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Trump proposes wall-for-DACA in bid to end U.S. government shutdown


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5 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

How many Presidents do you know who went bankrupt 4 times by paying way too much for assets (in other words got out-negotiated).got bailed out by their Daddy, and inherited almost 500 million in current dollars? 

Yes, exactly.

Remember the fascistic "I alone can fix it" proclamation at the convention?
Remember he sold himself as the greatest deal maker. The greatest negotiator. Turns out in real life as president that he can't negotiate himself out of a paper bag. Paraphrased from an anonymous comment from a white house insider on his complete lameness on the shutdown, it's like going to McDonalds and they can't make a hamburger!

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10 minutes ago, HuskerDo said:

He paid many thousands of folks a very good wage. Sure there are folks that complain they weren't compensated well enough but that happens in nearly all companies. At least he HAD a business and the accompanying knowledge how to run it and a country. How many Presidents in the past 50 years ran a viable business before they became president? All they knew was politics. Bash Trump all you want but he's running the country like a business and trying to drain the swamp.


Trump isn't keeping the govt closed rather he's trying to open it. Pelosi is now against a wall when she was for it a few years ago only because of her hatred of Trump. Not good leadership.

Geez man, did you even bother to read the article?  Your ability to deny reality is breath-taking.  What he did as a businessman was not normal.  Trump was more a conman than a businessman.  And he's not draining the swamp, he's populating it with some of the most vile, unqualified, and corrupt swamp creatures.  The Trump Administration will go down in history as the most incompetent and corrupt ever.  More from the article:


[From the time he built his first Manhattan apartment building, Mr. Trump left a string of unpaid tabs for the people who worked for him.

The undocumented Polish workers who did the demolition work for that first building, Trump Tower, eventually won a $1.375 million settlement. Since then, scores of lawyers, contractors, engineers and waiters have sued Mr. Trump for unpaid bills or pay. Typically, he responds by asserting that their work did not meet his standard.]

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21 minutes ago, HuskerDo said:

He paid many thousands of folks a very good wage. Sure there are folks that complain they weren't compensated well enough but that happens in nearly all companies. At least he HAD a business and the accompanying knowledge how to run it and a country. How many Presidents in the past 50 years ran a viable business before they became president? All they knew was politics. Bash Trump all you want but he's running the country like a business and trying to drain the swamp.


Trump isn't keeping the govt closed rather he's trying to open it. Pelosi is now against a wall when she was for it a few years ago only because of her hatred of Trump. Not good leadership.

Maybe he things the federal workers rich daddies will bail them out as well?

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53 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Yes, exactly.

Remember the fascistic "I alone can fix it" proclamation at the convention?
Remember he sold himself as the greatest deal maker. The greatest negotiator. Turns out in real life as president that he can't negotiate himself out of a paper bag. Paraphrased from an anonymous comment from a white house insider on his complete lameness on the shutdown, it's like going to McDonalds and they can't make a hamburger!


From the Mouth of Hell herself:

Coulter criticized Trump for being the “worst negotiator God ever created” for his failure to reach an agreement with the Democrats to end the current shutdown. Coulter added that Trump’s previous and often touted claims that he was a great businessman and negotiator “turns out [to] have been exaggerated.”




She's going to be on Maher's show next Friday.  Recommend putting some plexiglass in front of the TV screen in case you can't resist the urge to throw things....



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6 hours ago, bristolboy said:

How many Presidents do you know who went bankrupt 4 times by paying way too much for assets (in other words got out-negotiated).got bailed out by their Daddy, and inherited almost 500 million in current dollars? 

Crash and burn can be valuable life lessons. 


So Trump is a scallywag,  but he's trying to do good on the border. All his personal flaws has diddley squat to do with improving border security.

Edited by EVENKEEL
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54 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

Crash and burn can be valuable life lessons. 


So Trump is a scallywag,  but he's trying to do good on the border. All his personal flaws has diddley squat to do with improving border security.

Surely u know that Trump doesn't care about border security. Trump ONLY cares about winning. And since he promised a wall, he needs to deliver a wall to win. Whether a wall works or not...who cares.

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2 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

Surely u know that Trump doesn't care about border security. Trump ONLY cares about winning. And since he promised a wall, he needs to deliver a wall to win. Whether a wall works or not...who cares.

Barriers in high traffic areas was a good idea before Trump became president. Now it's not. Gee, I wonder why? Maybe because barriers are "Immoral" The hypocrisy is overwhelming. 

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4 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

Barriers in high traffic areas was a good idea before Trump became president. Now it's not. Gee, I wonder why? Maybe because barriers are "Immoral" The hypocrisy is overwhelming. 

The barriers in high traffic areas are there already. The ignorance is overwhelming.

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7 hours ago, bristolboy said:

How many Presidents do you know who went bankrupt 4 times by paying way too much for assets (in other words got out-negotiated).got bailed out by their Daddy, and inherited almost 500 million in current dollars? 

Where to start...… He started his business with a million dollar LOAN from his father which he repaid. HE didn't go bankrupt but rather he allowed some of his businesses to file for bankruptcy. It was legal and he used "the system" to his advantage. He did/does pay too much for a lot of his properties tho. I'll agree with that.

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2 minutes ago, HuskerDo said:

Two points.... They will receive ALL their backpay once the govt reopens and it will. Point number two.... if grown people aren't smart enough to have saved several months of income for emergency situations like this or in case they lost their jobs permanently then they have no one to blame but themselves.

Yes, "grown people" with mortgages and several children living off a less than stellar Federal paycheck. Silly SILLY people not having several months pay saved. How dare they complain!

This one's for you HuskerDo::bah:


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1 hour ago, HuskerDo said:

Are they firing off rockets over Japan anymore? Are they threatening to destroy Guam anymore? Is Kim meeting again with Trump soon? I'd say progress is being made. Just because you hate the Prez don't keep refusing to give him credit for SOME of the good things he's doing.

In other words, Kim throws a tantrum and gets rewarded with a summit meeting and relaxed restrictions from Russian and China. As they pointed out, Trump said North Korea is no longer a nuclear threat, so why impose such strict sanctions?

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1 minute ago, HuskerDo said:

Compared to every Prez since Reagan yes I love him. If people like me are Trump "loyalists" then I guess that makes you and folks like you liberal Pelosi "loyalists".

You love the biggest liar in American presidential history and it's not even close.



President Trump made 8,158 false or misleading claims in his first two years

Two years after taking the oath of office, President Trump has made 8,158 false or misleading claims, according to The Fact Checker’s database that analyzes, categorizes and tracks every suspect statement uttered by the president.

That includes an astonishing 6,000-plus such claims in the president’s second year.




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12 hours ago, Berkshire said:

Ann Coulter is about as nutty as they come.  The woman has some screws loose.  But amazingly, our President is deathly afraid of her.  And this has not gone unnoticed....


About a month after 9/11 I was watching TV, flipping stations, and I came across this ditzy blonde saying stuff like "all swarthy men should be deported, I mean like yuck, who needs them?"  I thought it was a comedian doing a Suzie Sorority bit.  Little did I know...


The first glimpse we got of this insanity was when DT cited the National Enquirer regarding Ted Cruz's sire and JFK during the primaries.  I saw that headline while in a supermarket a few days before and thought "let's see him quote that, haw-haw!"  The joke was on me, and the rest of us.  Imagine the sense of empowerment the likes of her, Limbaugh, and the rest of them are experiencing knowing how much sway they have on POTUS.  For Putin, his takeover of the US was an easier task than Crimea.


I think a general strike by Federal workers is the solution.  This includes Secret Service and his jet shuttle service.  Actually a full general strike, nationwide, is the real way to make an impact, but I think he has too many fans for that to happen.  I lived in India for a while back in Indira Gandhi days, and I remember the first time I experienced a general strike; I think the word they used was "bhand."


Speaking of his fans, has he stopped doing love rallies?  Is he afraid of his 2nd Amendment people?



Edited by bendejo
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