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Double cut! Teachers shear student's lovely long hair AND cut grades of her friend who filmed it


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2 hours ago, fruitman said:

I really like the long hair on thai girls.....what a shame they have to cut it.

Why do you think most adult Thai women have long hair?

They hated the short hair as kids ... probably a trick by the patriarchal society to make them fit their taste? Oh, well it is no actually a patriarchal society ... but more a matriarchal one ???? 

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13 minutes ago, colinneil said:

What is wrong having a rule regarding hair length? Absolutely nothing.

You are missing the point on this, the teacher had no right what so ever to cut the girls hair.

Face is a MAJOR thing here, and that teacher humiliated the girl in front of other students.

That is a very BIG no no here.

I agree about face, but I saw it more as the teacher trying to make face over her class, by humiliating one of the students.

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4 hours ago, BAYBOY said:

Same problem in our house.

My son aged 18, in his last year at High school.

Two weeks ago he had his hair cut by the local barber, neat and tidy, the usual cut he has. Three days later his class teacher told him that it was too long on top, so cut a handful out of the crown of his head. So back to the barber to get it recut to the length of the teacher's cut.

He has always had his hair neat and tidy because 3 years ago the school had a blitz on all the boys hair. Any student whose hair was deemed be be incorrect had a handful cut out, using a corkscrew type cutter. All the boys in his class were given this treatment. It left a cut of about 8 inches long, down to the scalp. So then all the recuts were so short to match the very low depth of the teachers cut.  So they all made an effort to keep their hair in the accepted manner. 

Thankfully he finishes at the school in 5 weeks. He has no time for any of the teachers who did the cutting. 

I know what I'd be doing with the cutter, and it wouldn't be cutting his hair.


Good job his Dad is you and not me.





Edited by HalfLight
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If the rules stated 9 inch and the girl after repeated warnings still hadn't been cut then she should have been expelled until her hair was the allowed length or the rules changed. 


Physical assault by 2 teachers shouldn't have happened. The girl filming should have been given a merit for highlighting the draconian practices still being committed in the school. 

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6 hours ago, Mackstask said:

In the west an action like this would be classed as physical assault and a criminal offence.

that's why in the West it becomes increasingly difficult to bring up children in a good way.

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6 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Sadly that is the Thai mentality for you all over. Rather than set a good example in being positive about actually learning something useful, the schools follow archaic rules and then when they lose face, strike out against the person who revealed their idiocy. Utterly disgraceful, but very much the norm, and probably a fair contributor to the poor academic performance of kids nationwide.

It takes a lot to get my blood boiling, but not here in the "Land of Smiles, "no brains up top"

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1 hour ago, DM07 said:

Yeah...I have heard of those mystical beings as well!

From field of work, I speak to sales executives on a daily basis and some of my appointments start with "Please sapeak englit saloly"! and I have said nothing else than "Good morning and thank you for your time. Would you like a cup of coffee?"

Mind you: I work in tourism, where "englit" should be generally understood as the chance of working with people from...well...Farangistan, is a common possibility!


I can't help that you are not in a position to talk to intelligent Thai's

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During the video, in the background, you will see at least one student with long hair in a horse's tail. Why is this particular student being singled out for overlength hair? There probably is an ugly underlying reason. To us westerners, the school deserves the social media backlash but Thai officialdom will say that the will of the students must never undermine the school hierarchy or the whole edifice will crumble and turn to chaos.

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