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Trump proposes wall-for-DACA in bid to end U.S. government shutdown


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1 minute ago, keemapoot said:

And, I'm willing to bet that you never felt such embarrassment at any President before this one. Oh, sure there were some that weren't too great (Carter), or even big screw ups, like George W., but never, not once in my life did I not hold the office in the most utmost esteem. Trump has besmirched every child's conception of how dignified, respectful, wise, kind and caring the image of the President is.


I was in third grade when Kennedy died. I'll never forget to my dying day how every child, teacher, and employee of the school gathered in the school yard around the half-mast flag and there was not one dry eye. The nation mourned together Republican and Democrat.


I envision the same thing when Trump passes, there won't be one dry eye, but they will be tears of joy.

Thank you. I could have written that post and I had the exact same experience as a young boy upon the assassination of JFK. 

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14 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Except the drugs are mostly entering through official and already controlled ports of entry:




How do you control uncontrolled territory and what data will you eventually collect from that? - ZERO!. The only drugs going through that point of entry will be the only thing collected as well since there're nobody overseeing the the rest of an uncontrolled border. If we erect the wall we can at least add more resources to the ports of entry instead of having our patrol agents pretending to walk the desert.


Democrats have voted for wall funding in the past, and many democratic lawmakers have gone on tv and said it works. So what makes them so unhappy now? Believe it or not, it's all political: democrats have always relied on new votes from immigrants while republicans and big businesses love the cheap labour. On top of that, you have the smugglers and the bankers who lobby for a weak border. Think of all the criminals who will go bankrupt when the wall is there. This should have been done a long time ago but Washington is mainly just talk but doesn't walk. 



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2 minutes ago, utalkin2me said:

He is dreaming. This is bringing down his entire presidency big. 


Try build the wall for him resigning and you may have something. 

We really do need to get ahead of the game and organize the ‘Bye Bye Trump Party’.


We of course should invite Illiberals, just for the fun of it.



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2 minutes ago, racket said:


How do you control uncontrolled territory and what data will you eventually collect from that? - ZERO!. The only drugs going through that point of entry will be the only thing collected as well since there're nobody overseeing the the rest of an uncontrolled border. If we erect the wall we can at least add more resources to the ports of entry instead of having our patrol agents pretending to walk the desert.


Democrats have voted for wall funding in the past, and many democratic lawmakers have gone on tv and said it works. So what makes them so unhappy now? Believe it or not, it's all political: democrats have always relied on new votes from immigrants while republicans and big businesses love the cheap labour. On top of that, you have the smugglers and the bankers who lobby for a weak border. Think of all the criminals who will go bankrupt when the wall is there. This should have been done a long time ago but Washington is mainly just talk but doesn't walk. 



I’ll tell you something even more recent.


Republicans in both House and Senate passed the Government Finance Bill.


Trump refused to sign it.


Now MacConnell refuses to pass the same bill to the Senate.


It’s political.

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1 minute ago, racket said:

How do you control uncontrolled territory and what data will you eventually collect from that? - ZERO!. The only drugs going through that point of entry will be the only thing collected as well since there're nobody overseeing the the rest of an uncontrolled border. If we erect the wall we can at least add more resources to the ports of entry instead of having our patrol agents pretending to walk the desert.

Fake news, no doubt. 


It never ceases to amaze me how Trump supporters can deny irrefutable facts because it doesn't fit their little rose tinted world of Trump adoration.


Do tyourself a favour, find someone who is worthy of your adoration. Trump ain't, not by a measured mile.

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4 minutes ago, riclag said:

Some very fine people on both sides was a quote ! The rest is propaganda made up by the TDS kool aid drinkers

The quote itself was enough for me. Yep, some very nice people in a white supremacists march.


So nice that one of their number murdered a woman peacefully protesting against their public vileness.

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2 minutes ago, keemapoot said:

Of course we all know the quote. That quote is the outrageous thing everyone was astounded by. Nobody could believe a US President would make such an equivocating and pandering statement to appease a racist base.

The president isn't a racist or what ever the tds'ers spew! Yes, he is rich guy non politician that seen 50 years of status quo polices that put American's in this position !  What a mess he inherited!PT is doing this for team America not  the team that support any other countries people's that want to enter my country illegally! 

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Continued nonsense, off-topic, troll posts will earn suspensions.   Stalking members is NOT permitted.   Personal commentary is off-topic and posting of memes which are false and not humorous have been removed.


Stay on topic or face a suspension.  


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9 minutes ago, farcanell said:

Right.... so there’s my question at the top.... very clear... very specific..... name one democrat that does not support immigration control.


followed by your... your... I’m not sure what.... pathetic rant (again) about liberals, perhaps...  but with absolutely no mention of a name... not one, even though I was giving you a clean shot.


Ok..... but this then justifiably leads me to assume that you cannot name a single democratic politician who does not support immigration control... or rather, that there is actually not a single democratic politician who does not support immigration, otherwise I’m thinking you would have bounced all over my post like an orange-utang in a bouncy castle.


I asked for a name so I could fact check.... I know... trumpists don’t like fact checking, but then, I don’t like liars, which is the crux of my issue with trump, vs his politics. Mistakes are cool, we all make them, but to persistently spread falsehoods and lies is not


anyway... like trump, you spewed unsubstantiated rubbish... again, when you really should have stayed silent... lol... much like trump should stay silent, but cannot.


Bob dylan nailed it with this little refrain;

”Idiot Wind”


“Idiot wind, blowing every time you move your mouth

Blowing down the backroads heading south

idiot wind, blowing every time you move your teeth

your an idiot, babe

its a wonder that you still know how to breath.”


And now, a name, if you please, just one.

That's the craziness of all this. I've heard many congressman say they are in favor of additional border barriers in key areas which is EXACTLY what Trump is advocating. nancy and chuckie are the problems. Eliminate them from discussion and a deal could happen now.

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22 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

That's the craziness of all this. I've heard many congressman say they are in favor of additional border barriers in key areas which is EXACTLY what Trump is advocating. nancy and chuckie are the problems. Eliminate them from discussion and a deal could happen now.

Once is see trump proudly displaying his signature on a deal which details “additional barriers in key areas”, with an agreed and negotiated written plan, vs his current rhetoric, which seems to suggest that the entire border needs a Great Wall.... then I’ll advocate right there along side you, as border security must always figure prominently in any nations security policy... always


That said, I believe any proposal about the intricacies of border security policy should originate from the “experts” (military leaders,etc but also including constitutional and immigration lawyers and the like) , and that this then should be given to the president to act upon.


hadrians wall.... the danvirk wall... the Great Wall.... even offas dike..... these were all built by autocrats, in a time of autocrats.


This time now upon us is not a time of autocrats, but rather it’s a time to sustain the fight against autocratic rule.

Edited by farcanell
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Heck, just give Donald a mile long, 30 foot tall wall with "TRUMP'S WALL" blazoned in large gold letters so red hatters can take selfies and rub one out on it. Make it a National Monument as a tribute to the 38% of the populous consisting of xenophobic 'mericans (aka. "the base").


That should about solve it.



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25 minutes ago, farcanell said:

Once is see trump proudly displaying his signature on a deal which details “additional barriers in key areas”, with an agreed and negotiated written plan, vs his current rhetoric, which seems to suggest that the entire border needs a Great Wall.... then I’ll advocate right there along side you, as border security must always figure prominently in any nations security policy... always


That said, I believe any proposal about the intricacies of border security policy should originate from the “experts” (military leaders,etc but also including constitutional and immigration lawyers and the like) , and that this then should be given to the president to act upon.


hadrians wall.... the danvirk wall... the Great Wall.... even offas dike..... these were all built by autocrats, in a time of autocrats.


This time now upon us is not a time of autocrats, but rather it’s a time to sustain the fight against autocratic rule.

That's exactly what he's advocating. A barrier in key areas. "The Great Wall" is something the far, far, far left are chanting without listening to what Trump is saying NOW. Pelosi has denied any funding at all for any kind of additional barrier. 

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13 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

That's exactly what he's advocating. A barrier in key areas. "The Great Wall" is something the far, far, far left are chanting without listening to what Trump is saying NOW. Pelosi has denied any funding at all for any kind of additional barrier. 

Yep.... once they produce a workable plan to present to congress, vs accepting words, my POV will change. (Or rather, concur) 


Unfortunately, due to the amount of backflips already done by trump, his word is not good enough for most.... he needs to demonstrate some goodwill to earn goodwill


if he’s genuine... open the government sans border security dept funding, and negotiate on that, whilst a plan is properly approved.... he can still call a state of emergency (more genuinely so) if dems refuse subsequent negotiations... and he’ll probably then have the high ground, to boot

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28 minutes ago, sirineou said:

By any metric Illegal immigration is way down and not an issue of any consequence, But trump can't get out of Campaign mode for reasons i don't want to get into..


That graph doesn't even remotely indicate "way down" and the entire premise of your post completely ignores ineligible asylum claims bogging the system down, drug trafficking, human trafficking, child trafficking, criminal movement and criminal reentry, and the combined costs of all this across local, state, and federal jurisdictions over all those years, hospital costs that never get paid for, taxes that aren't being paid, money that has moved out of the economy  


Hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars. 

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