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PM Prayut vows to crack the whip over pollution


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Meanwhile whilst the world swerves away from coal power stations what does Thailand do? No mention of carbon capture here. 



Has Sgoodes mentioned as well? Burning in the fields only compounds these problems. 






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3 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

"...I don’t mean to cause inconvenience to people, but we need public participation to solve the problem,” he said..."


NOW you ask for public participation??? NOW???


You launched a coup and took away the Thai people's right to participate in their own affairs for over FOUR YEARS, and NOW you want cooperation? Can I suggest that you trade in your limo? And, all of your fellow Cabinet members trade in their government cars as an example? And all your military appointees to 'Independent' agencies also trade in their government vehicles? Lead by example? Then, you can ask for participation.


Weapons-grade hypocrisy...


By a weapons-grade hypocrite.



Indeed. A heavy duty authoritarian reverts to type just in time for an election.


Smart move, keep it up.


Arrest a few farmers for burning sugar cane, get a few Kubota drivers off the road. Excellent.


I do hope you have enough stamina to alienate the few people you haven't already alienated. Muppet.

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2 hours ago, sgoodes said:

They can also start by prosecuting the lazy farmers for burning the sugar cane. 3 weeks ago there was 210,000 sugar cane fires burning across Thailand without a care for anybody's health.

The farmers know it is illegal to burn yet year after year they flout the law and get away with it. 

The co-ops came out publicly and stated that they would no longer accept burnt cane but it remains to be seen how serious they are.

Every day I read the news makes me angrier and angrier that the government is sugar coating this issue with their crazy solutions when people are getting sicker every day.

I suffered a severe chest infection a few weeks back, ended up in hospital and had no choice but to leave Thailand early for work and go to Perth to see my GP. By the time I got to Perth, the chest infection became a full blown asthma attack and for the next 2 weeks I was on double doses of Cortico Steroids to keep my windpipe clear. 3 weeks later I'm starting to come good but I'm concerned that when I get back to Thailand on the 23rd Feb, it's going to start all over again. 

I've made plans to go to the country and get out of the foul air but there's no guarantee it will be any better anywhere I go. 

One positive to come out of this is it has hit the world stage and the world is watching. BKK's economy has reportedly taken a 3 billion baht hit and it will get bigger as the tourists stay away. Maybe thats what needs to happen for this show boating government to take it seriously. 

I'd put money on the fact that this time next year we'll all be repeating ourselves as nothing will be done.

Do you think your less-than-average Joe farmer in and around BKK knows anything about the smog in the city? Do you think they know about the health implications, not just to their own families health but also on those who are far more precious, such as yourself? Let's not blame the farmers. Instead blame the big guys who buy the crop to feed their swine or large beverage companies who buy the sugar from the cane and then give the farmers no other way of getting rid of the stubble than to burn it. 

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16 minutes ago, ZeVonderBearz said:

Do you think your less-than-average Joe farmer in and around BKK knows anything about the smog in the city? Do you think they know about the health implications, not just to their own families health but also on those who are far more precious, such as yourself? Let's not blame the farmers. Instead blame the big guys who buy the crop to feed their swine or large beverage companies who buy the sugar from the cane and then give the farmers no other way of getting rid of the stubble than to burn it. 

Yes, they do know the hazards of burning. Thats why most of the garbage and crop burning is done at night.

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This is not a problem that requires threats, it requires action regardless of how inconvenient it maybe to those with old smokey vehicles, although there are other factors contributing to the pollution.


In his rambling he seems to be blaming others and expects everyone else to own this problem.


"The PM also voiced his frustration with the ineffective efforts to tackle the air pollution problem in Bangkok, calling on all stakeholders to be more dedicated to pollution control efforts."


“Some people have picked the air-pollution issue to criticise the government, but the government insists that we have already implemented all necessary short-term mitigation measures such as spraying water to lower PM2.5 levels and distributing face masks. But people also have a duty to do their part.”


So your people under your instructions, are the ones who have been the most ineffective as the water spraying has no effect.


"so everyone needs to work together to tackle with these pollution factors and solve the problem at the root,” Prayut said."


Prayuth rambles while Prawit issues directives with threats are these two working together? Are they even aware of each others statements and actions on this?


Yes, it's easy to pick holes in their statements and thankfully my city doesn't have this problem. Many large cities around the world have faced this problem and put in effective measures to reduce or eliminate the problem, so there are answers out there.

Will the Thais look beyond their own borders for a solution, I hope so as if left unchecked the population will suffer serious health issues if they are not already.


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