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Brexit bedlam - May's EU divorce deal crushed by 230 votes in parliament


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6 hours ago, TopDeadSenter said:

May needs to step down immediately and let a proper leave PM come in and clean up this mess she made. Rees-Mogg, Farage, Robinson, Batten? Somebody that actually believes in Brexit, believes in our country, and has the stones to get on with it. This should have been a very simple process, no excuses for having made a complete dogs dinner of it.


A typical Brexiter response. No thought that putting an inexperienced zealot in power would antagonize just about everyone. 


Robinson, you really can't be serious?

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3 minutes ago, rixalex said:

Nobody can know what Brexit means until it actually happens and is given a bit of time for deals to be struck or not struck as the case may be. Until then it's all just speculation.

Sent from my SM-G610F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


Bit like saying no one knows what happens when you die - all just speculation.


But somethings, like putting your hand in the fire, have foreseeable consequences. 



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25 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

Even though I disagree with your assessment of the consequences of Brexit (I believe if managed correctly it could be hugely positive for the UK), I admire your honesty in admitting that you're not that bothered about Democracy.


It's much better than the Remainers who are trying to claim that ignoring the results of the Referendum is actually really democratic. All this "democracy is a moving process", "how can more votes be less democratic", "people's vote" nonsense really grates after a while.


Kudos for admitting you just want to Remain at all costs and since you lost the vote, to hell with Democracy.


You really don't understand why Britain evolved the Parliamentary Democracy system; or why the American Founding Fathers wisely chose a Republic representative system as opposed to a simple absolute democracy system do you?


If you did, you'd understand why the Brexit Referendum was only advisory and why the spineless politicians of all sides have avoided their duty and responsibilities so far.

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7 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


A typical Brexiter response. No thought that putting an inexperienced zealot in power would antagonize just about everyone. 


Robinson, you really can't be serious?

Not to mention that Brexit Ultras don't want the gig. Easier to throw rotten tomatoes from the wings than take actual responsibility. 

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13 minutes ago, nauseus said:

Demands? The UK Constitution obviously allows referenda - otherwise the referendum Act would not have been possible. The ruling mob seem to be those mostly occupying Westminster (under false pretences). 


The UK Constitution recognizes the sovereignty of Parliament. It permits legislation for advisory referendums, which have no legal binding on government, the executive or parliament.


Just to be clear. Ref: UK Constitutional Law Society.

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2 minutes ago, baboon said:

Not to mention that Brexit Ultras don't want the gig. Easier to throw rotten tomatoes from the wings than take actual responsibility. 


Yep. They all did a disappearing act as quickly as they could. They knew what a crock of <deleted> it would be and they knew they didn't have a clue what to do about it. 


Be careful what you wish for - you may get it!

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1 hour ago, Loiner said:


The Remainers can plot and scheme behind the scenes all they like.
Corbyn can play petty party politics all he likes, distracting from the most important matter in a generation.
The EU can continue to obstruct and meddle as much as they like too.
We still have a law in place that we Leave on 29th March.

Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app



Not true.


No UK Act of Parliament (Law) has yet been passed to say that the UK will leave on the 29th.


Because it has been, hitherto, an executive decision (with Parliamentary approval to "trigger" Article 50):

European Union (Notification of Withdrawal) Act 2017 - Wikipedia


The date of departure being set by the moment that the executive notified the EU.


Not by Act of Parliament


The courts determining that Parliament should be allowed to "have its say" with regard to the terms of departure.


The terms of the departure having been disapproved yesterday by Parliament.


So now the executive may decide to ask Parliament if it is happy for a no deal departure or if it would prefer no departure.


Or it may just wait for a no deal departure.


Or "other things" may happen.






Edited by Enoon
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17 minutes ago, nauseus said:

Demands? The UK Constitution obviously allows referenda - otherwise the referendum Act would not have been possible. The ruling mob seem to be those mostly occupying Westminster (under false pretences). 

Parliament as Enemies of The People.

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1 minute ago, Baerboxer said:


Yep. They all did a disappearing act as quickly as they could. They knew what a crock of <deleted> it would be and they knew they didn't have a clue what to do about it. 


Be careful what you wish for - you may get it!

Who can forget the look on Johnson's mug? 'We've won!! Sh!t...'

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3 hours ago, Antonymous said:

What an extraordinary leap of false logic!


Have the courage to say that NOW that the rotten deal presented by a Remainer PM has been voted down at last, parliament should follow the will of the people to leave the EU. Let's organise a controlled Brexit.


Here's a Plan:






An alternative written ministerial statement under the terms


of EUWA 2018 S13(4) 15 January 2019




Exiting the EU: the Government’s policy for EU withdrawal following the vote of the House of Commons on 15 January 2019.






Good, with interesting and enlightening references. Thanks.

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8 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

One important feature of the most recent vote is that the Hard Brexiteers marched through the same voting lobby as Jeremy Corbyn. A marriage made in hell.

At least I can agree with that.

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41 minutes ago, nauseus said:

Demands? The UK Constitution obviously allows referenda - otherwise the referendum Act would not have been possible. The ruling mob seem to be those mostly occupying Westminster (under false pretences). 


It allows one.


But there is no Constitutional/Legal requirement to do anything other than "think about the results".


And then act as the Government/Parliament....."Westminster"........ sees fit.


Because the system puts them in charge.


So that everyone else can spend their time thinking about mortgages, football, pizzas and "Strictly".






Edited by Enoon
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3 minutes ago, tomacht8 said:

The brexit nonsense has cost me personally estimated 100,000 pounds of lost Value on assets. The UK can push their brexit in their own back, where it is dark.

Estimated? You don't know exactly?

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6 minutes ago, Enoon said:


It allows one.


But there is no Constitutional/Legal requirement to do anything other than "think about the results".


And then act as the Government/Parliament....."Westminster"........ sees fit.


Because the system puts them in charge.


So that everyone else can spend their time thinking about mortgages, football, pizzas and "Strictly".







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33 minutes ago, Retiredandhappyhere said:

And you think that abandoning Brexit will unite the country?  Somehow, I do not think so!


You mean re-unite it after being shattered by Camerons Folly?


It was him that took us into "uncharted waters"


Not since Charles the First raised his standard at Nottingham has anyone created such a disturbance among the good people of the realm.



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