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Many 'march for love' in New Zealand as mosques reopen


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2 hours ago, 2tall said:

apply local logic: "this would not have happened if you didn't put a mosque there"

Isn’t that then victim blaming?


Up there with blaming a woman for getting raped...

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4 minutes ago, samran said:

Isn’t that then victim blaming?


Up there with blaming a woman for getting raped...

  Same same for blaming a farang being in Thailand ,  road  traffic accidents etc.

     Farlang not in Thailand , accident not happen . 



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1 hour ago, yogi100 said:


I'm not religious, neither do I have fairies at the bottom of my garden and I don't call myself Christian. And I'll decide whether or not I'm fit to be called British not you. Anyway I'm English, not British.


You sound like you're overdue for a taste of the real world to give you a kick up the arse.

Back in the day the IRA blew up my town centre.  Who cares? Criminals can do what they want - that is no basis for government,  Tony Blair was bigger than me.  He could put aside his prejudice and his nationalism and come to an agreement with the nationalists despite the terrorists.  His point, and mine, is that bombing will gain you nothing.  But where he was bigger than me was that he could see there was a political problem, and he addressed that, despite the terrorism.  


Let's hope that his hard work helps us maintain peace in Ireland despite the inattentiveness of this government



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4 hours ago, StreetCowboy said:

Back in the day the IRA blew up my town centre.  Who cares? Criminals can do what they want - that is no basis for government,  Tony Blair was bigger than me.  He could put aside his prejudice and his nationalism and come to an agreement with the nationalists despite the terrorists.  His point, and mine, is that bombing will gain you nothing.  But where he was bigger than me was that he could see there was a political problem, and he addressed that, despite the terrorism.  


Let's hope that his hard work helps us maintain peace in Ireland despite the inattentiveness of this government

I've always assumed that Blair took advantage of the changed dynamic against terrorism after 9/11. Up until that point Irish-Americans had no compunction about financing the IRA.  After that point any form of terrorism attracted great scrutiny from the US government

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I doubt whether any of the muslims in Christchurch were in any way "a threatening culture in a terrorist sense".

Anyone of any culture that attacks unarmed civilians is scum. This includes schools, institutions, political assemblies et al

The fact this atrocity was made by an Aussie <deleted> is not relevant. (because I am an Aussie and am appalled)

I fail to understand why muslims come to a non muslim country but this is also almost not revelant.

How many westerners are allowed to migrate to a muslim country? Name me one country where westerners are welcome

How many can migrate to Japan for instance?

At the very end you have to ask why a non inclusion culture wants to migrate to a country where they have no intention,

to be inclusive, to absorb the local culture, to be available for military defensive duty and so on. This is not what muslim culture teaches,

Instead all westerners are scum and infidels. Still, no excuse for mass murder. RIP  

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8 minutes ago, ThaiBunny said:


Yes, but only as tourists. You knew this already.

It is hard enough to live in Thailand, I suspect impossible to live in a muslm country or be made welcome.

This is not really about this atrocity. Muslims inflict atrocity on westerners almost every week all over the world.

Still, I feel shame that an Aussie committed murder.

Western countries embrace tolerance and this sub human Aussie abused his rights.

 May he rot and may all the other murderers that are called terrorists rot as well.

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8 hours ago, FarangDoingHisThing69 said:

Hilarious when brain damaged communists march “against hate” in support of the most hateful and oppressive religion on earth.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

Why are you attacking these people.? 

They are protesting against terrorism. Don't you think terrorists should be condemned? 


They are also supporting the victims of a terrorist attack. Do you not think that the victims of terrorism should be supported..?

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7 minutes ago, sonos99 said:

Why are you attacking these people.? 

They are protesting against terrorism. Don't you think terrorists should be condemned? 


They are also supporting the victims of a terrorist attack. Do you not think that the victims of terrorism should be supported..?

I hate to use the term "terrorists" 

Because they are nothing more than murderers.

"Terrorist" gives them a special mystique.

Murderer takes that term away.

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3 minutes ago, Prissana Pescud said:

I hate to use the term "terrorists" 

Because they are nothing more than murderers.

"Terrorist" gives them a special mystique.

Murderer takes that term away.

Fair point. 


Mass Murderer in this case

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10 minutes ago, Prissana Pescud said:

I suspect you are being humorous. We are not talking elite, we (or at least I) am talking about the average person.

And that does not include Dubai. Please try again, include African countries if you wish. 

Normal immigration that includes westerners. Not going to happen bunny.

Because basically these countries have no human rights, no plan to change that and constant oppression.

You want to try again?

I'm not sure what point you're trying to make. Western countries are open societies and others are closed societies?  A statement of the bleeding obvious I'd have thought

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2 hours ago, Prissana Pescud said:

Yes, you quoted Dubai as an open western accepting society. QED

No he did not. He said "Dubai' in response to your question concerning what Muslim countries welcome Westerners. There are also other majority Islamic countries e.g. Malaysia & Oman

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23 hours ago, bristolboy said:

Probably the same reason that there's virtually no publicity given when Islamists kill other muslims Other muslims by far constitute the largest target of violent Islamists. But I bet that's news to you.


Actually, no it isn't, having worked in and around the middle east for a long time I am fully conversant with the hatred between Muslim Sects. However, good attempt to twist the meaning of my post which was, as a reminder, the difference between attacks on Muslims by fanatics, and attacks on Christians by Muslims.....:bah:

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19 hours ago, sonos99 said:

Just googled this. There are many reports

NY Times


Straits Times

Fox News 

CBS News 


Thanks for your info, these outlets may well report it, but as small one liners or short paragraphs. I was trying to point out the difference as in outrage, atrocity, outcries of disgust etc. :jap:

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52 minutes ago, AhFarangJa said:

Thanks for your info, these outlets may well report it, but as small one liners or short paragraphs. I was trying to point out the difference as in outrage, atrocity, outcries of disgust etc. :jap:

Hardly one liners or short paragraphs. Have you even looked at these articles. 



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32 minutes ago, Prissana Pescud said:

Sigh, they do not welcome western migration. What distorted planet do you come from. 

 Not tourists, migrants. Derr.

But what muslim countries are safe and welcome tourists. Not Egypt, not anywhere.

 An Egyptian I chatted to in Bangkok recently said if he had his way all the pyramids and other ancient memorabilia would be destroyed.

It does not reflect Islam culture. I nodded my head sagely, while silently reflecting that it reflects a higher culture than Islam will ever be.

Lame arguement, lame post

Can you explain to me why it’s important to compare NZ’s immigration programme to anyone else’s? 


The country runs a skills based, non discriminatory immigration programme, which it has decided best meets ITS needs. 


A system I might add the Brexiters over the other side of the world wax lyrical about...


Why is it important that you compare theirs with others? 


Thailand makes people do 90 day reporting. It has about as much bearing on NZ’s immigration system than what Dubai does or does not do. 

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11 hours ago, samran said:

Can you explain to me why it’s important to compare NZ’s immigration programme to anyone else’s? 


The country runs a skills based, non discriminatory immigration programme, which it has decided best meets ITS needs. 


A system I might add the Brexiters over the other side of the world wax lyrical about...


Why is it important that you compare theirs with others? 


Thailand makes people do 90 day reporting. It has about as much bearing on NZ’s immigration system than what Dubai does or does not do. 

I will attempt to reply to your nonsense from last to first.

1. I have not been accepted in Thailand as a migrant, but I am allowed to stay here on provision.

Care to compare that to most of the Muslim countries. I am welcome here.

2. It is important to compare because comparison is what lets countries know what the educated norm is.

ie, we try to accept that all people in the world are equal and you do not need to murder people to distinquish your religion or culture from others.

3. lord alone knows why you introduced Brexit into your defence of radical Islam.

4. NZ does not need muslims, but accepts them as part of a multi cultural country.

You should remember that NZ has an equal opportunity policy in place for men ans woman. Most moslim women are not allowed to work

due to the repression the men impose on women.

 So now to your first line.

It is important to compare NZ as a multicultural educated country, free from religious and cultural bigotry

to other radical uneducated closed societies. Because the world needs to grow up if we want to reach some harmony

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29 minutes ago, Prissana Pescud said:

I will attempt to reply to your nonsense from last to first.

1. I have not been accepted in Thailand as a migrant, but I am allowed to stay here on provision.

Care to compare that to most of the Muslim countries. I am welcome here.

2. It is important to compare because comparison is what lets countries know what the educated norm is.

ie, we try to accept that all people in the world are equal and you do not need to murder people to distinquish your religion or culture from others.

3. lord alone knows why you introduced Brexit into your defence of radical Islam.

4. NZ does not need muslims, but accepts them as part of a multi cultural country.

You should remember that NZ has an equal opportunity policy in place for men ans woman. Most moslim women are not allowed to work

due to the repression the men impose on women.

 So now to your first line.

It is important to compare NZ as a multicultural educated country, free from religious and cultural bigotry

to other radical uneducated closed societies. Because the world needs to grow up if we want to reach some harmony

So what should NZ do, change their immigration programme? If so, to what?

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2 minutes ago, samran said:

So what should NZ do, change their immigration programme? If so, to what?

As a very successful open, educated, multicultural and religious free to choose country,

why should NZ change anything except its loose weapon laws. NZ is a model country, other countries need to adopt a NZ rights and freedoms

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9 minutes ago, Prissana Pescud said:

As a very successful open, educated, multicultural and religious free to choose country,

why should NZ change anything except its loose weapon laws. NZ is a model country, other countries need to adopt a NZ rights and freedoms

Which was my point.


But what other countries do, i think, is besides the point. Each country does what they think is best for them, however misguided that sometimes may be. 


The argument here on TV, which I thought you were making for an second, is ‘they (ie muslim countries) are intolerant to us, therefore we should be intolerant to them’. 


Thanks for making the point i have quoted. 

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On 3/25/2019 at 10:49 AM, AhFarangJa said:

Actually, no it isn't, having worked in and around the middle east for a long time I am fully conversant with the hatred between Muslim Sects. However, good attempt to twist the meaning of my post which was, as a reminder, the difference between attacks on Muslims by fanatics, and attacks on Christians by Muslims.....:bah:

So you're claiming that it isn't Muslim fanatics who are attacking Chrisitains? Just regular garden-variety Muslims?

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