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Big Joke: Promises easier, faster and more "watertight" Immigration rules


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8 hours ago, cornishcarlos said:

They always promise exactly the opposite of what is going to happen !!  

Compulsive lying, I believe, is the term ????

The last time that he said that he was going to make things "easier" for ex pats he doubled the length of time that 800,000 baht had to be "seasoned" in the bank! (And it had to be a THAI Bank!)

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46 minutes ago, THAIJAMES said:

Unfortunately Thailand like many other countries around the world is faced with a massive amounts a foreigners not just European but even more from China India Africa and many other parts of the world.

Poor people from 3rd world countries.

No need to legislate against rich retired western people.

(rich compared to Thais earning 9k-15k/month)

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8 hours ago, Artisi said:

Well I've been here for nearly 20 years, never any problems, an occasional hic-up with paperwork but always easily sorted out to everyone's satisfaction. 

So what is under siege if you go with the flow. - - - start being a smart arse, try and pull a swifty you will rightfully have a problem. 


Yes, but they're now moving the goalposts by FEET rather than INCHES (Or METRES rather than MILLIMETRES)!


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8 hours ago, webfact said:

There are also changes to business visas and extensions of stay based on people who have children or who are married to Thais.

Good or bad changes?  Responsible parents out, irresponsible parents in.  

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3 minutes ago, totally thaied up said:

Non of this makes sense but when I left the country last week, I hardly saw any foreigners on my flight - it was predominantly Chinese. I am starting to believe Thailand is being modeled now on its large neighbor and that does not bode well for us.

That looks to be the new reality for Thailand especially under military.

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7 hours ago, freedomnow said:

I'm sure they will nail the regional exeption way of 'no show money' method for marriage visas that is known soon as well. That consulate seems to be getting deluged by applicants of all sorts now as a side effect of Vientiane's online booking system being tied up by those consulate agents. Queues ere cleared there after the first hour before, just walk up to the window....not now by the looks of things.

I've just this week been there. Queues much the same as the last couple of times. As far as I could tell (from observation) the vast majority of those queing were tourist visa applicants ( young backpackers - they may have been displaced by the new Vientiane appointment syste) or newly hired teachers. Vientiane never did multiple entry O visas based on marriage anyway as I recall.

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7 minutes ago, sambum said:

Yes, but they're now moving the goalposts by FEET rather than INCHES (Or METRES rather than MILLIMETRES)!


It's called jumping hoops I've been doing it successfully for 32 years.

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8 hours ago, malagateddy said:

Surely it would be common sense to wait and see the new list of rules/regs before commenting/jumping to conclusions??
Ps..I'm a happily married man living in the Issan Province and have not encountered any " farang haters ".!!!

Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

The only Farang haters I've encountered living in Thailand for 7 years now are  Farang from here in Thailand and most from Thai Visa, I dared to make a suggestion on the Retirement visa and wow many comments received not all bad but from the Elite ( Farang not Thai )people who are above every one else here with their opinion of people struggling with the visa issue go home, get a job etc etc, My wife (Thai ) said Thai people don't care where the 20 baht comes from it's only Farang complaining about other Farang.

So yes I am Retired and living the dream.

follow the rules for a stress free life.

Rant over.

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8 hours ago, ThreeEyedRaven said:

 Judging a book by its cover I believe is the term.

Yeah, but when you open those books and find so many with crime, overstay, and phony visas -- you then know where to aim your scarce resources. Would be derelict to do otherwise. Kinda like what happened in the US, at airport security, where the human rights folks demanded that Middle Eastern young men receive no more attention than 80 year old grandmas. Ludicrous, of course. Reality oftentimes kicks a big dent in the idealism bubble. Please keep kicking, Thai Immigration.

Edited by JimGant
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1 hour ago, totally thaied up said:

What about the people married, on a pension living a easy life and cannot go home as they made Thailand their home with a family.


It has to be a two way street.

Read my further post re PR etc.

Sadly there may be 'collateral damage' .

Unfortunately there is not usually a two way street when dealing with government departments.

can you go the marriage extension route?

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8 hours ago, bluesofa said:

The introduction of Artificial Intelligence that includes ten finger fingerprinting and iris recognition technology would speed up applications and make them harder to circumvent. 

They can't even get the existing (non-existing) 90 day online report to function.


Repeatedly changing the rules only convinces me that we have no stability or entitlement here, our Visas are not worth the paper they are printed on.

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Just now, Kalasin Jo said:

Anything that actually simplifies the multitude of things we, as genuine law abiding foreigners in their country, have to do  will be welcome. At the moment it's a nightmare of different visa types, financials, extension paperwork repeated every year, ( especially for marriage extensions), arrival cards, TM 30s if you move for even 1 night from home, 90 day reporting. I can understand hotels, guesthouses, short let condo owners having to report, but home " owners" ,marital home house masters? Every time you so much as twitch? TM 30s plus 90 day reporting plus arrival card. Surely providing your permanent address and any change to that is enough? Presently a nightmare just to peaceably, legally, go about your life.

And it's so even if you've got the yellow thabian baan and pink id card, i.e. you are registered in the Thai system. Fun & games.

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4 hours ago, ThaiBunny said:

Is that what happens in your home country? USA, Australia, UK, NZ - I don't know of a single country where "foreign expats opinions or suggestions {are} taken".

On occasions, yes it does!!

If not, doesn't mean it couldn't be, does it?? 

Edited by eggers
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1 hour ago, sapson said:

Yes those favorable changes which would have encouraged tourism and relaxed the rules a little were the subject of a Thai visa Breaking News headline article back in November.............

Indeed, overlooked by me, thanks for the correction

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7 hours ago, Small Joke said:

You know this is piss in the wind the minute you see the word 'new stamps'.


Most technically advanced countries dispensed with 'stamps'.


But then again, most countries don't track visitors on Win 95


Oh well, at least he's trying...

Actually I believe they have upgrade to Win98.  Our provincial hospital has.  No doubt, very secure from hackers now. 
/extreme sarc off


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