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Should I Be Concerned for My Life


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3 hours ago, bowerboy said:

He is however on a fixed term contract that expires this week

Take a vacation for a couple of weeks and go somewhere. Out of sight out of mind. By the time you're back he'll be gone from the company without seeing you there to remind him, and possibly out of the country depending on his visa situation. I doubt he'd actually do anything to hurt you, but why even take the chance when you can easily avoid it by not being there.


As for the girlfriend... if she's really of the "questionable" sort then she's after money, not love. No reason for her to hurt you after he's already broke and gone.

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37 minutes ago, bowerboy said:


Thank you for this question and also to everyone for their response.


There are some specific reasons why he does not like me...I am a bit reluctant to go into deep detail lest he read this (also a few people that are close to the situation could read this and figure it out if I give too much info).


Essentially though said person has a proven track record of not working well with others...I have had many people in the company discuss this guy with me and warn me about him. 


I know now there are 2 sides to every story and he has his side but all of it has been completely irrational from the beginning. 


No he he has never made any threats and that is part of the problem...again I don’t want to say too much but essentially he is as nice as pie to your face and then 20 minutes later you have a call from HR about a written complaint just been filed against you with reasons as to why I should be fired and what the succession plan would be in that event....I can’t give too many more details than that.

Yes I have encountered similar characters in the workplace.


Once he has gone he will concentrate on his latest problem (these people always have them) and you will fade into his history. Probably a number of people in his past that he has a simmering resentment for, you're just one of many. Has he had any of them "offed"?


Trust me, the guy is a coward, he'll talk the talk but he won't walk the walk, the worst that you can expect is him sending vitriolic letters to your employer. Probably a good idea to make them aware of the issues.


I can remember, a couple of years ago, in Pattaya, a group of boiler room scammers had a major fall out. They were all high rollers and serious money was involved. Did they hire Thai hitmen? No, they did the job themselves, despite being able to afford no end of "Thai hitmen". It's another urban myth. I've never heard of a farang hiring Thais to hit another farang.


Does he know your home address? If you are really paranoid, you may want to change your address. Me, I'd just forget he ever existed.

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Foreign embassies have people working for them that have experience in personal security. There are professional companies that provide personal security and your embassy would be aware of them.  Your own employer may be willing to pay for this service until things die down.


Carry pepper spray. Be aware of your surroundings.

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Most people who make threats can be disregarded, it’s the one’s who clearly hate you but don’t that you have to be wary of. Increase your level of vigilance and be cautious. The “hits” I’ve read about in Thailand are undertaken by village idiots who are caught in 24 hours. I doubt you’ve anything to worry about but just to be on the safe side move around with a heightened sense of awareness. 


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Thank you all for the comments and it’s all good sense stuff.


Much of it is aligned with what I was thinking and is a great sanity check. 


I must admit that that it would be rare for a Thai style village thug to target a foreigner. 


There will be some steps to try and cool the situation down and I am confident in our HR team to sort this out. I think it can be done without going over the top and causing further stress to all concerned.


Intetesting point above about it’s the ones who are not making direct physical threats that are the ones to worry about....hence why I am worried!


When you do see someone killed in Thailand it is mostly love or relationship related rather than a spat in the office....or bad business deals.


Thanks again.

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3 minutes ago, bowerboy said:

ntetesting point above about it’s the ones who are not making direct physical threats that are the ones to worry about....hence why I am worried!


Another urban myth. The ones not making physical threats are the ones incapable of carrying it out as they are inveterate cowards. They just type letters from the safety of their bedrooms. Just like keyboard warriors on TV.

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1 minute ago, sanemax said:

Although it isnt "cowardice" , people who dont use violence or threaten it .

Having to resort to violence to get your point across,just shows a lack on intelligence and social skills , rather than cowardice

Keyboard getting a bit hot, is it?


Good old Sano, we can always rely on you.

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19 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

Its an American company. A written report to your HR Department triggers all sorts of responses, most of which will be designed not so much to protect you, but to protect the company from your heirs suing them. I would expect swift action.

And some people say that everything is about money in Thailand...:whistling:

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What part of the U.K. is he from ? Am I not right in thinking once his work permit is up then he only is allowed 7 days in the Kingdom before he has to exit the country. I would be surprised if he was to attack you as he would know that would mean a prison sentence maybe you are being over cautious one thing is for sure don’t allow him on the premises and change your daily routines for the next month and let’s hope he does not read this forum.

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21 hours ago, bowerboy said:


Thank you for this question and also to everyone for their response.


There are some specific reasons why he does not like me...I am a bit reluctant to go into deep detail lest he read this (also a few people that are close to the situation could read this and figure it out if I give too much info).


Essentially though said person has a proven track record of not working well with others...I have had many people in the company discuss this guy with me and warn me about him. 


I know now there are 2 sides to every story and he has his side but all of it has been completely irrational from the beginning. 


No he he has never made any threats and that is part of the problem...again I don’t want to say too much but essentially he is as nice as pie to your face and then 20 minutes later you have a call from HR about a written complaint just been filed against you with reasons as to why I should be fired and what the succession plan would be in that event....I can’t give too many more details than that.


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22 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

does your company have a HR department? I would send a email to them saying you have been threatened by a employee.

Yes that’s probably the way to go.  He’s a disgruntled employee and if you make it known that you are afraid of them they would have to be crazy to try and do anything to you in this country.  Definitely produce as much of a paper trail on the situation as possible. 


But until he’s gone just be careful and definitely don’t stand on any balconies for a while.  For some reason balconies and foreigners don’t have a very good record here in Thailand.  


If you are at a restaurant always pick the table and the seat where you have preferably a full 360 degree view of the room and at least the spot where you can see everyone coming in and out of the main point of entry and exit the front doors and sit close to the aisle of the table.  Don’t hang out in dark unpopulated areas especially at night stay in well lit heavily populated areas when traveling on foot.  And remember there are surveillance cameras just about everywhere in every major city.  


Speaking of surveillance cameras you can purchase really good ones for inside and outside your home at most malls here that records everything 24/7 to a memory card in your computer and on your smartphone.  I have a few of them outside my house the weather proof kind that covers outside my front gate on the road outside my yard and a few more outside cameras that cover my entire outside yard with no blind spots, and then another camera inside my house that covers the front door and all the windows down stairs.  So that covers all the points of entry and exit of my entire house and outside my house not including the cameras I have hidden.  I take security very seriously especially after one incident a few years ago in my neighborhood.  


I’m assuming that your company is probably based somewhere in Bangkok I live way up north but if you are looking for a good body guard I know a few guys in Bangkok that I used to work with when I was in the military.  I’m retired Special Forces and so are the guys I know.  They’re a bit expensive but if you are interested send me a private message and I’ll have them contact you via phone or email.  I’m not sure if they’re available but I could ask them for you if you seriously need help that badly.  


In the meantime avoid the guy and the girl, be careful, and make your company and especially your Embassy VERY aware of your concerns and the situation in writing and on the phone.  You can call the United States Embassy for emergencies and this should qualify and you should also email the Embassy and visit them in person.  Make sure there’s a good paper trail of the situation and your concerns and be sure and inform your HR Office in person and in writing about the situation and make sure you tell them all that you are in fear for your life.  Maybe contact his Embassy as well I believe you said that he’s from the UK.  And definitely remain cautious until he’s been gone for a while.  


I think you’ll be okay especially if you just contact your company and explain the situation to them and let them know your fears as well as the Embassy.  Remember to have people who know you informed of the situation and a paper trail and inform the Embassy and the local police if necessary.  

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Yes that’s probably the way to go.  He’s a disgruntled employee and if you make it known that you are afraid of them they would have to be crazy to try and do anything to you in this country.  Definitely produce as much of a paper trail on the situation as possible. 


But until he’s gone just be careful and definitely don’t stand on any balconies for a while.  For some reason balconies and foreigners don’t have a very good record here in Thailand.  


If you are at a restaurant always pick the table and the seat where you have preferably a full 360 degree view of the room and at least the spot where you can see everyone coming in and out of the main point of entry and exit the front doors and sit close to the aisle of the table.  Don’t hang out in dark unpopulated areas especially at night stay in well lit heavily populated areas when traveling on foot.  And remember there are surveillance cameras just about everywhere in every major city.  


Speaking of surveillance cameras you can purchase really good ones for inside and outside your home at most malls here that records everything 24/7 to a memory card in your computer and on your smartphone.  I have a few of them outside my house the weather proof kind that covers outside my front gate on the road outside my yard and a few more outside cameras that cover my entire outside yard with no blind spots, and then another camera inside my house that covers the front door and all the windows down stairs.  So that covers all the points of entry and exit of my entire house and outside my house not including the cameras I have hidden.  I take security very seriously especially after one incident a few years ago in my neighborhood.  


I’m assuming that your company is probably based somewhere in Bangkok I live way up north but if you are looking for a good body guard I know a few guys in Bangkok that I used to work with when I was in the military.  I’m retired Special Forces and so are the guys I know.  They’re a bit expensive but if you are interested send me a private message and I’ll have them contact you via phone or email.  I’m not sure if they’re available but I could ask them for you if you seriously need help that badly.  


In the meantime avoid the guy and the girl, be careful, and make your company and especially your Embassy VERY aware of your concerns and the situation in writing and on the phone.  You can call the United States Embassy for emergencies and this should qualify and you should also email the Embassy and visit them in person.  Make sure there’s a good paper trail of the situation and your concerns and be sure and inform your HR Office in person and in writing about the situation and make sure you tell them all that you are in fear for your life.  Maybe contact his Embassy as well I believe you said that he’s from the UK.  And definitely remain cautious until he’s been gone for a while.  


I think you’ll be okay especially if you just contact your company and explain the situation to them and let them know your fears as well as the Embassy.  Remember to have people who know you informed of the situation and a paper trail and inform the Embassy and the local police if necessary.  

What a relief, a proper ex SF operative.


Sent from my SM-G920F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app




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When see him don't walk near him but acknowledge him with a nod if he looks at you. Don't look smug or look like your laughing, just a normal face.


He tried to get you fired so this tells something of his character. If you match that with a stone for stone by telling HR or police or etc, then some more serious trouble will probably come your way as it is looking like an attack on him and he is challenged. Psychically if you are not worried about him then you should be fine. Stay calm and lay a bit quiet low and don't talk around the office or work environment so much as others he will see into their faces and blame you. 


His contract is hopefully almost up and then he is gone. You are not the one firing him. Or are you? Did you act like his boss or senior because you are full time? If so turn that down a bit to bring it to level. 


If he does not get a good recommendation or cannot use the place as a recommendation then he will be P -Off.


England has many areas and each area has a sort of different character. I have know some from areas that will scrap and some from other areas that have a big mouth but no bite.


Just write him off as superficial and let him figure out his life. If he confronts or barks at you with blame, just say back off, I had nothing to do with you or your temporary contract and work related performance of being let go. This is from the superiors. 



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1 hour ago, Jim7777 said:

always pick the table and the seat where you have preferably a full 360 degree view of the room

Wild Bill Hickok died the night he could not sit at the table with his back against the wall, as was his practice

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