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Immigration crackdown nets 522 law-breaking foreigners


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25 minutes ago, ttrd said:

This is the product of their own visa rules - they just haven't quite realized it yet ...

If you make it impossible to get a VISA and people already have financial interests - they WILL try to stay!! For those posters comparing Thailand to western countries in terms of illegal stays, you need to think about the demands that the visa regulations and the uncertainty is making on people who WOULD stay legally if they could. In UK if you’re married to a UK citizen your application is looked on far more favourable than if youre married to a Thai.

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2 hours ago, jackinthebox said:

most of these will work for 300 Baht a day. Thais won't. At least not in Bangkok. Too lazy. So if thai police rounds up all these foreigners and sends them back home to Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia - who will do all the factory-/serving-/ construction-/ cleaning-work?

The thousands who are here legally no shortage to fill the gaps 300 baht a day still more than they earn at home.

Some in the North here only getting 200 baht a day. 

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2 hours ago, jackinthebox said:

most of these will work for 300 Baht a day. Thais won't. At least not in Bangkok. Too lazy. So if thai police rounds up all these foreigners and sends them back home to Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia - who will do all the factory-/serving-/ construction-/ cleaning-work?

More illegals, but never a Thai.... 

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2 hours ago, jackinthebox said:

most of these will work for 300 Baht a day. Thais won't. At least not in Bangkok. Too lazy. So if thai police rounds up all these foreigners and sends them back home to Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia - who will do all the factory-/serving-/ construction-/ cleaning-work?

Thai's - and their bosses will have to pay them a reasonable wage!


I hear the same in the UK where Eastern European migrants have caused the supression of wage growth and fueled the gap between the have's and the have not's - basically stalling or even reversing human development and keeping the worker bees in their place!

Edited by KhaoYai
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3 hours ago, jackinthebox said:

most of these will work for 300 Baht a day. Thais won't. At least not in Bangkok. Too lazy. So if thai police rounds up all these foreigners and sends them back home to Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia - who will do all the factory-/serving-/ construction-/ cleaning-work?

Yes, let's continue the exploitation of foreign workers. Maybe the construction firms and the consumers should pay more for labor and the end product. Let the market decide the true price instead of crushing, in too many cases, literally, the foreign slaves. 

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13 minutes ago, Snow Leopard said:

What is unidentified nationality? 

A nationality that is unknown in the absence of plausible documentation ...

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3 hours ago, jackinthebox said:

most of these will work for 300 Baht a day. Thais won't. At least not in Bangkok. Too lazy. So if thai police rounds up all these foreigners and sends them back home to Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia - who will do all the factory-/serving-/ construction-/ cleaning-work?

I believe the expats who cant meet the financial requirements to stay here should be hired to do those jobs under a new type of visa. Maby "Retire work Extension of stay".

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4 hours ago, stanleycoin said:

looks like there is a never ending supply.

I'm sure they were all gone last time. BJ was around.

Or is it some new type of,  Catch and release scam.


..no doubt there is an App for an 'early warning'.

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1 hour ago, ravip said:

Maybe they are too smart for BJ ????

My pet orangutan is too smart for BJ. Like me he never bothers his head with such matters as visas, in the unlikely event of them ever catching up with me. I will just inform the staff at the country pile, to make ready for my homecoming, get Robinson to dust off the Bentley, instruct Smithers the ostler to have the horses well shod. Demand Jones the vintler to have the cellars well stocked and be on my merry way home to old Blighty. I should imagine most others will do the same.

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5 hours ago, jackinthebox said:

most of these will work for 300 Baht a day. Thais won't. At least not in Bangkok. Too lazy. So if thai police rounds up all these foreigners and sends them back home to Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia - who will do all the factory-/serving-/ construction-/ cleaning-work?

if Thai won’t  work for 300 thb/day- it’s not lazy, it’s mean he/she have little drop of IQ ????

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5 hours ago, moe666 said:

And why do you really care about what Big Joke says, it is all for the Thai populace really nothing to do with farangs

I would have thought that Immigration was nothing at all to do with Thais - ALL to do with farangs/foreigners/"aliens"  - whatever you want to call them.

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2 hours ago, KhaoYai said:

Thai's - and their bosses will have to pay them a reasonable wage!


I hear the same in the UK where Eastern European migrants have caused the supression of wage growth and fueled the gap between the have's and the have not's - basically stalling or even reversing human development and keeping the worker bees in their place!

Couldn't agree more! That is why a certain person has deemed Immigration into the UK to be a success!

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8 hours ago, rkidlad said:

Wow! Maybe even BJ is getting bored of himself. 

About time they brought back the 3 month visa , the 60 day one is not long enough , no wonder they changed it to 60 day visa it means they can charge up and extra 1900 baht fee to extend it a month and fleece us some more 

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5 hours ago, StevieAus said:

The thousands who are here legally no shortage to fill the gaps 300 baht a day still more than they earn at home.

Some in the North here only getting 200 baht a day. 


You think on 200-300 baht a day these migrant workers can afford the time and money to qualify for legal status ? 

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From 287 arrested it might be noteworthy, that ZERO farang entered illegally while ONE overstayed the visa from Denmark. From a further 220 facing other charges ONE came from Turkey and ONE came from Israel. 


Just for the record, THREE caucasians were arrested among 522 - so get your "Farang" and "Aliens" figures accordingly; they are an absolute neglectable minority! 

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