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Brexit bedlam - May's EU divorce deal crushed by 230 votes in parliament


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11 minutes ago, vogie said:

And here we have the top ten remainer sayings.


At number one, The Brexit Referendum was only Advisory.

At number two, Democracy didn't end on the 21st of June 2016.

At number three, All brexiteers are Racists and Xenophobes.

At number four, Brexiteers didn't know what they were voting for.

At number five, Soft/Hard Brexit

At number six, It was written on the side of a bus. (Many peoples favourite I'm sure)

Number seven, Nigel Farage said it was unfinished business.

Number eight, Cliff Edge.

Number nine, Regrexit.

Number ten, Borax to Brexit.


Awright pop pickers, not arf.





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3 minutes ago, Enoon said:


You mean re-unite it after being shattered by Camerons Folly?


It was him that took us into "uncharted waters"


Not since Charles the First raised his standard at Nottingham has anyone caused such a disturbance among the good people of the realm.



And they loved him for it with a majority out vote! 

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9 minutes ago, nauseus said:

Estimated? You don't know exactly?

That's roughly estimated. Brexit has greatly weakened the EU and Europe as a whole. The economic uncertainty has the UK + EU monetary currencies brought significant losses by international comparison. This is a thaiforum.

Just look at the currency development since june 2016 compared to thai baht. Hooray or what?

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11 minutes ago, Enoon said:


You mean re-unite it after being shattered by Camerons Folly?


It was him that took us into "uncharted waters"


Not since Charles the First raised his standard at Nottingham has anyone created such a disturbance among the good people of the realm.



in my view Cameron deserves the same fate.

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27 minutes ago, vogie said:

And here we have the top ten remainer sayings.


At number one, The Brexit Referendum was only Advisory.

At number two, Democracy didn't end on the 21st of June 2016.

At number three, All brexiteers are Racists and Xenophobes.

At number four, Brexiteers didn't know what they were voting for.

At number five, Soft/Hard Brexit

At number six, It was written on the side of a bus. (Many peoples favourite I'm sure)

Number seven, Nigel Farage said it was unfinished business.

Number eight, Cliff Edge.

Number nine, Regrexit.

Number ten, Borax to Brexit.


Awright pop pickers, not arf.



Good One.

Now u Can do the same for the top 10 brexiteers Sayings. Please.

Thank you.

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You mean like: "nobody can know what happens if you jump off the cliff until you hit the rocks below?"
No, I don't mean like that. Believing that leaving the EU is akin to jumping off a cliff or even more ridiculously dramatically, "dying", is to hold a very low opinion of Britain that I don't share.

Sent from my SM-G610F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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1 hour ago, JonnyF said:

Even though I disagree with your assessment of the consequences of Brexit (I believe if managed correctly it could be hugely positive for the UK), I admire your honesty in admitting that you're not that bothered about Democracy.


It's much better than the Remainers who are trying to claim that ignoring the results of the Referendum is actually really democratic. All this "democracy is a moving process", "how can more votes be less democratic", "people's vote" nonsense really grates after a while.


Kudos for admitting you just want to Remain at all costs and since you lost the vote, to hell with Democracy.

If twisting my words to attach convenient labels suits you so be it. I proffered a provocative view that democracy is not all its cracked to be meaning that if it is relegated to a non-living set of rigid tenets that do not allow for rapidly changing circumstances it is not workable. The Brexit experience was characterized by clumsy execution and imperfect knowledge. Today we are in possession of more knowledge, and should not be shackled by a referendum that may have been been made obsolete, especially if it means a hard landing.


It's easy to take the temperature of the public again with another confirmatory referendum to ensure that's what the public want now, because circumstances have changed, Brexit execution was a disaster, and a hard brexit is worse than no brexit. There is nothing undemocratic about any of this, though it does not serve the function of freezing in time the 2 year old results the brexiters want to achieve, without accounting for changes in the intervening period. That doesn't sound like true democracy to me. 

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2 minutes ago, billd766 said:

Would that only apply to the 17 million people who voted to leave, or to the 15 million people who voted to remain or to the other 10 or 11 million people who couldn't be bothered to vote in the first place?

Before the referendum, all the polls showed "Remain" winning. I believe that remainers got complacent and many of them didn't vote. Different story next time.

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21 minutes ago, nauseus said:



It was called "At the sign of the Swinging Cymbal" by Brass Incorporated.


I remember the music very well but not who played it.


It was the theme Music for Pick of the Pops.  My Sunday afternoon favourite and I used to steal my Mum's Dansette transistor radio and go to Poole Park to listen to it with my mates.


:offtopic: Totally.  :sorry: (not really)

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10 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

That explains a lot re. your POV.....


The referendum has cost me a fair amount too as a result of exchange rates, but I try to think about what is best for britain (and even the eu!) - rather than what is best for me, personally.

That's very decent and honorable of you. That we both lost, unites us.

But I do not understand what's good about it. Almost all normal citizens have lost from the UK and EU. But not the hedge funds that have speculated against the pound.

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7 hours ago, bomber said:

65-70% of MPs dont want brexit on both sides,a leave PM would make it even worse as a no deal is suicide,brexit needs stopping,it was a farce from the off and has just got stupider by the day,give me a german master any day,JC is coming and that is even worse

Agree with everything except JC, he wears a wedding dress but will never get to the Alter...

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6 minutes ago, billd766 said:

It was called "At the sign of the Swinging Cymbal" by Brass Incorporated.


I remember the music very well but not who played it.


It was the theme Music for Pick of the Pops.  My Sunday afternoon favourite and I used to steal my Mum's Dansette transistor radio and go to Poole Park to listen to it with my mates.


:offtopic: Totally.  :sorry: (not really)

I don't remember the 'theme tune' going on for so long, but that's probably my memory....


It does bring back memories though of a radio programme I never missed as a teenager!

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15 minutes ago, Loiner said:

There’s 17.4 million people who really don’t care about your boasting. If you have so many assets it serves you right for not protecting them against whatever market forces hit them.

This is the epitome of why we are in this divisive situation. Big money and too many personal interests in Parliament.
All aided by big business and big political ideology.

Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

You are right.

So all 17,4 millions are on the winners Side. I did not know that the pound of a breexiter internationally has a higher purchasing power than the pfund of a remainer. I would like to send you my account number.

Edited by tomacht8
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