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Hundreds of thousands march in London to demand new Brexit referendum


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On 3/29/2019 at 10:06 AM, Loiner said:

You are wrong, trying to invent facts that do not exist, is what I disapprove of.

Really? Yet you are a master at just that!


On 3/29/2019 at 10:06 AM, Loiner said:

There was nothing similar at all between the poll tax riots and Theresa May’s ignoring the referendum Leave majority.

Te poll tax riots persuaded Thatcher to bow to the minority and abolish it and replace it with the council tax, which essentially is the same as the old rates!


May is doing her best to deliver Brexit; it is Parliament which is stopping it.


23 hours ago, Loiner said:

Traitorous Theresa went to Germany and came back with the worst deal in history. She and Angela Merkel concocted the surrender document which has been kicked out twice already. Third time unlucky coming up.
All her fault. Can anyone show us what was the deal being worked on by David Davis? Sure it would have been better.


May's deal means we would

Leave the customs union

Leave the single market

Leave the freedom of movement directive

Leave the jurisdiction of the ECJ

Leave the common agricultural policy

Leave the common fisheries policy.


So which of those don't you approve of and with what would you replace them?


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6 hours ago, vogie said:

There are no bit part players in Parliament, everyone has a part to play. And surely can be said that whatever the deal was to be voted on, the likes of Labour, SNP and others would not support it, they are playing politics instead of putting the country first. The Labour Party are playing the fiddle whilst the UK burns. No two MPs can agree on anything, it's become a contest of who can score the most points.



Which is why we need to take it out of the hands of the politicians and give it to the people to decide.

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On 3/25/2019 at 1:03 PM, MrPatrickThai said:

They already had a vote, <deleted>. You can't keep asking for another vote if you don't like the result.

What about if people change their minds. I think the French have a good idea, you vote twice, after the first votes are counted you get to see the way things are going and can correct it with the next vote. The first vote is always a protest vote so either the ultra right and/or the communists get a large number of votes but in the second round they are 'also ran'

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5 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

Why aree remainers never interested in discussing the 'interesting' points?


They were fascinated by the gina miller court case - but have no interest (as far as I can see) in genuine democracy?

Why is it most Brexiteers wont answer straight questions?


They are very good at sloganeering, but when asked to give a straight answer to a straight question go very quiet!


I know you sort of answered a question I asked about May's deal by saying you disliked the backstop; but when I tried to discuss that point further with you, you ignored me.


In a genuine democracy, people are allowed to change their minds. 


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1 minute ago, malagateddy said:

A 2nd referendum would see the leave vote THRASH the remain vote..believe it.


Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

But to avoid further dispute the pros and cons of leaving  or remaining should be clearly stated with an agreed wording based on a consensus and also requiring a 10 % majority to be finite or else a re-vote should be automatic.

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6 minutes ago, malagateddy said:

A 2nd referendum would see the leave vote THRASH the remain vote..believe it.


Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app



I've been reading Brexit related posts since the referendum, and every leaver prediction about what would happen have been widely inaccurate. The evidence suggests otherwise ... new voters and those who wished they had are overwhelmingly for Remain. 



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10 minutes ago, AlexRich said:


I've been reading Brexit related posts since the referendum, and every leaver prediction about what would happen have been widely inaccurate. The evidence suggests otherwise ... new voters and those who wished they had are overwhelmingly for Remain. 



Of course because if you live in cuckoo land, as the Leavers do, very little relates to reality.

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5 minutes ago, billd766 said:

No sensible answer, yet again.


If that is your best response then give up and try again tomorrow.

Guess you just had to post something unrelated and non contributory to this Brexit thread to maintain your posting targets.

Edited by geoffbezoz
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30 minutes ago, geoffbezoz said:

Of course because if you live in cuckoo land, as the Leavers do, very little relates to reality.


I'm tired of reading posts from people predicting what they "want", as opposed what is possible given the facts on the table. The majority are avid leavers.



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4 hours ago, sanemax said:

That seems to be the plan .

Although we are not falling for it .

Brexiteers are trying to be convinced that they voted to Remain in the E.U with a different deal .

   We voted to leave , not to stay in with a different deal 


The leave campaign promised a deal.

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8 hours ago, malagateddy said:

A 2nd referendum would see the leave vote THRASH the remain vote..believe it.

11 hours ago, 7by7 said:
Which is why we need to take it out of the hands of the politicians and give it to the people to decide.

 Then why are you Brexiteers so against of holding one?


Three questions in a STV ballot.

  1. Leave  with May's deal,
  2. Leave with no deal,
  3. Cancel Article 50 and remain.
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On 3/24/2019 at 3:33 AM, dick dasterdly said:

Cheer up by remembering that the electorate are likely to be very bad tempered at the next GE - and a number of MPs are likely to lose their seats ????.

Doesn't really change anything though, you're just replacing shit with turd.


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5 minutes ago, sanemax said:

No, just  have one question :

   1 . Would you like to remain in the E.U . 

Tick only one box , no crosses allowed  

 We are in this mess because Parliament wont make up it's mind.


So for a truly democratic decision, we voters need to be given all the options.


Of course, having two Leave options and only one Remain in a STV ballot means Leave has the advantage. You suggestion gives the advantage to Remain.


Traditionally, votes in British elections are indicated on the ballot paper by a cross. But you can tick if you like, your vote will still be counted provided you only tick one option.

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5 hours ago, nontabury said:
7 hours ago, Kieran00001 said:


The leave campaign promised a deal.

They did indeed, unfortunately when you have a remainers as the P.m able supported by a remain senior civil servant Olly Robbins ,carrying out the negotiations,or should that be the surrender document, then you finish up with the shambles we now have.


May's deal means we will:

Leave the customs union.

Leave the single market.

Leave the freedom of movement directive.

Leave the common agricultural policy.

Leave the common fisheries policy.

Leave the jurisdiction of the ECJ.

But still have a trade deal with our largest trading partner.


So instead of merely repeating Farage's nonsense about a so called surrender document and posting sloganeering about what a man thought when he was at university; how about thinking for yourself and telling us what it is you don't like about any of that?

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