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May fights for control as lawmakers aim to seize Brexit process


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The 350m NHS bus service has broken down outside Boris's mansion it was a replacement service for the better deal out than in that unfortunately also has broken down this should have been rectified by the 29th by the new service of take back control but  all the wheels have fallen off and is now totally out of any control meantime any lone spitfires still in the sky will be finished off with a Junker rue Britannia????  

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49 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

We will have to beg to differ. The people whichever side they voted are not embarrassing, unless you want to thwart democracy.????

Not exactly. 

Those people elected their representatives. 

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14 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

I was relating it to those who are happy to see the referendum result overturned, yet are claiming for democracy. As for elected representatives, I think we all know they serve one section only. Themselves.

That's embarassing, annoying, disgusting, etc. Sounds as if talking about Thailand -somehow. 

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Meanwhile back on the Official Leave means Leave 'March' aka Farage's marathon pub crawl (sans Nigel, of course, he is too elitist to soil himself with such a plebeian enterprise) reaches new heights with 84 trudging through the English countryside fearful of what twill await them at marches end when they arrive tired and hopeful in London town. Rather like Prayuth here - they are the past and the Future Forward belongs to the young....  Lions Led by Donkeys.....




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1 hour ago, dick dasterdly said:

Yes, I hoped that the eu would make attempts at self-reform after the brexit vote - but they did nothing of the sort....


You seriously think there is any chance of this happening without it being forced upon them?  Why on earth would they give up their power and money of their own initiative???

Maggie Thatcher, much as I despised her, gave the EU a real trouncing. Even David Cameron got what he wanted from them. That's what the EU needs right now, they are effectively rudderless and need a strong British leader to whip them into shape.


However, I can't see a strong British leader on the horizon. Corbyn proved that he is anything but during the Brexit campaign, Me, me, me Moggy, the government's answer to Kenneth Williams, would lose a fight with his own shadow. Gormless Gove, the epitomy of a chinless wonder, hasn't even got a good crap in him. Which leaves Boris, the big bad buffoon, who could do nothing but fill the role of Jester at the court of Merkel and Macron. The man for whom "brains" only refers to a company that produces faggots (not unlike both Tories and Liberals).

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1 hour ago, sotsira said:

The whole point of the EU is to stand together in unity to create a 

United States of Europe, create a European Army, a one currency economy, etc, etc.

Which is all, of course complete Brexiteer, jingoistic nonsense. Britain doesn't use the Euro and never will. Neither is there a European army, there isn't a consensus for it in Europe. Also Britain would, again, use it's right of veto to opt out if it were ever to come about. Could you really see British soldiers serve alongside Dutch soldiers, long haired pot smoking layabouts. Or a bunch of Italian surrender monkeys. Not in your wildest dreams.

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1 hour ago, sotsira said:

In fact history has already shown that to be apparent in the last 20 years, do your homework and see how much your argument is flawed. The EU has historically already proven to have vanquished

the UK by muting their voice within the EU.  

Exactly the opposite in fact. We have always gotten our way.

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...Brexit now one long series of Dragon's Den, with the same entrepreneurs trying to punt organic banana pesto every week and refusing to accept banana pesto is an appalling idea...

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28 minutes ago, Spidey said:

Ah, project fear, BS. Most of us aren't proud of Britain now. Taking the wheel in Europe and the ship into calmer waters, might be just what's needed to restore Britain's pride.


Another spineless Brexiteer, scared of his own shadow.

UK steering the EU ideological dictatorship? No chance,

The UK is just the bilge pump,  a last desperate

 effort to prevent the inevitable scuttling.

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7 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Of course she is a stayer. She is a remainer and playing a blinder for the EU. They will be very worried indeed about a new PM who isn't a remainer. That will be the game changer.


Sticking to your delusions until the very end lol....bless 

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7 hours ago, malagateddy said:

The bookies normally win/ are fairly good judges


Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


Yep they are good judges ; Currently no deal is 11/4 so 26.7% probability. Personally I wouldn't risk my life savings on it but hey knock yourself out.

Edited by joecoolfrog
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15 minutes ago, joecoolfrog said:

Sticking to your delusions until the very end lol....bless 

trudging on hopefully like the poor sods on Nigel's March only to be disappointed when they finally arrive.  One more push the war will be over by Christmas...., the cheques in the post....I won't ******************************   still whilst they still have hope they have their Brexit happiness intact..

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13 minutes ago, AlexRich said:

I thought Brexit was about parliament "taking back control"?


... and now the same people who wanted that are moaning about it?

Well it is, if those who work in parliament, actually represent their constituents and not have their own agenda for themselves. Otherwise you get what is happening now.


Although I sense sarcasm and belittling, the MPs have done a great job in showing the general public that they donb't care what they think or vote for. They feel superior and know better.


Hence a GE will clear them out and I believe some reform will take place, in the future, with MP's actually listening to the very people who put them where they are.

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27 minutes ago, sandyf said:

Many seem to think the UK is a democratic republic rather than a parliamentary democracy.

To be factual it is s both a constitutional monarchy as well as a parliamentary democracy.


28 minutes ago, sandyf said:

With no light at the end of the tunnel the obvious solution would be a long extension for a reunited Ireland, independent Scotland and a general election in the Democratic Republic of England and Wales.

The obvious solution to you but I suspect not everyone. Another GE for me so these people can try and justify there existence for the next parliament.



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36 minutes ago, sandyf said:

Many seem to think the UK is a democratic republic rather than a parliamentary democracy.

One thing that brexit has highlighted is that parliamentary democracy has been removed from the UK and replaced by government autocracy. It really is time that control was brought back to where it belongs, in parliament.

The problem now is that rhetoric has turned people in general against the elected bureaucrats. With no light at the end of the tunnel the obvious solution would be a long extension for a reunited Ireland, independent Scotland and a general election in the Democratic Republic of England and Wales.




why bother EU with longterm issues like GB minus Scotland and IRL plus NI,

such may or may not happen.


if may-deal flies this or next week that is it, done


if not you have no-deal, revoke, more extension

or some compromise, there is space for compromise here


as sandyf say, nail the power to the HoC where it belongs


look at what can be done within the scope of the deal that is controllable by the UK

establish a cross-party parliamentary committee to follow deal in detail, frequent reports

to the parliamentary committee and negotiators taking guidance from parliament

- you can spin further on this -

there is space for developing compromises here - building while under way


this Brexit stuff is way to important for the future of the UK to be left to some odd cabinet that is

shuffled 3 times a week


present Government may not fall in awe over such, they have freedom to resign

or start thinking and be part of a joint effort to build some hopefully not too bad Brexit



in my view, no-deal will not happen

revoke and loooooooooooooooooong extension is pretty far out re the referendum


I am not saying that a well managed deal is close to the referendum, but its the best you have after these 2 years.




just to add,

can't really see that a GE would be of any help at all



Edited by melvinmelvin
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3 hours ago, sotsira said:


In fact history has already shown that to be apparent in the last 20 years, do your homework and see how much your argument is flawed. The EU has historically already proven to have vanquished

the UK by muting their voice within the EU.  



1 hour ago, Spidey said:

Exactly the opposite in fact. We have always gotten our way.


UK is on the losing side most in the EU Council.


Diagram below shows the per cent of times each EU government has been in a losing “minority” in Council votes, as a proportion of all votes it took part in in the 2004-2009 and 2009-2015 periods.


Per cent of times in losing minority :-



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3 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

You have probably got brexititeous. Many of us have just watching this whole debauchery that is taking place. Hope you get well and recover. ????

Those of us in Pattaya do not need to watch second-hand, second-rate UK debauchery Brexiteer-style on the TV.

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