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1 hour ago, ubonjoe said:

I think you are still missing the primary point and the most important thing. The ACH routing number means nothing since is the same for all transfers going to Bangkok Bank New York.

This is what is important as shown on their website here. https://www.bangkokbank.com/en/Personal/Other-Services/Transfers/Transferring-Into-Thailand/Transfer-money-from-US-to-Thailand-via-Bangkok-Bank-NewYork-branch




DanThai, especially the very last sentence of what Joe quoted above from BKKB:


"Effective from April 1, 2019 [about one week from now], Bangkok Bank, New York branch will fully comply with the NACHA rules and WILL RETURN ALL ACH RECEIVED WHICH DO NOT COMPLY WITH THE IAT FORMAT."


That means transfers and direct deposits sent by either government agencies or private parties that attempt to use the prior/current ACH format, and have not been changed to use the new IAT format, will be rejected by BKKB.


You want to make sure whomever is sending you money thru BKKB NY needs to be sending with the NEW IAT format.


  • Like 1

I took everyone's advice and sent a ticket to MyPay at DFAS, They forwarded it to the Retired pay section, and no answer yet too. DFAS does say that if money is returned they will credit your account and send it out next month, so just wait until 3 April. If doesn't show up just change my direct deposit for DFAS back to where it was going before until can find out how to change it. When I was at the BKK Bank that sets up direct deposits, I filled out a complete set of forms for both SSA and DFAS January after NY. which contained copies,of everything including local Thai address. Guess everyone will have to wait and see come April 3.

36 minutes ago, Danthai said:

I took everyone's advice and sent a ticket to MyPay at DFAS, They forwarded it to the Retired pay section, and no answer yet too. DFAS does say that if money is returned they will credit your account and send it out next month, so just wait until 3 April. If doesn't show up just change my direct deposit for DFAS back to where it was going before until can find out how to change it. When I was at the BKK Bank that sets up direct deposits, I filled out a complete set of forms for both SSA and DFAS January after NY. which contained copies,of everything including local Thai address. Guess everyone will have to wait and see come April 3.


I'm going to repeat what was already said above -- if you've already been receiving direct deposit payments from DFAS via BKKB NY, you can contact BKKB here or the NY branch, give them your info, and they can tell you right away whether your current payments are or are not arriving IAT compatible. It's really not that complicated.


  • Like 1
On 3/23/2019 at 8:49 PM, Danthai said:

Not sure where you get the idea DFAS is not sending military pension through NY to Direct deposit account in Thailand.I think you are mistaken, DFAS is the pay center for Retired military, If you have a military retirement they will send your retired military pay to a Bangkok Direct Deposit account through the BKK Bank NY with no problem. Started mine and first direct deposit was made BKK Bank NY within 15 days in time for Feb 1 payment since I changed it before middle of January. Second direct payment to BKK Bank NY from both military and SS came through on 3 March like clockwork. Made the DFAS change of direct deposit on line directly in my DFAS account. It shows up as foreign deposit showing the amount transferred and baht rate used. ( I am referring to retired military pension, not some other Government office or some other bank) 

They send out payments to retired military all over the world in many countries.

You need to go back and read my post.  I did not say DFAS is not sending military pensions to NY. I said they were sending ACH deposits to Bangkok NY just like they can to any other bank located in the United States. You're confusing sending a deposit to a Bank located in the United States with sending a direct deposit to Thailand with no intermediate stops in between--which DFAS does not do.  And, yes they do send direct deposits to other countries, like the UK, Germany, etc., etc.  You're not follow the flow of the conversation. I suggest you go back and re-read a few of the previous posts...please!

Redacted DFAS Reply.jpg


DFAS's answer above didn't address the question of, Do they used IAT format with their ACH payments?   Instead they thought the question dealt with their International Direct Deposit (IDD) program which uses SWIFT.  Unfortunately, Thailand is not on the DFAS IDD list of countries.


I think it was around Aug 18 when I sent an email to DFAS asking if Thailand was on the IDD list (although there website said it was not) or were they in the planning stages to add Thailand to their IDD list.  Answer was No.   


And then I called DFAS a couple of months ago....asked some ACH IAT questions....the DFAS rep was clueless about the subject.  And then we talked DFAS "IDD"....once again, No Thailand is not on their IDD list or projected to be even thought the SSA had added Thailand the SSA IDD list....the rep said each US govt agencies determines which countries are authorized on that agency's list.  


Now, my military retirement pay does not go to Bangkok Bank but I was just curious in trying to find out if DFAS payments via ACH are in IAT format or if they are planning to add Thailand to the DFAS IDD list.   I do know late last year when I was at HQ Bangkok Bank talking to one of their primary points of contact on this IAT goatrope she said the DFAS payments were not arriving in IAT format based on some initial analysis they had done.  "Most" SSA payments were (70% at that time...now they say 80%), some OPM payments, some VA payments, etc.  It was basically a case of some US govt payments were arriving in IAT format and some were not.     


I expect there are a couple thousand US military retirees living in Thailand and X-amount of those have their military pension payment going to Bangkok Bank.  I guess we'll find out come early April if DFAS payments continues to get thru.  Surely some will post on ThaiVisa if their payments got rejected. 


A person can call HQ Bangkok Bank in Bangkok at the numbers below to find out if your US govt payment (DFAS, SSA, VA, etc) is being sent in IAT format....you will need to tell them your name, account number, and approx amount of the last payment....just takes them a minute to look it up.



7 hours ago, Pib said:

DFAS's answer above didn't address the question of, Do they used IAT format with their ACH payments?   Instead they thought the question dealt with their International Direct Deposit (IDD) program which uses SWIFT.  Unfortunately, Thailand is not on the DFAS IDD list of countries.


I think it was around Aug 18 when I sent an email to DFAS asking if Thailand was on the IDD list (although there website said it was not) or were they in the planning stages to add Thailand to their IDD list.  Answer was No.   


And then I called DFAS a couple of months ago....asked some ACH IAT questions....the DFAS rep was clueless about the subject.  And then we talked DFAS "IDD"....once again, No Thailand is not on their IDD list or projected to be even thought the SSA had added Thailand the SSA IDD list....the rep said each US govt agencies determines which countries are authorized on that agency's list.  


Now, my military retirement pay does not go to Bangkok Bank but I was just curious in trying to find out if DFAS payments via ACH are in IAT format or if they are planning to add Thailand to the DFAS IDD list.   I do know late last year when I was at HQ Bangkok Bank talking to one of their primary points of contact on this IAT goatrope she said the DFAS payments were not arriving in IAT format based on some initial analysis they had done.  "Most" SSA payments were (70% at that time...now they say 80%), some OPM payments, some VA payments, etc.  It was basically a case of some US govt payments were arriving in IAT format and some were not.     


I expect there are a couple thousand US military retirees living in Thailand and X-amount of those have their military pension payment going to Bangkok Bank.  I guess we'll find out come early April if DFAS payments continues to get thru.  Surely some will post on ThaiVisa if their payments got rejected. 


A person can call HQ Bangkok Bank in Bangkok at the numbers below to find out if your US govt payment (DFAS, SSA, VA, etc) is being sent in IAT format....you will need to tell them your name, account number, and approx amount of the last payment....just takes them a minute to look it up.



For the record, I knew all of the information you just alluded to.  I was trying to help a certain individual named @Danthai try to understand that receipt of his retirement pay was possibly in danger.  I jumped through the same hoops you did and made the appropriate adjustments so the funds I need arrive here in Thailand in a timely fashion.  Said individual was ignoring the forest for the trees until enough people chimed in, and he saw the light. I just gave DFAS one more pass just in case they had changed their minds and were implementing IAT/IDD...    

  • Like 1

Come the first week or so of April the smoke should clear as to which payments are still getting thru like maybe all or just some US govt payments whether in IAT format or not.  With DFAS military retirmement payments made the 1st of the month and SSA pension payments for folks having a Thailand address made on the 3rd of the month, come next week we'll should begin to know....like does my family member's SSA payment show-up on 3 Apr which was still not in IAT format to Bangkok Bank for the Feb payment.  


And maybe SSA will declare IDD for Thailand fully operational (i.e., allow enrollment) soon versus it staying in the "testing" phase which has been ongoing since around Oct 18.....yes, for around 6 months already.  Why such a long testing phase?....I surely don't know.  Maybe it deals with getting agreement from the Bank of Thailand and/or X-amount of Thai banks...or it's pure bureaucracy/slowness within the SSA....I don't know.


42 minutes ago, Pib said:

SSA pension payments for folks having a Thailand address made on the 3rd of the month

I retired and set up USA social security through Bangkok Bank NYC at the end of last year, so I may be way down at the end of their list, because I have consistently gotten paid on the 4th rather than on the 3rd like Pib. Note that in January it was 1 a.m. in NYC and 1 p.m. in BKK, both on the 4th, so it's not just a side effect of the EST/ICT time zone difference.


Nov 5 11:01 (November 4 was a Sunday, the rest are weekdays)

Dec 4 09:36

Jan 4 13:02

Feb 4 09:52

Mar 4 12:44


Be sure and ask your local Bangkok Bank office to set up foreign transfer notification, so you get an SMS with the exchange rate and stuff.

11 minutes ago, dave s said:

I retired and set up USA social security through Bangkok Bank NYC at the end of last year, so I may be way down at the end of their list, because I have consistently gotten paid on the 4th rather than on the 3rd like Pib. Note that in January it was 1 a.m. in NYC and 1 p.m. in BKK, both on the 4th, so it's not just a side effect of the EST/ICT time zone difference.


Nov 5 11:01 (November 4 was a Sunday, the rest are weekdays)

Dec 4 09:36

Jan 4 13:02

Feb 4 09:52

Mar 4 12:44


For my family member SS pension payment going to Bangkok Bank from looking at some of her Bangkok Bank SMS notices she was paid as follows (Thailand date/time):


3 Dec 1:21pm

3 Jan 9:54pm

1 Feb 2:05pm

1 Mar 5:00pm

On 3/23/2019 at 8:49 PM, Danthai said:

Not sure where you get the idea DFAS is not sending military pension through NY to Direct deposit account in Thailand.I think you are mistaken, DFAS is the pay center for Retired military, If you have a military retirement they will send your retired military pay to a Bangkok Direct Deposit account through the BKK Bank NY with no problem. Started mine and first direct deposit was made BKK Bank NY within 15 days in time for Feb 1 payment since I changed it before middle of January. Second direct payment to BKK Bank NY from both military and SS came through on 3 March like clockwork. Made the DFAS change of direct deposit on line directly in my DFAS account. It shows up as foreign deposit showing the amount transferred and baht rate used. ( I am referring to retired military pension, not some other Government office or some other bank) 

They send out payments to retired military all over the world in many countries.

Ok, non SS comment. Military/VA- so, i have a question, please. 


I came online today to see if further info on the suspension of Income Verification Letters. I stumbled into this thread. The conversation seems to be about a verifiable chain of sufficient money  for extension renewal-proof, etc.


I have VA/Mil direct deposit to USAA bank in US. Each payday i withdraw all my money in a few ATM withdraws. My bank reimburse the few fees. Easy.  In the past i include with Income Letter my bank statements showing deposits, but not local withdraws. They vsrious keep these docs with my application. I have never had a problem. I presummed becsuse i include proof of deposits- regular, government. 


1. I want to keep USAA bank. I thought of opening NY BKK bank acct in past and then, i suppose mirroring one in Thailand for lateral transfer. Not sure how that works or if it appears in both places simultaneously. Previously i thought transfer fee from ACH to SWIFT...do i did not do.


2. I also feared a transfer into bkk bank via ACH bank would not show up as a direct deposit- its mot- and then really have no proof at all, just a lot of busy money transfer.


3. Do i need to do this in preparstion for my next extension?


confused in bkk

  • Like 1
25 minutes ago, arjunadawn said:

3. Do i need to do this in preparstion for my next extension?


You cannot open an account at Bangkok Bank in NY. You first have to open and account a Bangkok Bangkok bank and set up the transfers,

Unless USAA can do the IAT transfers to Bangkok Bangkok bank you will need to use SWIFT transfers directly to a bank here.

You will need to start doing transfers of 65k baht monthly to apply for your next extension. This year it can be less than 12 months of transfers but next year it will have to be 12 months. 


  • Like 1

FYI, I wrote to helpdesk at Bangkok Bank NY and received below response: 

  "Thank you for contacting us regarding your payment from DFAS-Cleveland.
Your payment is not yet in the IAT format. Kindly contact DFAS as request them to remit  future payment in the correct format.
Kindly provide DFAS  with your full address in Thailand where you reside, so they can send payment to us in the International ACH format as funds are ultimately going to Thailand where your account is held.

Your payment will NOT be returned on April 1 2019 as we are still working to accommodate our valuable customers."

  • Like 2
3 hours ago, chuck6660 said:

FYI, I wrote to helpdesk at Bangkok Bank NY and received below response: 

  Your payment will NOT be returned on April 1 2019 as we are still working to accommodate our valuable customers."

Good to see some words directly from Bangkok Bank saying DFAS military retirement payments not in IAT format will not be rejected 1 Apr...I'm sure this will apply to all US govt payments to include social security, VA, OPM, etc., payments not in IAT payment.   


But I will say that it's not uncommon for DFAS payments to actually occur a day or two early.  For example my DFAS military retirement payment posted to my US bank account on 29 March (yesterday) although the DFAS website states the payment date will be 1 Apr.   Maybe that is just my bank having received the DFAS payment which states payout on 1 Apr but my bank actually credits my account early....some banks are like that.


Now how long Bangkok Bank can "accommodate" non-IAT payments is another story. 


Oh to be a fly on the wall in a Bangkok Bank NY office when this IAT goatrope is being discussed.

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The question I asked in the original post was "Do SS and the other US govt agencies now use the IAT format? "


I didn't get the answer I was hoping for, which was "yes"


I did get an accurate answer which was "The whole thing is one big cluster&*(k."


This is useful, though, and I am simply going to wait until it gets straightened out at the expense of those already signed up.  I don't need to get payments started until January, and if things are still messed up, I'll let the 800k ride.

11 hours ago, Kelsall said:

The question I asked in the original post was "Do SS and the other US govt agencies now use the IAT format? "

As said in many topics the SSA does use the IAT format. People just need to check to find out if theres are being sent in the IAT format.

Most others are not using it yet.

On 3/31/2019 at 7:33 AM, ubonjoe said:

As said in many topics the SSA does use the IAT format. People just need to check to find out if theres are being sent in the IAT format.

Most others are not using it yet.

So any new news on the deposits to Bangkok Bank by SS/Mil/Fed? I changed the amount I usually have sent over because I did not want to have funds sent to BKK NY then sent back. The amount came thru as normally full amount did but I don't know  if it did because it was in correct IAT format or because BKK Bank sent because as they stated earlier they might forward to Thailand rather then send back on April 1st.  I will probably use transferwise or other means to send funds over to Bangkok as soon as I figure out if I can just tell OPM to resend former amount or just send from my bank in US by Transferwise or other means.


Out of curiosity, did an ACH transfer of $100 from my US bank to my Bangkok Bank account on April 4.  It had been set up for several years.  It worked, but I certainly wouldn't count on it going forward.

  • 3 weeks later...
On ‎3‎/‎23‎/‎2019 at 2:10 PM, chuck6660 said:

I’ve had my military retirement going to savings account at Bangkok Bank for several years now. I initiated the direct deposit thru the Defense Finance Accounting Services “My Pay”  website  All I needed was Bangkok Bank NY address, routing number and account number.

Is your Bangkok Bank account a "Direct Deposit Savings Account"? (i.e. no ATM card, no on-line access)


I'd like to set up a direct deposit from DFAS to my Bk bank account but it's a regular savings account with ATM and internet banking.  BkBanks website says it has to be a "direct deposit account" but it also seems to be focused on the SSA. 


Just wondering if the same rules apply to direct deposits from DFAS?




Yes...same rule applies for a DFAS payment as that is a US govt payment.


Also keep in mind the DFAS ACH payment must be in IAT format otherwise the payment will be rejected after 30 Jun.


Bangkok Bank said earlier govt payments would not be rejected beginning 1 Apr because they knew they would be extending the Non-IAT cutoff to 30 Jun. The letter they are now mailing via registered mail makes it clear to me 30 Jun will be the end of the line...no more extensions.


I'm afraid a lot of military retirees having their DFAS mil retirement sent to Bangkok Bank are going to be receiving an unpleasant surprise come their July payment....as in no payment arriving unless in IAT format...payment being rejected by Bangkok Bank.









  • 5 months later...
On 3/23/2019 at 8:08 PM, Jim7777 said:

 I receive pensions from both the VA and DFAS.  I currently use SCB here in Thailand and Pentagon Federal Credit Union in the States which handles my International wire transfers very well every month, 

Do the funds come in the right FTT format?  

  • 2 months later...

I'm not sure if anyone is still following this thread but I have several followup questions.  First and easiest, BK Bank NY states that I need to provide the address of my Thai BK bank address.  Is this address the main branch in Bangkok or a small branch that I utilize?  There are numerous branches in the Pattaya area and would like to clear that 'first' hurdle.




30 minutes ago, ToS2014 said:

I'm not sure if anyone is still following this thread but I have several followup questions.  First and easiest, BK Bank NY states that I need to provide the address of my Thai BK bank address.  Is this address the main branch in Bangkok or a small branch that I utilize?  There are numerous branches in the Pattaya area and would like to clear that 'first' hurdle.

I provided my local bank but I don't think it matters. Bangkok bank is Bangkok bank in any of their addresses. Out of curiousity why are you dealing with Bangkok bank NY? You use their routing number but never really have to deal directly with them at all. Example my check is direct deposited from Uncle Sam direct to bangkok bank NY route but no need to ever talk to NY. One thing to be aware of - maybe you already know but that if its going direct from US GOV to Bangkok bank its a direct deposit account - no debit card issued, and you have to pick up funds at the counter yourself. You can then deposit them while at the counter into another Bangkok bank account with a debit card attached, but this has to be done at the counter. 

14 hours ago, ToS2014 said:

I'm not sure if anyone is still following this thread but I have several followup questions.  First and easiest, BK Bank NY states that I need to provide the address of my Thai BK bank address.  Is this address the main branch in Bangkok or a small branch that I utilize?  There are numerous branches in the Pattaya area and would like to clear that 'first' hurdle.

Not sure why they would be asking for the address of your branch if they have your account number since they get can get that info from their system. The first 3 digits of you account number is the branch number where you opened your direct deposit account at.



The use of the IAT format is really not for SS direct deposits, Bangkok Bank should have no problem with direct deposits from the SSA directly to Bangkok Bank. Its for transfers made from one American bank to another American bank using a routing number (used only between domestic American banks), instead of a SWIFT code for overseas transfers through Bangkok Bank. Its a way for the Treasure Dept. to watch for overseas money laundering/terrorist related transfers as they were not monitoring routing number transfers and as you may or not be aware, they monitor SWIFT transfers over $5000. It was a hole in the system. Most US banks are not aware of, or setup to do IAT format transfers between banks. I doubt they will since its such a small percentage of their business.   

3 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

Not sure why they would be asking for the address of your branch if they have your account number since they get can get that info from their system. The first 3 digits of you account number is the branch number where you opened your direct deposit account at.


There was a similar, recent thread where (I think) a members UK bank was asking for foreign bank address specifics. Maybe it is redundant as you say because it's encoded in the unique banking codes. However, I imagine that the serial jobsworths that have to draft the bank's paperwork mandated by the KYC (know your customer) legislation of many countries insist on having a physical address box filled.


Either way, any remittance from overseas TO any Bangkok Bank branch has to pass through their head office on Silom Road in Bangkok so that address may suffice. However, a local Bangkok Bank branch physical address finder can be found on their website.

17 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

There was a similar, recent thread where (I think) a members UK bank was asking for foreign bank address specifics. Maybe it is redundant as you say because it's encoded in the unique banking codes. However, I imagine that the serial jobsworths that have to draft the bank's paperwork mandated by the KYC (know your customer) legislation of many countries insist on having a physical address box filled.

My reply was to this part of his post. He is dealing with the Bangkok Bank branch in New York City.


18 hours ago, ToS2014 said:

I'm not sure if anyone is still following this thread but I have several followup questions.  First and easiest, BK Bank NY states that I need to provide the address of my Thai BK bank address.


17 hours ago, Rama said:

Its for transfers made from one American bank to another American bank using a routing number (used only between domestic American banks), 

This is totally false information.

IAT stands for" International ACH transfer".

It is for international transfers not what you stated.


To add, all mine were returned for the first time this month.

I just changed to a wire transfer($25) from US bank still posts on my BKK Bank account as "international transfer".  Additionally seems much faster it posted in one day.


Thanks for all your replies.


I have all my Fed benefits (retired mil pay, VA, and SSA) going to my USA bank (USAA).  I called them prior to my initial post and they can not or will not transfer any of my funds via the IAT format to the BKK branch in NY because of 'their rules and it is considered a domestic transfer'.  I really don't like paying 'the bank to handle my money'....but am getting to the point that it will be a necessity due to the new Thai Immigration stipulations.  I have for the past several (5 plus) years used my debit card as a cash withdraw  at my local BKK branch, and then directly deposited into my BKK account.  This was the cheapest way that I could find to not pay fees 'to the man'; however, Thai immigration cannot certify that my funds came from an international and verifiable/legit source.


My initial question was raised due to the Bangkok Bank branch in NY website stating that they require my bank address, local address, etc....  As I am looking into changing my direct deposits to the NY branch and paying lower fees for them (Bangkok brach in NY) to send the funds to my local account.  This avenue would be cheaper than an international wire transfer from my USA bank directly to Thailand.


However, I am still researching if the VA and the US retired military pay system/s can direct deposit my funds into the NY branch via the new IAT system/format that will suffice the Thai immigration stipulations showing 'international funds transfer'.  I have researched/read that the SSA can deposit the funds in the proper 'format'.


As my extension of stay, based on marriage (have had this for 5 plus years) is due for renewal in May 2020, I cannot show/provide proof of my international transfers for the preceding 12 months; I'm contemplating of just opting to wire the 400K THB over as I still have the two (or is it three, as I have read numerous conflicting accounts) month option.


I recently printed out my proof of payment from each agency (mil retired pay statement and VA/SSA letters).  I asked my local IMO (Jomtien) if these letters would suffice as proof that I 'earn legit funds' and just transfer my money via my debit card.  The first individual said no, need Thai bank book copies and letters, I provided my bank book and the response was 'no good you make money in Thailand and just deposit into bank or you have fake money'.   I asked for a supervisor and he said (to the point) that "I can use my own computer to make these fake letters.  This is why we change rules so people like you (me) can not fake the system any more."  I politely said thank you and almost had steam coming from my ears when I left the IMO office.....as I am really trying my best to follow all the rules.  To be accused of being one of the 'visa buyers' or have fake (illegitimate) funds, nearly reaches the point of me relocating to my 2nd 'spot' where the immigration system is much easier (and cheaper) and there is great deep sea fishing.  The 'only' issue to relocating to my other 'spot' is my Thai wife.


OK, I'm overly verbose, but, I'm also tired of trying to follow the rules and seeing all the 'fakers' have no recourse against them.  The only recourse is, seemingly, directed to one/those who has legit funds and is attempting his best to follow the rules.  I guess I live on the wrong planet by simply using my USA debit card to 'move my funds' to Thailand;  I should 'get out of the house more often' and understand things better.





23 minutes ago, ToS2014 said:

I have all my Fed benefits (retired mil pay, VA, and SSA) going to my USA bank (USAA).  I called them prior to my initial post and they can not or will not transfer any of my funds via the IAT format to the BKK branch in NY because of 'their rules and it is considered a domestic transfer'.  

That is due to USAA not being able to do the transfers in the IAT format,


23 minutes ago, ToS2014 said:

My initial question was raised due to the Bangkok Bank branch in NY website stating that they require my bank address, local address, etc....  As I am looking into changing my direct deposits to the NY branch and paying lower fees for them (Bangkok brach in NY) to send the funds to my local account.  This avenue would be cheaper than an international wire transfer from my USA bank directly to Thailand.

I can assure you it works for SSA. I have seen a recent post by a person doing it for VA benefits. I have also read that your military  retirement payments cannot be direct deposit to there.

You have to set up the SSA transfers at your Bangkok Bank branch and they will send the SF 1199 form to Manila.

The SSA and the VA now have direct deposits now to any Thai bank.


23 minutes ago, ToS2014 said:

I recently printed out my proof of payment from each agency (mil retired pay statement and VA/SSA letters).  I asked my local IMO (Jomtien) if these letters would suffice as proof that I 'earn legit funds' and just transfer my money via my debit card.

Those can only used to prove the source of your income if needed.


23 minutes ago, ToS2014 said:

I'm contemplating of just opting to wire the 400K THB over as I still have the two (or is it three, as I have read numerous conflicting accounts) month option.

The 400k baht has to be in the bank for 2 months on the date you apply. And perhaps during the under consideration period.

That may be the best option since you will not have 12 months of transfers to show in May.

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