sweeteners gave me stomach upset and heart burn.  I don't use the sugar ones either anymore.  Gave those up even tho.' I liked the taste and had no digestion problems. I don't want the additional empty calories with no nutritional benefit.

   The science research I read was very damning!  The counter research is from Coke, Pepsi and their sweetened soft drink associations.  It is estimated they spend $65 million USD a year making sure they have of plenty of murky research.  The research doesn't deny the weight gain they just deny the culpability of the sodas.  Could be unaccounted for by other variables etc.  

     Basically they are following the lead of the cigarette manufacturers who to this very day claim no study has proved that cigarette smoking causes lung cancer.

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20 minutes ago, dontoearth said:

    Glad you limit it.  I cut it out entirely back in the 80's.  The taste of the artificial sweeteners gave me stomach upset and heart burn.  I don't use the sugar ones either anymore.  Gave those up even tho.' I liked the taste and had no digestion problems. I don't want the additional empty calories with no nutritional benefit.

   The science research I read was very damning!  The counter research is from Coke, Pepsi and their sweetened soft drink associations.  It is estimated they spend $65 million USD a year making sure they have of plenty of murky research.  The research doesn't deny the weight gain they just deny the culpability of the sodas.  Could be unaccounted for by other variables etc.  

     Basically they are following the lead of the cigarette manufacturers who to this very day claim no study has proved that cigarette smoking causes lung cancer.

Lets put it this way the counter research was put on a famous bodybuilder site that has nothing to win by promoting unhealthy things. I trust the people who reviewed that evidence as they usually do a good job with other research too.


That being said i just limit it as you can't be too sure. I get your point about empty calories, though its one of the few things i indulge in. Just a glas a day. However the moment my diet stalls that ill be cut out too. right now I can still take it. In the end I do want to switch totally to water. I have tried it before but it is hard for me. 


I hate that i had such a bad year in 2018 however i see the results already from a month of working out hard and minding diet. So i figure maximum of 2 more months to be back where I ended. Gaining alle the muscle back might take a bit longer. The last few KG's of muscle are always the hardest to gain back. 


I hope 2019 will bring me a lot of good things training wise, first bad year ever 2018.. health problems (sleeping) and then motivation problems. That kinda ruined it. I had some good periods too in 2018 but in the end i just went off the deep end. Nothing major that can't be corrected. Just annoyed with myself for letting it slip. 

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9 hours ago, robblok said:

Lets put it this way the counter research was put on a famous bodybuilder site that has nothing to win by promoting unhealthy things. I trust the people who reviewed that evidence as they usually do a good job with other research too.


That being said i just limit it as you can't be too sure. I get your point about empty calories, though its one of the few things i indulge in. Just a glas a day. However the moment my diet stalls that ill be cut out too. right now I can still take it. In the end I do want to switch totally to water. I have tried it before but it is hard for me. 


I hate that i had such a bad year in 2018 however i see the results already from a month of working out hard and minding diet. So i figure maximum of 2 more months to be back where I ended. Gaining alle the muscle back might take a bit longer. The last few KG's of muscle are always the hardest to gain back. 


I hope 2019 will bring me a lot of good things training wise, first bad year ever 2018.. health problems (sleeping) and then motivation problems. That kinda ruined it. I had some good periods too in 2018 but in the end i just went off the deep end. Nothing major that can't be corrected. Just annoyed with myself for letting it slip. 

    I always like to look at the footnotes and sources.  If they don't have that I move on when I am seeking definite factual advice.

    You might add lemon or lime to your water.  Have some teas without sweeteners.  I find just water gets a bit dull.  I have coffee nothing in it.  Drink it black.  I have various teas and drink them all with nothing in the cup but the water and tea.  

    If I were in Thailand I would have a fresh on the street coconut water.  I miss that.

    My 2018 was the same.  Returning to the states to take care of elderly relatives is a bummer and it really undid lots of my progress.  I don't see any chance to get back on the programs I did in the near future.  I am just trying to maintain.  That is more difficult than making progress actually.

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1 hour ago, dontoearth said:

    I always like to look at the footnotes and sources.  If they don't have that I move on when I am seeking definite factual advice.

    You might add lemon or lime to your water.  Have some teas without sweeteners.  I find just water gets a bit dull.  I have coffee nothing in it.  Drink it black.  I have various teas and drink them all with nothing in the cup but the water and tea.  

    If I were in Thailand I would have a fresh on the street coconut water.  I miss that.

    My 2018 was the same.  Returning to the states to take care of elderly relatives is a bummer and it really undid lots of my progress.  I don't see any chance to get back on the programs I did in the near future.  I am just trying to maintain.  That is more difficult than making progress actually.

The stuff i read at the website has footnotes, without it its worthless like you said.


The coconut water still has quite a bit of calories in them. But i know what you mean. My 2018 was just bad.. actually the first bad time I had in many years of training. So I will just have to exercise again and get it back. Exercise is not really the problem. Right now diet is good too so not a problem either 


One part that did bore me was that i was at a point before where i could not make any more progress. Now at least i got something to work towards. I also know it will take about two more months to be back to a level that i like. So that is not to bad.


You r right that maintaining is hard.. its less fun then making progress.


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