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Investing in Army is important, says Prayut


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4 hours ago, webfact said:

It is about national security. If we can deter attacks, we don’t really have to go to war.”


Here is the reason it will get knocked down by the 250 implant MP's or plainly speaking charged as unconstitutional going against National Security. The Junta have already covered the angle, and most every other point that tries to unravel anything they have wound in the 20 yr plan. And with that matter, whomever pushes for something(s), it will plainly be deemed against National Security or against the 20 yr plan (same thing), and they will be up on dereliction charges, possibly treason.

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Conscription is a bunch of BS. They speak of 4.0 and uplifting Thailand, but for the military side they should make it attractive to join. Not just being a grunt as they like, but having some education for University degree offered or a trade. Say join for 2-3 years, and then an additional 2 are educational. Some trades learned can be reapplied almost immediately in active service. But washing and licking someone's shiny boots or shoes is not applicable anywhere. It's demeaning. 1000 Generals x 10 or 20 conscripts per house = 10,000 to 20,000. and this does not include the higher ranking officers.

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2 minutes ago, rkidlad said:

Absolutely. They want serfs to fix their cars and open doors for them, etc. Just enough education to preform. Then they complain when the people they’ve purposely not educated drive like idiots or can’t perform tasks so they have to employ foreigners, etc. The elite want to have their cake and eat it. But in this age of internet and information, it’s just getting harder and harder to keep people ignorant. 


Right now it will only be the truly inquisitive who will be interested in using the internet to find out information. The rest will be watching soap operas and facebook. It will take a long time, but the opportunity is there, as you say.

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1 hour ago, steven100 said:

I see where your coming from and I don't disagree, however evidence has shown, and especially in Thailand, that kids who have been in the military for a few years do seem to come out with a better understanding, more responsible within their local village and generally become better men. At least that's what I see in our village and town.

I feel only old dinosaurs have this opinion, i come from a country that had conscription and ended it just before I had to go. I can tell you it did not impact my generation one bit. 


It was actually far more useful to have all those young men to do some actual work instead of a stupid conscription. I can't say if its the same in Thailand, but IMHO most people who bring it up are old dinosaurs who have been conscripted themselves or fear their shadow and think conscription will tame the natives (strange as they are taught to kill).


I have always been AGAINST conscription my whole life, not going to change that now. Its a wast of time. People should not be forced to give up productive time to the government. A professional army with people in it who really want to do the job is far better as unmotivated draftees. 



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32 minutes ago, Hayduke said:


This doesn’t appear to be military service…it rather appears to be some sort of reactionary youth program running off the rails. It's a type of pre-emptive criminal probation for potentially wayward young people. Who, by the way, haven't committed any crime, but need to be punished and forcibly indoctrinated...just in case. This does not describe the purpose and function of a modern military...and is not something any free society would ever endorse or tolerate.




I agree with what you mentioned, but if it was implemented as a conscription military training program that also encumbers job recruitment and career prospects and try to convince / instill in the youth how rewarding such a program can be for their future. Don't market it as a disipline or indoctrine type of program ...

Also, the community involvement seems to go a long way to making youth have appropriate respect for the elderly and their local community.

If run correctly, and became compulsary / the norm .....   and if successful, then youth and kids would be keen to join such a program.

I see it as a recruitment/training/career development/community involvment program.

But as you say ....  today the ' do gooders ' wouldn't accept a common sense job creation approach like that.

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4 hours ago, webfact said:


“Our past experiences show that going to war without being fully prepared can result in huge casualties,” Kongcheep said, adding that this is the reason why mandatory conscription has been in effect since 1954. 

War?? With whom??? Hello we live in the year 2019....

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5 hours ago, webfact said:

He said conscripts acquired discipline and good ideology during their time in service, “so they will be quality citizens after they are discharged”. 

In other words, they're not quality citizens while in service .... (so they will be quality citizens after they are discharged) 

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9 minutes ago, Eligius said:

Yes indeed, lvr181! When the junta speaks of the need for the army's presence to help in 'civil emergencies', it means those 'emergencies' where people are standing up for their rights and daring to voice their own opinion. That is a 'civil emergency' that needs to be put down at all costs. The military is perfect and well practised at doing it. 

That is the ONLY function of the military in Thailand.

You're correct. I wasn't thinking about that type of 'civil emergency'.


Silly boy, will give myself an uppercut!

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5 hours ago, webfact said:

“The country can call troops out any time of the day for a mission. If you downsize the armed forces, who will help out in times of disaster?” asked Prayut, who himself was once an Army chief.

Bullshit at the highest order. As an army chief he should have his intelligence apparatus to know any immediate and imminent security threats and there are none except for the insurgency in the southern provinces that require professional trained soldiers; not conscripts. 


He should know as a General that the political and security contexts have changed from what it was in 1954 when the Military Service Act for conscription was promulgated. Conscription is not applicable in current context. 



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