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Video: Popular British YouTuber in Thailand diagnosed with cancer but has no insurance


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I always thought chemo came after surgery or radiation treatment.? I would never have anything serious done here without a 2nd opinion and never see a consultant who had not worked or has been trained in the west. Recently thinking of insurance had to get a check up done, there were several bad results which would have led to pre existing conditions and no cover, so I did not take out the insurance. Going home a few weeks later had all the tests done again, absolutely nothing wrong at all!

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1 minute ago, Orton Rd said:

I always thought chemo came after surgery or radiation treatment.? I would never have anything serious done here without a 2nd opinion and never see a consultant who had not worked or has been trained in the west. Recently thinking of insurance had to get a check up done, there were several bad results which would have led to pre existing conditions and no cover, so I did not take out the insurance. Going home a few weeks later had all the tests done again, absolutely nothing wrong at all!


You thought wrong. Chemo/radiotherapy is often used to de-bulk tumors prior to surgery. 


If you are so insistent on 2nd opinions/western trained medical staff make sure you never suffer a serious accident or illness which requires instant urgent treatment.

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3 minutes ago, berybert said:

How do you know he hasn't asked for any funding ? you think he didn't call Rob and asked him to start a go fund me account ? 

I wouldn't believe either of those two 1 iota. 

He does nothing for nothing. 

Why would he be posting videos of himself in hospital if he didn't want anyone to know he was in there.

It's not like he's going to be in long, so no need to post about it unless he wanted people feeling sorry for him and sending him money.

So you know he has asked for funding? Funny that because his videos clearly explain that he can afford it and therefore has funded it himself, some people seem to take issue with that fact.

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14 minutes ago, Jim P said:

Check out his videos, it`s on there somewhere

vlog 291, I thought it was a house. Only 40k and the cheapest in the area. Thought it would have gone by now looks a very nice area, better than Pattaya any day.

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1 minute ago, Orton Rd said:

vlog 291, I thought it was a house. Only 40k and the cheapest in the area. Thought it would have gone by now looks a very nice area, better than Pattaya any day.

You may have thought it was a house and that he also had a brand new Ford Ranger if you listen to the likes of Spidey on here. I saw another post saying it was worth 160,000 euros lol.

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38 minutes ago, Captain 776 said:

I am not being a cold hearted bastid or winding anyone up.


Best thing to do when diagnosed with Cancer.


Embrace it.......enjoy every day you have left.


I will never elect Radiation or Chemo.......everyone I know who tried it, end up losing the battle anyway, especially Chemo.

All chemo gets you is a significant medical cost, you are sick and throwing up every day after treatment and at best you get 2-3 months of a TERRIBLE quality of life.

Why would anyone elect that sentence of suffering.

Do whatever makes you the happiest and when it disables you, have them load you with Morphine........give the facility a DNR Do Not Rescesitate order and check out with dignity.


Your thought?

My thought is that you shouldn't spread misinformation that could be possibly fatal to people actually afflicted with cancer. It's absolutely your choice if you don't want to turn to chemo, but don't claim that it "at best will give you three months" when that's obviously not true.

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I have found this information from the goverment website, it would appear what you are saying is not entirely correct.N Health care is based on you being an ordinary resident, and you can be classed as an ordinary resident from day one of your arrival back to the UK, just as long you can convince them that you are back to stay.
Please let me know what you think as I think it is a handy bit of info to know.
Ordinary residence tool
All you have to say is you have been traveling if they ask. Another point is if you visit your local GP once every two years or so that makes it easier for you regarding your UK status.

Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk

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I never real knew about Cemo until a friend developed a very agressive Prostate Cancer.

Cemo was his last resort and it was terrible what it did to him.

Shortly before the end a group of us met up in a local restaurant where we well know.

A,B and C where seated when X joined us.

The owner came over welcomed A,B and C and leaning across X asked where is X ?

I said at the time if I ever need Cemo I

I"ll get a gun and shoot myself.



Good luck to anyone who goes down that route.

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Honestly speaking: I have had no doubt supportinh Kevin If He was out of money. We all Can do mistakes, Thats human.


Now I see all the Vloggers in Thailand linking and talking about the GFM campain for Kevin. Begging for more and more.


Kevin is fulloaded of money. There are so many out there in Thailand Who really  need funding health care and surgery. They have Nothing.



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3 hours ago, Jim P said:

Your talking rubbish, he doesn`t have a pension, his truck is second hand and his property in Spain is worth probably 50k Euros at best, in fact he can`t even sell it.

Kev lover.

So how much have you donated 

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On 3/12/2019 at 10:35 AM, Kieran00001 said:


"Its all a scam. People who pay taxes here and social fund for Thai employees Like I do should be entitled to the social care system but I’m not allowed to join it."


If you are either an employer or an employee here, joining is not optional, not only are your allowed to join but it is mandatory to contribute 1.5% of your earnings, and as soon as you have paid in for 90 days you are entitled to free treatment at at least one  government hospital per province.

I wish you were right but you’re not.


Directors are not allowed to join the social fund and must buy private insurance.


i own the business and I’m a director 


if I’m wrong please let me know as I would be overjoyed..


..although I’ve always been informed otherwise. A Thai friend who is also a director of their Own company says the same thing

Edited by NightSky
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On 3/12/2019 at 8:47 PM, emptypockets said:

If it's a scam don't buy it.  Simple

What are the options when you become ill if you donot buy insurance and you are not allowed to get social security due to being a director of a business?



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23 hours ago, balo said:

Don't know about Britain , but in Norway anyone can get emergency help , even tourists visiting. 

So if I have to return back to Norway because of sudden illness I know I will get help. Paid by the state, even if I have not set my foot in the country for 10 years. 

A bit unfair maybe,  but that's the law. 









so when sick we can all fly to Norway for a treatment holiday then? ????

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9 hours ago, Peterhua said:

I still can't work out why he wont or is it can't go back home for his treatment and instead chooses to spend 25 grand+ on treatment here. Could it be that there are "difficulties" that are best avoided if he lands at Heathrow?

Yes let's speculate endlessly - Kev is probably the mastermind of an international child-trafficking narco-terrorist ring hiding behind the thin veil of a hard-up Brit You Tuber. But you with your low post account have seen through his knavish tricks and shed light on this grave matter. I hope you had your kicks back last year on the burn Graham lynch mob that got foaming here. Stamping out evil post by anonymous post. Keep up the great work - the world needs more like you. 

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5 hours ago, blowin said:

I asked this question from the start but I knew he would look for money from people he could not pass the chance.

If he went to the UK no one would give one red cent about him or really care. But in Thailand he can grow his channel using his illness he can crowd fund its all about money with Kevin (buy me a drink) Burt and yes he has plenty of his own personal wealth as in property a new truck and pensions. But he will use this to get the gullible to give MORE he is the worst kind I believe .

A truly evil character IN ALL RESPECTS thanks for giving me the heads up on such scandalous behaviour. 

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1 hour ago, Greenriver said:

Honestly speaking: I have had no doubt supportinh Kevin If He was out of money. We all Can do mistakes, Thats human.


Now I see all the Vloggers in Thailand linking and talking about the GFM campain for Kevin. Begging for more and more.


Kevin is fulloaded of money. There are so many out there in Thailand Who really  need funding health care and surgery. They have Nothing.



Thanks 4 poster for your views - when is the lynching happening so we can hit the corpse with shoes hanging from the tree.

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1 hour ago, Nsp64 said:

Kev lover.

So how much have you donated 

I think your missing the point, which is that Kev has chosen to pay for his own treatment, he didn`t set up a go fund me page and he himself chose not to come back to the UK. People seem to be taking issue with all those facts and coming to ridiculous conclusions, It`s all in the videos.

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One thing that needs to be taken in to consideration is that Kev comes from the UK where there is a national health service, ie, no need to pay when you are sick.  Thus Brits, and people from other civilized countries, might have a dull spot regarding health insurance.  But equally, they might want to club together when someone else is in trouble- silly duffer that I am- I thought that was a good thing!  I bet it's a damn sight better value than health insurance anyway!


Smokers are mugs I guess, but it's just one way people can and do ruin their health- perhaps the worst is over-eating.  I'd like to know the relative cost of treatment to society for diabetes 2 vs smoking.  Nobody else comes in for such vilification.

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               Correct , and be  on  a loong waiting list ..

                     In   thailand he is a  media celeb ,  and sponsored ,  

                     Better life until,,,

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15 minutes ago, Benroon said:

That is so wrong - my Doctor struck me off when 'he heard' I was coming to Thailand - when I asked him how he even knew he told me he was not at liberty to tell me. To this day I have no idea how he knew only the airline I was flying with was aware. I hadn't even left the UK and they removed me.


This is fact - If you leave the UK for over 12 weeks you are NOT entitled to NHS care on your return totally regardless of your NI contributions.


If the NHS KNOWS you have left the UK for more than 12 weeks then trust me, you DO NOT have a UK doctor, 100% fact. That's why its best to keep roots to the UK if it matters to you in the form of an address.

An individual practice can remove you from their register even if you move to another house outside their area- it could be a matter of one mile.


Certainly the general rule was that you could spend 6 months outside the country in any year. 


But anyone regardless of status is entitled to emergency care.


And anyone returning to the country from abroad is immediately entitled to NHS care which includes registering with a new doctor.



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15 hours ago, Kieran00001 said:


"There is no treatment for dengue"  "What you received was treatment..."


Of course there is treatment for dengue, that's why nowhere near as many die when administered to hospital than when left at home, because of the treatment they receive in hospital, what there is not is a cure, the treatment consists largely of paracetamol to contain the fever.

I say again there is no treatment for dengue. For related symptoms yes... But not for the primary infection.  Nothing... Zilch.. Bugger all  

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6 minutes ago, Benroon said:

You will PAY for NHS treatment if you have been a non resident UNLESS you can PROVE you are as of that moment going to be resident in the UK. You selectively cut that bit off of your final comment. How you go about that I don't know and perhaps doesn't sound so forboding but you do have to go through those hoops.

It would be great if you were right - but you're not (strictly).

Correct, if you go back you need to be in the UK for 3 months before trying to get treatment.

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8 hours ago, Captain 776 said:

I am not being a cold hearted bastid or winding anyone up.


Best thing to do when diagnosed with Cancer.


Embrace it.......enjoy every day you have left.


I will never elect Radiation or Chemo.......everyone I know who tried it, end up losing the battle anyway, especially Chemo.

All chemo gets you is a significant medical cost, you are sick and throwing up every day after treatment and at best you get 2-3 months of a TERRIBLE quality of life.

Why would anyone elect that sentence of suffering.

Do whatever makes you the happiest and when it disables you, have them load you with Morphine........give the facility a DNR Do Not Rescesitate order and check out with dignity.


Your thought?

I think that it is a very difficult and individual choice and I have utmost respect for people who choose either way.


I had 24 chemo and 30 Cobalt radiation treatments and survived to tell the tale.


However,whilst in the middle of it,I did say to my doctor "If this Hell I would not wish my worst enemy to be sent here."

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10 hours ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

Yes let's speculate endlessly - Kev is probably the mastermind of an international child-trafficking narco-terrorist ring hiding behind the thin veil of a hard-up Brit You Tuber. But you with your low post account have seen through his knavish tricks and shed light on this grave matter. I hope you had your kicks back last year on the burn Graham lynch mob that got foaming here. Stamping out evil post by anonymous post. Keep up the great work - the world needs more like you. 

There are many reasons why a person may want to avoid going somewhere, tax evasion or running away from debts are just two examples. So why you thought of child trafficking..the mind boggles.


As for my low post count, well that sounds a bit like i bet mines bigger than yours type of mentality lol something i don't want to discuss with your type


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16 hours ago, Sumarianson said:

I would suggest to anyone reading your troll post that they inform themselves and check out the Burzyndki movie and Cancer the forbidden cures. I have had much personal experience in this matter.

My eldest sister now in her late seventies and an avid alternative therapist was diagnosed 25 years ago with breast cancer and told that if she did not have immediate Chemo and Radiation that she would be dead within 3 months. 

She is still alive some 25 years on.

My sister in law who tried to convince her to have a mastectomy some 24 years ago as she had breast cancer and had a double mastectomy and saif to my sister she felt great. She died two years later as a young and extremely beautiful woman in her early 40's. 

My middle sister also with breast cancer underwent chemo last year and a single mastectomy at 65, we shall see how it goes. My best friends wife also has cancer of the womb and throat. She has gone through masses of chemo and radiation over the last 2 years and is expected to die soon.

Dr. Burzynski is the only documented practicioner who has cured brain cancer or glaucoma in adults and children. This after chemo and radiation had failed. ( they will only let him attempt to cure paitents who have been through the toxic chemo and radiation therapies) He is no quak and how dare you say so. His therapy works and big pharma through the AMA have tried many times in court case after court case unsuccessfully to put him out of business. I will allow people on here to determine whom they trust, big pharma and big corporations or a simple doctor trying to cure people of a terrible disease. As for Reene Caisse when she has her 90 birthday bus loads of oeople cured by her came to see her and thank her. That despite her being shut fown many years earlier by big pharma. There have been as many inventors killed for producing free energy devices. Anything that comes between the big corporations and their money. But now people know this, the world has changed and people are awake. You and your likes have no more power here, and you know it.


Great anecdotal evidence, I particularly like the way you left out Joseph Hofbauer and Chad Green who were both treated using Burzynski's method and both promptly died, did those examples not fit your agenda?  Burzynski's cure was banned in 1963 and that had nothing to do with money and should he been able to demonstrate any efficiency then he would have sold it to big pharma, instead it was banned because it doesn't work. 

Call me a troll if it makes you feel better, but it really is not trolling to point out that someone is posting nonsense about being able to alter your bodies pH by eating baking soda, something that even a basic understanding of the renal system would make you aware is impossible.

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14 hours ago, NightSky said:

I wish you were right but you’re not.


Directors are not allowed to join the social fund and must buy private insurance.


i own the business and I’m a director 


if I’m wrong please let me know as I would be overjoyed..


..although I’ve always been informed otherwise. A Thai friend who is also a director of their Own company says the same thing


It took a while but I found it, there is an exemption from the scheme for "newly applying company directors", but that does not mean that you cannot join, just that you do not have to join within 30 days of starting work like everyone else has to.  However, it also says, "Any other person who is not an employee under Section 33 may apply to be an insured person under this Act by expressing his or her intention to the Office."

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18 hours ago, Sumarianson said:

I would suggest to anyone reading your troll post that they inform themselves and check out the Burzyndki movie and Cancer the forbidden cures. I have had much personal experience in this matter.

My eldest sister now in her late seventies and an avid alternative therapist was diagnosed 25 years ago with breast cancer and told that if she did not have immediate Chemo and Radiation that she would be dead within 3 months. 

She is still alive some 25 years on.

My sister in law who tried to convince her to have a mastectomy some 24 years ago as she had breast cancer and had a double mastectomy and saif to my sister she felt great. She died two years later as a young and extremely beautiful woman in her early 40's. 

My middle sister also with breast cancer underwent chemo last year and a single mastectomy at 65, we shall see how it goes. My best friends wife also has cancer of the womb and throat. She has gone through masses of chemo and radiation over the last 2 years and is expected to die soon.

Dr. Burzynski is the only documented practicioner who has cured brain cancer or glaucoma in adults and children. This after chemo and radiation had failed. ( they will only let him attempt to cure paitents who have been through the toxic chemo and radiation therapies) He is no quak and how dare you say so. His therapy works and big pharma through the AMA have tried many times in court case after court case unsuccessfully to put him out of business. I will allow people on here to determine whom they trust, big pharma and big corporations or a simple doctor trying to cure people of a terrible disease. As for Reene Caisse when she has her 90 birthday bus loads of oeople cured by her came to see her and thank her. That despite her being shut fown many years earlier by big pharma. There have been as many inventors killed for producing free energy devices. Anything that comes between the big corporations and their money. But now people know this, the world has changed and people are awake. You and your likes have no more power here, and you know it.


"There have been as many inventors killed for producing free energy devices."

No there haven't, you just read that there have been on the internet and automatically believed it, its called being gullible and is not something to be proud of, a simple example for you, how does it make Trump look?  You're no better.

Edited by Kieran00001
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