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I'm not sure what is "appropriate," but for me, when I was 30 or even 40 years old, the very thought of having any sort of intimate relations with a 70-year-old woman would have made me gag. While some men may age better than others, the fact is that no one looks ... how shall I say? "inviting" at 70+. 


Even with the financial incentives that go along with these younger women attaching themselves to aging gentlemen, I often look at the physical differences and think, "Boy, he must be putting out a lot of cash for that model." And then, "Boy, how can she canoodle up to that shriveled up husk of a dude (usually, but not always, with an oversized belly to boot)?


Who said money can't buy me love? ????


I knew a guy in his late 40s who was "going with" a girl of 16. 

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6 hours ago, steven2018 said:

Some people are looking for security and a more stable life.

My wife got a nice raise yesterday as the Thai economy is doing well.  If she was age appropriate for me she would have stopped working 30 years ago.  I think security and stability is a steady job and good money coming in and she has both.   

11 hours ago, Sporf said:

It's just a cookie-cutter hate line promoted by cranky feminazis, designed to sound moral when it's the opposite...


Men age like whisky

Women age like milk


It's generally uttered by cranky hags hitting the wall who played silly games with a train of losers and squandered their youth, now she's mad that she can't get away with those games now that she's frumpy, her dirty reputation precedes her, and men with brains are seeking women of a viable age and attitude instead of her worn-out, bad attitude, entitlement, foul mood, nothing is ever good enough, dried up, hairy upper lip, flabby, flabby, and extra flabby, etc... Why would the perfect man she says she deserves to own, want her? He wouldn't. He's a winner, so he gets on a plane to somewhere the women aren't junk.

A wonderful comment!

I imagine what kind of reaction you would get in feminize controlled regions...

9 hours ago, Trujillo said:

I'm not sure what is "appropriate," but for me, when I was 30 or even 40 years old, the very thought of having any sort of intimate relations with a 70-year-old woman would have made me gag. While some men may age better than others, the fact is that no one looks ... how shall I say? "inviting" at 70+. 


Even with the financial incentives that go along with these younger women attaching themselves to aging gentlemen, I often look at the physical differences and think, "Boy, he must be putting out a lot of cash for that model." And then, "Boy, how can she canoodle up to that shriveled up husk of a dude (usually, but not always, with an oversized belly to boot)?


Who said money can't buy me love? ????


I knew a guy in his late 40s who was "going with" a girl of 16. 

I know a guy who was over 70 when he met his 18 year old girlfriend. Now, three years later they are still happy together. It happens.

12 hours ago, pgrahmm said:

I knew many with 20-30 year gaps AM/TH in the bay area - all seemed accepted....

The kill stares come from white women seeing you with an asian....Seen many as the 2nd half of my life I've only been with asian gals....Whether it's jealousy, perceived ownership, or racism from them - who cares what those fat cows think....

My wife is in her 40's & I'm 71....We're there every year just going about our own way without any overt actions or attitudes....

We visit family in Tx along with friends in CA + RVing the US starting from CA.....


You have a good life pgrahamm (and sounds like a good wife too). My Thai partner and I share similar age gap, 46/70 and it feels pretty normal. Let those whom form thoughts think what they may.

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It works both ways, but apparently it's only an issue when it's a guy dating a younger woman. (Except when the 27 year old Playmate married the 89 year old Texas millionaire - but otherwise it's not an issue normally).


35 minutes ago, animalmagic said:


Walking through basement of Central Festival during Xmas time with my niece I thought I'd check reactions and held her hand.  She is 20, very tall and pale skinned, and could pass for our daughter even though both her parents are Thai.  My wife followed behind to observe.



Quite disturbing.


Mind boggles that you would actually post this on a public forum.



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Whoa! Take it easy tiger!

And you think most western women dont marry for money instead of love?
And while we're at it - how about all those poor mid-Eastern women/children who are married by arrangement by their families - mainly for financial reasons - not for love?
Money makes the world go round is also an old adage.
Thailand is no different.
Only the stifled mindset of many prudish, western men and women who are sexually uneducated and deprived, (or is that depraved), refuse to see what the rest of the world thinks is normal..... 
Age is a number. If two people are happy - it is none of anyone else's business.
There is no age limit for people of consenting age!

Sent from my SM-G920F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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19 hours ago, tifino said:

old dude: 

"I've been waiting for you half my life!"



"For half your life, I wasn't even born yet"

True enough, already teaching with an M.A. + when my Thai wife was born. I can die a happy man!

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age appropriate for what??????  sex?  she is 18, period.  you are whatever.  if 18 or over, i don't judge.  well, i judge, but i don't lose sleep over it.  


marriage??  if you like money, around your age.  if you are a total moron, up to you.


dating for a few months?  this is the tricky one.  if you are 50, she might need to be 35.  or prepared to get tired from all the energy and weird complaining and all the other headaches...


if you are 70 and she is 30, you have utterly failed at life and thanks for trying to ruin her life, the mental scarring must be horrible.  just give her all your money and leave.....





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13 minutes ago, animalmagic said:

I think you have just proved my assertion that people like to judge.  You have my sympathy if you are disturbed by my action of holding my niece's hand; we often hug as well!


I was talking about your little "social experiment" that you conducted in Pattaya out of all places, while your wife observed from the distance. If you really didn't care what people think then you wouldn't put your niece to be a bait in your little ego stroking game. You must have enjoyed all the attention you got from the passers by?







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4 minutes ago, Pravda said:


I was talking about your little "social experiment" that you conducted in Pattaya out of all places, while your wife observed from the distance. If you really didn't care what people think then you wouldn't put your niece to be a bait in your little ego stroking game. You must have enjoyed all the attention you got from the passers by?



Ok got it.  I asked the question right after you responded.  I'll let him answer for himself.....although it all seems rather harmless.

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What's age got to do with anything. I had a friend (deceased now) who had a wife much younger than himself and was often heard to say..."She wanted money and I wanted sex....so...I had/have the money.. etc,. etc.,etc.,?

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